Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 425 Tianyuan physiognomy and geography, which one is stronger?

After all the nails were pulled out, blood-red fluff gradually grew on the face of the female corpse.

The courtyard suddenly became extremely cold again.

What's even weirder is that the female corpse stood upright, and half of her body stood up again!

An inexplicable feeling of discomfort began to grow in my heart.

Two lines of blood and tears were flowing from the slightly opened eyes of the female corpse, it was really desolate and sad.

Jiang Pan and her stared at each other for a few seconds.

Suddenly, Jiang Pan said softly: "Widow Li, your life is really miserable. People in the town see you as disrespectful. I think you are struggling to survive. You just want to make ends meet and raise a child. Your newborn child, I I will get it back, Uncle Li, I will raise it for you, but your resentment cannot last forever."

"If you don't dissipate your grievances, there will be bad luck in Honghe, which will hurt the lives of an entire town."

The moment Jiang Pan finished speaking, something suddenly fell out of Widow Li's disheveled hair...

It was a small, short-edged dagger, stained with dark brown blood and many traces of rust.

He Zhi's face changed suddenly.

Jiang Pan's expression also became extremely dignified. He reached out and held Widow Li's hair on the right side, and gently brushed it away.

Under the messy hair, there is a deep bone wound...

The size of the wound was actually similar to the short-bladed dagger just now!

In fact, when the mayor Tang Min was here just now, he didn't say how Widow Li died.

Now, the cause of death is clear.

I even have a weird guess that it was because of Jiang Pan's words that Widow Li revealed the cause of her death?

Jiang Pan picked up the short-edged dagger and looked down at it for a moment.

Then, his hand stroked Widow Li's forehead.

Immediately, Widow Li closed her slightly open eyes, and fell back into the coffin with a bang!

At the same time, the blood-red fluff on Widow Li's body was slowly fading...

This scene really shocked me, and even subverted my cognition a bit.

A few words can actually dissipate Xue Fiend's resentment a lot?

Jiang Pan looked back at me, and told He Zhi and me to go back to the room to rest first, and he wanted to see the dagger, and then make a divination.

When it dawns tomorrow, if Tang Min can bring the murderer, the matter can be easily resolved. If not, he will go find it.

I didn't take a lot of rest yesterday, and I've been sleepy for a long time today.

But I still held on and didn't leave immediately, but let He Zhi go back to the house first, and then told Jiang Pan about Gou Xuan.

At this time, Gou Xuan was still in the main room, looking at us eagerly.

Similarly, I also discovered the difference between Jiang Pan and Jiang Yihong.

In other words, it is the gap between Mr. Yin and Yang!

Jiang Pan is already a well-known Mr. Yin-Yang, and I can be regarded as Mr. Yin-Yang who has just learned Yin-Yang, half a pot of water.

But even Jiang Pan, he couldn't be as foresight as Jiang Yihong and Mr. Yizhi.

Just like Gou Xuan's arrival, Jiang Pan didn't foresee it, so it's the same with my arrival.

Mr. needs to study Yin-Yang Art for many years, so that the means will become more and more sophisticated.

While I was thinking, Jiang Pan had already walked into the main room.

Gou Xuan bowed respectfully and saluted Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan said: "I will listen to my late father's entrustment. Honghe really lacks a corpse collector. You stay here for a few days, and I will arrange a place for you."

Gou Xuan's face changed slightly, and he said anxiously: "Mr. Jiang, are you refusing to accept me?"

But before the words fell, Gou Xuan's face turned even paler.

With a "boom", Gou Xuan slumped down on the ground.

He widened his eyes, looked at Jiang Pan, then at me, and said tremblingly, "Mr. Jiang? My late father? Mr. Jiang, he..."

My expression was complicated, and there was uncontrollable sadness in my eyes.

Jiang Pan closed his eyes and said: "My dear brother, you go to rest first, I will talk to Gou Xuan about this."

Pausing for a moment, I turned sideways into a room next to me.

A simple wooden bed, nothing else.

Jiang Pan's family is poor, which is completely different from Mr. Ordinary.

After lying on the bed, covered with a slightly hard bedding, I closed my eyes for a long time before I gradually felt sleepy.

I fell asleep this time, and when I woke up the next day, the sky was already bright.

I could smell the tempting aroma of food in my nostrils, and I was also hungry, so I got out of bed and hurried into the main room.

On the wooden table in the house, there was a lot of food, and Jiang Pan was sitting on one side

Gou Xuan was eating like a storm, his expression obviously improved a lot.

He Zhi was sipping porridge, and in the corner of the room, Uncle Li was wolfing down a sesame seed cake.

Seeing me entering the main room, Jiang Pan motioned for me to sit down and eat.

But I noticed that Jiang Pan was still holding a tortoise shell in his hand and was "playing".

"Brother Jiang, this Tianyuan physiognomy is based on the tortoise shell divination?" I asked subconsciously.

Jiang Pan nodded, and he held the tortoise shell in his palm.

"Tianyuan Physiognomy focuses on fate, and deduces Xiantian hexagrams from tortoise shells." Jiang Pan said calmly.

But He Zhi just raised her head, and she said in a low voice: "That day's Yuan Physiognomy, and Earth Physiognomy, which one is stronger?"

"Why didn't Mr. Jiang teach you yin and yang skills to Mr. Jiang?"

He Zhi's words made my face change slightly.

Jiang Pan's expression was also startled, and immediately, Jiang Pan's face was full of disappointment.

I have not told He Zhi about the few secrets of geography, about the birth of the next generation, the death of the previous generation, and the fact that they cannot be passed on to the family.

It's just that she shouldn't ask this question.

"He Zhi." I stopped her in a low voice, and also gave her a slightly sharp look.

He Zhi was obviously frightened by me, so he quickly lowered his head.

"Brother, those who don't know are not to blame, Miss He Zhi is young." Jiang Pan raised his hand and made a downward movement.

[The author has something to say]

Today's New Year's Eve, Luo has no other gift, and uses the fifth watch as a New Year's gift (it looks like the sixth watch, but it is actually the fifth watch, let's say it is honest.) I hope that in the new year, many book friends will be happy The tiger is powerful, and the wealth is abundant!If there are book friends who celebrate the New Year in place, Lao Luo also gives you the most sincere blessings!The daughter is picturesque, and the man has the right to collect money!Let's just say that the monthly ticket rewards on the last day should all be given to Lao Luo, right?

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