Jiang Pan ordered again in a deep voice: "Mayor Tang, follow along. The back mountain is big, and the militia alone is not enough. Let the townspeople block all the roads in the back mountain. ” After Tang Min saluted Jiang Pan respectfully, he hurried towards the outside of the courtyard.

When Tang Min gave an order, most of the people left with him, leaving only two militiamen to guard the corpse and obey Jiang Pan's arrangement at any time.

"Mr. Jiang, why are you sure that Zhao Guang is the murderer?" It was He Zhi who asked first.

Her eyes fell on Zhao Tong's wife, and she was puzzled again: "Now that it's dawn, she hasn't stopped her troubles, and it's impossible for her to say anything."

Jiang Pan replied: "The living person talks about the living person, and the dead person talks about the dead person."

Then, Jiang Pan explained to us the face of Zhao Guang's wife in a low voice.

Among them, the traitorous mole, the Yintang mole, and the human mole are all exactly the same as what I saw just now.

Jiang Pan stretched out his hand and opened Zhao Guang's wife's eyeballs, motioning for me to come closer and take a look.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhao Guang's eyes were distracted.

Logically speaking, the pupils of a dead person's eyes are dilated, and the majority of them should be black, and the same is true for a person who bumps into a ghost.

But Zhao Guang's wife's black eyes are extremely small, only half the size of an ordinary person, but there are many whites.

In terms of appearance, this is a fierce female appearance!

Jiang Pan said in a deep voice: "The eyes are less black and more white, which is the appearance of killing a husband, and they are narrow-minded, and most of them don't obey women's ways."

"Additionally, her face is thin and her mouth is long, and her lips are full of beards. The combination of the three characteristics means that this woman must have an affair with others. There are dark spots between her eyebrows, and she is even more likely to be killed by an adulterer!"

"Zhao Tong didn't look like he was going through with Widow Li, why would he willingly confess his guilt and die? This is the first strange thing."

"Secondly, it's impossible for Zhao Tong to know that his wife Hongxing is cheating, otherwise he wouldn't let me keep my promise and give him money to support the younger family."

"The only possibility is that Zhao Tong died for his younger brother, but he doesn't know that Zhao Guang is not only related to Widow Li, but also has an affair with his own sister-in-law!"

Jiang Pan's tone was sharp and decisive.

Although there is no evidence for all these things, they are all inferences based on facial appearance and actual conditions.

I have no doubts about what Jiang Pan said.

I also admire his approach and analytical ability.

Of course, Zhao Guang needs to be arrested and interrogated severely, otherwise, his face will not be able to provide evidence, and he will not be able to obey the law.

We can only wait in the house for the result of arresting Zhao Guang.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon, and some militiamen went to get food.

After a full meal, it was another afternoon of waiting.

It was almost dusk when there were noisy voices and footsteps outside the courtyard.

The first person to enter the yard was the mayor Tang Min, and the one who was suppressed by a group of militiamen behind him was a young man who looked four or five points like Zhao Guang.

He was in his early 20s at the most, but he had a fierce look on his face, with bulging veins on his forehead, his forehead was slightly sunken and blackened, and his eyes were full of bright red bloodshots!

And his eyeballs are obviously protruding, it is this protruding eye that makes the fierce appearance a little bit higher, it is completely fierce!

A cloth ball was stuffed in his mouth, so he could only whine.

I frowned, a pimple formed between my brows.

Tang Min hurried up to Jiang Pan, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Jiang, this Zhao Guang is hard to catch. He almost ran away from the side road. Fortunately, you arranged for everyone to block the road."

"It's just that he didn't admit that he killed the man, and he didn't find the child... He said that he just didn't want to stay in Honghe Town anymore, and he wanted to go to the city to find a job."

Apparently, Tang Min and the others interrogated him once when they caught him.Jiang Pan's eyes fell on Zhao Guang, and he looked at it carefully for a long time.

Zhao Guang's eyes were more fierce, staring at Jiang Pan, his mouth was even more sobbing.

"Remove the cloth on his mouth, I want to ask him a few words." Just as Jiang Pan spoke, militiamen immediately tore off the cloth on Zhao Guang's mouth.

The next moment, Zhao Guang spit out a mouthful of saliva and spit on the ground.

I noticed that his eyes still glanced at the corpse in the house.

However, his whole face was completely indifferent.It's as if these people have nothing to do with him at all...

But how could these people have nothing to do with him?

That itself is the problem!

"You bastards, let me go quickly! I didn't kill anyone, why tie me up? I don't know what Widow Li is, what kind of child!"

"You don't have the law in your eyes? It is my brother who killed Widow Li. He has already confessed to you. Do you still want to kill me?"

"What does Widow Li have to do with you? Are you going to help her to kill someone like this?!" Zhao Guang looked annoyed, and when he said this, it seemed that everyone had an affair with Widow Li.

Tang Min pointed at Zhao Guang, and his face flushed with anger.

In the eyes of many people in the field, there is really a hint of dodge.

I immediately understood that those people whose eyes are dodging are seventy-eight out of ten people who Tang Min said were those who had an improper relationship with Widow Li...

Zhao Guang's face was full of disgust, as if he had been wronged and humiliated.

Jiang Pan walked slowly in front of Zhao Guang.

He stared deeply at Zhao Guang's face, and suddenly said: "Seeing these people die, are you indifferent at all? But ordinary people are not so indifferent, and besides you, who else would be the murderer?"

"No one else knows about this sister-in-law's love, but can you not know about it yourself?"

"Besides, Widow Li died with nothing to rest in peace. Where is that child?" Jiang Pan's calm words revealed an irresistible question.

Zhao Guang looked back at Jiang Pan coldly, pouted his neck and said, "If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse!"

"I don't even understand what you're talking about, what kind of child, what kind of widow Li. Didn't my brother have already been taken away by you?!"

"You should ask him about Widow Li's affairs."

"If there is nothing else, should you let me go? Or are you going to abuse lynching?"

I frowned even tighter, because at this moment, we really have no evidence, and everything is speculation.

Also, Zhao Guang is so confident?

Does Zhao Tong also have some problems?

At this moment, Tang Min whispered in Jiang Pan's ear, should he bring Zhao Tong over?Let the two face off.

Jiang Pan didn't answer for a while.

I lowered my head and thought about it, but felt that if Zhao Tong was recruited, there might be changes.

The next moment, Jiang Pan looked at Zhao Guang thoughtfully, as if he had noticed something.

When the two looked at each other, Zhao Guang started to sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Pan shook his head and said, "Take Zhao Guang to the ancestral hall, and then carry Widow Li's coffin over there. Tonight, everyone will sleep peacefully. When you get up tomorrow, you will see for yourself."

"Widow Li is a blood demon who doesn't harm anyone. If she makes a fuss and seeks Zhao Guang, it's natural that she has a wrongdoer and a debtor."

"If you're okay tonight, I'll let you go and apologize to you."

[The author has something to say]

Happy New Years Day!Thank you for everyone's generous rewards yesterday, let's just say, in the new year, work hard to write well!

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