I never thought that Master Jiang Yihong's arrangement would have changes...

I frowned, and my palms were sweating slightly.

However, does Master really have mistakes?

What he said was that he asked me to find Jiang Pan to repair my bones. If there was a replacement, would things really change?

It's just... this matter itself is a variable that leads to...

"Brother Jiang, what will happen if you fail?" I took a deep breath and asked.

"Broken bones, Juao represents longevity, intelligence, and spirituality. If the bones are broken, it means short-lived death, ignorance, stupidity, and gradual forgetfulness." Jiang Pan's expression was complicated.

He looked at me more complicatedly.

This kind of complexity made me feel uneasy for a while, as if Jiang Pan had nothing to say.

My eyelids couldn't help twitching.

I can trust Jiang Pan, but I may not trust Jiang Pan's teacher.

In addition, I worry about self-defeating.

If I let Mr. Jiang Pan change my bones, then the changes that happened to me directly destroyed Jiang Yihong's preparation for me?

Just when the thoughts in my mind were like a mess, I suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Jiang Yihong said that I will go to mourn him when I am famous in the world of yin and yang!

Doesn't it mean that you want to change my bones in the past few days?

Jiang Pan also needs time, and Yin Yang will become more proficient. Wouldn't it be safer to change his bones at that time?

As soon as I thought of this, I immediately shared my thoughts with Jiang Pan.

As a result, the complexity in Jiang Pan's eyes became more complicated. He looked deeply at my face and said, "My dear brother, I can wait, but you can't wait. I am indeed facing a hurdle in the Yang calculation of Tianyuan Xiangshu. Maybe tomorrow , may have to wait ten years to break through, before that, I am not fully sure."

"The flaws in your bones will slowly change your fate, or let your fate follow the original track."

"Once a path is too crooked, it is very difficult to have a chance to make things right. I have also seen your face in the past two days, and I know why my father asked you to come to Honghe immediately, but I have always let him down. "

At this point, Jiang Pan sighed heavily and said, "He didn't count me in."

"This..." Jiang Pan's words made my complexion change several times.

Jiang Pan added another sentence, saying: "I think you can go with me to see my teacher. He is also a highly respected gentleman, and my father also praised him full of praise."

"It's just that even if I want to see him, it's not now, because I haven't fulfilled a teacher's order that I still have to fulfill."

I was silent for a moment.

The silence lasted for half a cup of tea before I asked Jiang Pan, is the question of my appearance really urgent?So what is the urgency?

Jiang Pan exhaled foul breath, raised his hand to compare the number, it was three words.

Reminiscent of what Jiang Yihong said about my fate back then, my pupils tightened and I said, "30 years old?"

"You will take the wrong path within three years. This path cannot be changed, and your lifespan is only one year, and you may die in it at any time." Jiang Pan explained in a deep voice, telling me that if I want to change my life, I must complete it in the near future.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Pan said again: "My dear brother, I know that you are completely obedient to what your late father said, but in this matter, after all, I failed my father's expectations. The risk can be avoided."

"It's just that if you still insist on letting Brother Yu change your bones, Brother Yu will do it with all his strength."

"You rest for the night first, and give me an answer tomorrow." Jiang Pan walked up to me and patted my shoulder.

Then, Jiang Pan pushed open the door of the thatched cottage and walked into the courtyard.

The wooden door closed again, and I was the only one left in the main room.

I stood there for a long time before returning to the room with difficulty.

Lying on the wooden bed, I closed my eyes but couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

I could see what Jiang Pan meant, he really wanted to take me to his teacher.

But the problem is that I don't want to generate this variable myself.

Besides, the risk Jiang Pan mentioned is something I cannot bear...

If the bone modification fails, then I won't live long, I still have too many unfinished things to do...

Opening my eyes, I stared blankly at the beams of the thatched cottage again.

This night, it took me more than half of the night before I barely fell asleep, and it was also at the moment before I fell asleep that I decided to follow what Jiang Pan said and do it.

Jiang Pan will not harm me, I can trust him.

He also gave me this choice for safety.

The next day, just after dawn, I was woken up by a loud noise.

At this time, many people had already come outside the courtyard.

Turning over and getting out of bed, I hurried out of the room, the courtyard door had already been opened.

You can see many townspeople in the courtyard directly from the main room!

Seven or eight militiamen surrounded Zhao Guang, and Zhao Guang was tightly tied up at this moment.

Zhao Guang's face was pale, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.

His expression was distracted, he was clearly frightened out of his wits, there was a black air in the hall, and his head was still a bit sharp.

Jiang Pan stood in front of the house door.

At this time, there was another person behind Zhao Guang. That person looked dull, but he was wearing a white mourning dress.

Isn't this person Zhao Tong?However, Zhao Tong was also surrounded by several people. Although he was not tied up, it was obvious that they were blocking him.

I also saw Gou Xuan and Li Fangshu at the front of the crowd.

At this moment, Li Fangshu's eyes were full of hatred, his fists were clenched tightly, and his body was shaking.

Tang Min bowed beside Jiang Pan and said:

"Mr. Jiang, this Zhao Guang, we were so frightened that we told him everything last night that we tied him up from the ancestral hall."

"The Widow Li is really as you said. Scary is scary, but she really didn't hurt anyone. She just stood up to cheat the corpse. Zhao Guang was so scared that he peed on his pants. He recruited them all!" Tang Min looked excited and continued talking.

It turned out that when Zhao Tong became the son-in-law, Zhao Guang, who was not yet ten years old, followed his elder brother to live at his sister-in-law's house.

At that time, Zhao Tong's wife disliked Zhao Guang's idleness and beat and scolded him frequently. Later, seeing that he had gradually grown into a strong young man, she even seduced him to commit adultery.

Zhao Guang was oppressed by Zhao Tong's wife when he was young, and when he was an adult, he was even more afraid of her brutal oppression.

After that, by chance, he got together with Widow Li again, but he didn't expect that Widow Li was pregnant and came to make trouble. Zhao Tong's wife knew about it.

Zhao Tong naturally didn't know about Zhao Guang and his wife's affairs, so he wanted to settle the matter of Widow Li.

As a result, Zhao Tong's wife was jealous of Widow Li, and she insisted on Zhao Guang explaining to him that if she didn't kill Widow Li and that bastard, she would tell Zhao Tong about Zhao Guang's affair with her.

Zhao Guang was ruthless, killing Widow Li and taking the child away.

When Jiang Pan asked Tang Min to announce the murderer's surrender, Zhao Guang cried and begged Zhao Tong for help, and Zhao Tong's wife assisted him, forcing Zhao Tong to take the blame for his younger brother.

Zhao Tong was simple and honest, but he was reluctant to send his younger brother to death, so there was a scene where he took the blame for his younger brother.

With Zhao Guang's heart as a tiger and a wolf, he was actually worried that Dongchuang's incident would happen, so he didn't do anything, and he didn't stop, killing Zhao Tong's family, and then he wanted to take his children away.

At the moment when Tang Min spoke, Zhao Guang, who was kneeling, was still trembling.

But Zhao Tong, who was at the back of the crowd, knelt upright on the ground with a plop, weeping uncontrollably.

Tang Min asked in a low voice: "Mr. Jiang, Zhao Guang deserves more than his death, but should we immerse ourselves in a pig cage for disposal, or hand it over to the officials? It's up to you to decide."

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