No wonder Li Fangshu wanted to escape. It turned out that the people in the town said that Jiang Pan was going to burn them. He is not very old, so it is strange that he is not afraid.

"You are not sneaky, Mr. Jiang will not burn you, he will only solve your troubles." "You go back with me first." I took a deep breath and said kindly.

Li Fangshu walked out of the earth temple cautiously.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, his lips were still a little dark.

At this time, he also lost the strength to escape, and his footsteps were a little unsteady, and he almost fell to the ground.

I quickly reached out to support him.

"Uncle..." Li Fangshu called me again, he licked the corner of his mouth, and touched his stomach.

I immediately understood that he was hungry.

The corpse poison on his body should not be that serious, but he probably hasn't eaten well for a long time.

His mother was sneaky, and he drank dead milk every day to survive, otherwise, he would have starved to death long ago.

"Mr. Jiang has food at home, and I will take you to eat meat tomorrow." As soon as I finished speaking, the boy's eyes lit up.

Without further delay, I immediately led the boy back.

Gou Xuan has been following me closely, and now he looks at me with more admiration.

Not long after, we returned to Jiang Pan's doorstep.

The main room of the thatched house was lit. Except for He Zhi, I saw that Jiang Pan had already returned, and there was another person standing in the room, neatly dressed and about sixty years old.

Li Fangshu immediately hid behind me again.

He Zhi walked out of the room in surprise, and Jiang Pan also cast his gaze.

The old man in his sixties pointed at Uncle Li in surprise, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Jiang, he is such a sneaky man! Hurry up and catch him, he has to be burned!"

Jiang Pan looked at Uncle Li with deep eyes. He raised his arm and waved to me.

"Brother Yin Yang, bring him in." Li Fangshu hid behind me, but he didn't dare to move.

My eyes fell on the old man, and I frowned and said: "A well-behaved living person, what kind of sneak, this child has been frightened quite a bit, don't scare him any more."

After finishing speaking, I patted Uncle Li on the shoulder and walked towards the courtyard.

Obviously, my words reassured Li Fangshu a lot, at least he dared to follow me into the yard.

Gou Xuan also followed me into the yard, he looked at Jiang Pan, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, followed by surprise.

Jiang Pan also quickly glanced at Gou Xuan.

The old man's expression was uncertain, and he whispered something in Jiang Pan's ear.

He spoke so fast that I couldn't hear him clearly, but he looked at Li Fangshu with a look of fear all the time.

This kind of emotion doesn't seem to be fake. Could it be that Fangshu Li didn't tell me anything?

In a blink of an eye, we arrived in the main room.

Jiang Pan's eyes fell on Li Fangshu, his eyes were even more profound, he nodded and said: "No one will burn you to death, but I will bury your mother, she is already dead."

Li Fangshu's immature face suddenly showed resentment and anger.

He suddenly spit heavily towards Jiang Pan, but Jiang Pan didn't dodge, the saliva directly spit on him.

"My mother is not dead! You are just like them, you have a bad heart!"

As he said that, Uncle Li turned around and wanted to run again, but at this moment, he ran towards the coffin!

With quick eyes and quick hands, I grabbed Fangshu Li's shoulder.

Li Fangshu screamed, and he opened his mouth to bite my arm.

He Zhi reacted faster, she pulled out the mourning stick and blocked it directly in front of my arm, and Li Fangshu bit it right away.

He let out a "woo", his face full of pain.

Immediately afterwards, He Zhi turned his right hand into a knife, and knocked on the back of Li Fangshu's neck!

It was only then that I noticed that He Zhi had been on guard for a long time, and was actually wearing the gray fairy gloves I gave her earlier.

Li Fangshu let out a muffled snort, and fell limply to the ground.

I frowned tightly into a pimple.

Only then did Jiang Pan look at me, and said: "My dear brother, it seems that you have already talked with this child, and there are twists and turns in the matter, and this matter still needs to be discussed."

The old man nodded repeatedly and said to me: "Mr. Li, I am Tang Min, the mayor of Honghe. Mr. Jiang has already said that you are his good brother and a capable gentleman."

"You can't believe what Li Fangshu is saying, that little bastard."

When the words came to this point, Tang Min still had a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

Then he said: "Widow Li is extremely disorderly on weekdays. She hooked up with many men in the town and made Honghe Town a mess."

"And Li Fangshu is a little villain, his hands and feet are not clean, and he does a lot of sneaky things."

"Some time ago, Widow Li gave birth to a baby, and she didn't know which species it was. She hugged the baby and went around to ask for money and food. , daughters-in-law hang themselves!"

"The same goes for Uncle Li. When he asked for money, he said that the man went to his house. He didn't leave at night, beat his mother, robbed his child, and slandered people without blinking an eye!"

"She did this too ruthlessly and utterly, that's why she became like that. She deserves death!"

As he spoke, Tang Min pointed at the coffin, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

My face changed again, and Gou Xuan beside me also had a look of surprise and uncertainty.

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