Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 424 The Harmless Blood Fiend

What made me frown was not just that Uncle Li didn't tell the whole story, but also expressed two meanings.

In addition, there was Tang Min's attitude. Although Widow Li was wrong, his words were too prejudiced.

The person has been killed, but he thinks that she deserves to die?

I didn't answer Tang Min, but my eyes fell on Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan also frowned slightly, but he didn't refute anything verbally, which made me a little unhappy.

It was very difficult for me to hide this emotion, it was directly shown on my face.

I first repeated what Li Fangshu said, and finally said: "Even if this matter is indeed what you said, Mayor Tang, after all, the person who was killed was a human life, and Widow Li did not die without guilt. , Debt and repayment, this has something to do with cause and effect." Tang Min was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that I would say that directly to him.

He stomped his feet and said, "Mr. Li, you don't know how much trouble the two of them have caused the town! I can't tell you! It's all up to Mr. Jiang!" Jiang Pan cupped his fists and ignored me at all.

Jiang Pan's expression remained unchanged. He held Uncle Li in his arms with a piece of cloth over his hands, and walked into the room on the side. At the same time, he also called out to me, motioning for me to follow.

I entered the thatched hut on the side, and Jiang Pan had already put Uncle Li on a bed against the wall.

Jiang Pan turned his eyes to me again, and then sighed softly, saying: "My dear brother, words are tricky, the townspeople can hardly understand the truth, let alone cause and effect, they have their own faults, but if you want to argue about right and wrong, It will only make things more troublesome and complicated, I don't talk much, but I will get this matter done, and the townspeople will naturally follow suit, but you are going to misinterpret me."

The depth in Jiang Pan's eyes made my heart tighten even more.

I haven't said it yet...Jiang Pan has already seen it...

However, what he said really made some sense.

Obviously, that Tang Min just now not only didn't listen to me, but also didn't want to talk to me at all.

"I..." I just opened my mouth, but I haven't finished speaking yet.

Jiang Pan continued: "Don't meddle in this matter, I will handle it properly, just watch from the sidelines."

"Okay." I nodded.

Jiang Pan lowered his head, looked at Uncle Li for a moment, took out a small jade bottle from his bosom, poured out a jet-black pill, and stuffed it into Uncle Li's mouth.

After doing this, he went outside the house.

Back in the main room, Jiang Pan said: "Mayor Tang, according to what I said before, Widow Li didn't die suddenly, and her child disappeared too. Whoever did this in the town must have something to do." Bear it, let him come out by himself, otherwise, Widow Li will not be buried."

"If he is willing to subdue the law, I will pay him to take care of the young and old."

"If he doesn't come out, I'll look for it tomorrow." Jiang Pan's voice was very solemn, and he said: "Li Fangshu is also a poor child, and he steals things just to feed his stomach. I will give this child He pointed the maze and made the town clean."

Tang Min seemed convinced by Jiang Pan's words!

He immediately nodded heavily, and said: "I'll do it right away! Whoever makes trouble for the town! Let whoever solves it!"

"Otherwise, because of him alone, the town will be disturbed! How can he bear this crime?!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Min and Jiang Pan bowed their hands again and left quickly.

This scene made me stunned for a moment. Jiang Pan's method is straightforward, but it can be punished by others. How can it be so easy?

I was about to keep talking.

Jiang Pan shook his head again and said, "My dear brother, do you think that person will come out?"

I pondered for a moment, and said truthfully, people will definitely not come out to pay for their lives.

So what's the point of him saying that?

Jiang Pan's eyes fell on the direction of the coffin in the courtyard, and he replied: "Of course it is meaningful. If I want to arrest people directly, they will definitely be able to catch them. It is inevitable that they will not be cornered."

"The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit bites people in a hurry. These days, the people in Honghe are poor. The poor people are in a hurry and can do anything. This town's announcement is even more a way out for him. .”

"You can't push people into a hurry, otherwise, you will be in great trouble. Widow Li still has a child, so I don't know what's going on." Jiang Pan's words immediately shocked me.

However, what Jiang Pan said was correct.

If people are in a hurry, I am afraid that more lives will be caused.

Jiang Pan suddenly stepped into the courtyard and arrived at the front of the coffin.

I followed immediately, and He Zhi followed closely behind me.

Gou Xuan also made a gesture to follow, I signaled Gou Xuan to rest inside the room.

When he got close to the coffin, Jiang Pan said again: "My dear brother, lend me your special gloves."

I immediately took off the gray fairy gloves and handed them to Jiang Pan.

After he put it on, he pulled out the nails that He Zhi had driven in before, one by one, and explained to me at the same time:

"Although Mao Taomu said to suppress the murderous corpse, but this corpse cannot be suppressed. She has been transformed for a long time, but she just wants to find her baby, and she has not forgotten to feed Uncle Li with milk."

"There is a lot of resentment, but it is really pitiful. If you suppress her by force, it will definitely damage Yin De."

"She is a harmless blood demon."

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