The next moment, the originally dark and gloomy night sky, the dark clouds suddenly receded, and a corner of the pale crescent moon was exposed, and the cold moonlight swayed down, just shining on my mother.

The paper wrapped around her body turned gray-black at a speed visible to the naked eye, festered into pieces, and fell off her body.

After the paper figurine Xu fell to the ground, his whole body was bent, trembling and trembling...

"Uncle Xu!"

In an instant, I realized that I was going to help the paper figurine Xu.

He Zhi called me to stop vigilantly, reminding me that it was corpse poison and told me to be careful.

I didn't touch the paper figurine Xu directly, but quickly put on the gray fairy gloves, and then reached out to help him up from the ground!

The paper figurine Xu had his eyes closed tightly, and the corners of his mouth were drawn into a line. Apart from trembling, he didn't react at all...

And his mouth gradually turned black, it was indeed poisoned by the corpse...

My eyelids jumped wildly, and I looked up at my mother's body. Under the reflection of the moonlight, her skin turned bluer, and the black on her mouth became deeper.

Although she hasn't opened her eyes yet, and the ups and downs of her chest and abdomen haven't changed, the poison directly caused the paper figurine to fall down, even with the paper tie blocking it, one can imagine how "vicious" it was .

No wonder, if Wu Xianchang wants to place her in the underground of the yin house, he still needs to kill so many living people to suppress her, and he also needs a coffin...

In this way, if I want to bring my mother back, I'm afraid I'll have to use that coffin...

Taking my mother back is tricky.

What's more troublesome is that the paper figurine Xu has been poisoned at this time...

I'll go to the paper-cutter Xu's group immediately!

Apart from frowning more tightly between his brows and trembling more painfully, he didn't wake up.

I didn't know any detoxification method, so I immediately set my sights on He Zhi.

At this time, my second uncle's expression was also full of surprise.

"Is there a way for the ghost woman to suppress the poison or detoxify it? Uncle Xu has to wake up, he should have some way." I said very fast.

He Zhi frowned, obviously thinking of a way.

After half a cup of tea, He Zhi shook his head with a pale face: "Corpse poison is difficult to detox, ghost women are only good at suppressing yin energy, or dealing with collisions, corpse poison is really powerless."

"Corpse poison is one of them. If the poisonous gas attacks the heart, we will be in big trouble. We have to leave immediately and find someone who can cure him. I don't know if Daoist Liu can do it... He hasn't come back yet." He Zhi's tone was revealing. anxious.

But the two words "attacking the heart" made my heart tremble.

I quickly found something, it was a copper coin with complicated runes and some animal patterns on it.

This is Miao Guangyang's life-saving money!

At that time, he was attacked by Mrs. He's dead body poison, and my master gave him life-saving money.

It was also because Xu Baipi stole it that Miao Guangyang ended up that way.

"Mr. Miao, I'll borrow this money." I murmured, and immediately used a fortune-telling knife to pick off a steel wire from the paper figurine Xu's body. After passing through the money, I hung it around the neck of the paper figurine Xu Then put the town life money directly on his heart.

The paper figurine Xu's body trembled.

The darkness on his face seemed to stop spreading, and the corpse poison didn't seem to continue to spread.

I didn't relax my tone. It seems that Wu Xianchang has also encountered this?

It's just that Wu Xianchang came to his senses, obviously he has some useful medicine.

Looking for someone again, it was not as fast as looking for medicine directly in the dojo where the Wu family divided Jin Zhendao.

In my thoughts, I immediately told He Zhi that I would look for medicine here. .

I was about to look for medicine, but He Zhi grabbed me and said that she had learned a lot from her grandpa to treat wounded patients since she was a child, and she would still be faster than me when she found some medicine in this dojo.

I nodded, signaling for He Zhi to go quickly.

He Zhi immediately turned around and began to look for it from the room on the west side of the dojo.

The second uncle squatted beside the paper figurine Xu, his face was tense, and he muttered in a low voice.

Basically, the paper figurine Xu was able to withstand it. If he didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but died after being infected with a little corpse poison, then his death would be too embarrassing and wronged.

After a pause, the second uncle said that the paper figurine Xu also raised an unfilial son.

We still have to see if we can find a beautiful wife and have a baby in spring, so that we can carry on the family and continue the family.

I was really depressed in my heart, but the second uncle's words made me smile wryly.

At the same time, I feel that the paper figurine Xu must have had a hard time during this time, very uncomfortable.

Looking at my mother's body again, my heart became more and more depressed.

At present, the talisman clothes on her body have not been removed, and there is no way to wake her up.

If she wakes up, should she be able to detoxify?

It's just that for me, I'm really at a loss...

I have to wait for He Zhi to find the medicine, and I will discuss it with her, or wait for Liu Tianniu to come back.

Time passed quickly, and two quarters of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

He Zhi hurried back to the yard, holding an earthen pot in her hand.

When she got close to me, she hurriedly said: "I found it in a room, which should be the room of Wu Xianchang. There are Tang suits and many paintings in it, and there is obviously nothing related to the corpse. There are prescriptions beside the earthen jar. They are some detoxifying herbs."

He Zhi opened the earthen jar, which contained some blackened Chinese medicine soup.

I immediately took the earthen jar, and carefully filled the paper figurine with medicine.

At first I poured down a lot of soup and medicine, and then I poured it down again, but it flowed directly from the mouth of the paper figurine Xu.

I just stopped and didn't continue.

After observing the paper figurine Xu for a while, what made me happy was that the blackness on the paper figurine Xu's face was slowly fading away.

My tone didn't relax completely.

Because I know that this medicine can only save life for a short time, it can make people wake up, but it can't completely undo the poison.

I told He Zhi about breaking the talisman clothes and making my mother sober.

He Zhi nodded slightly, saying that if she wanted to go to a safe and quiet place, she could do it.

This made me feel more confident.

The next time is to wait for Liu Tianniu to come back...

During this period, we also did something else, that is, He Zhi and I went to the underground yin house, carried out the coffin containing my mother, and cleaned up all the talismans on it.

The purpose of using this coffin is to isolate the poison of the corpse, not to continue to suppress my mother.

When we put the corpse into the coffin and put the lid on it, a tall figure suddenly stepped out of the main room.

Isn't this person Liu Tianniu? !

It's just that Liu Tianniu's face is obviously very ugly, and there is a rare haze in his expression.

My heart skipped a beat, I knew at a glance, I'm afraid Liu Tianniu didn't catch him?

"Daoist Liu." I walked quickly to Liu Tianniu.

Liu Tianniu hummed, his eyes fell on the paper figurine Xu, and he also glanced at all of us.

He frowned again immediately, and said, "Corpse poison?"

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