As the coffin lid was lifted, under the dim light, the object of entry was a female corpse!

My body trembled, and my eye sockets immediately became moist.

The female corpse was dressed in a yellowish white cloth, her long dark blue hair was pressed under her body, her skin was blue, and there were many lines of fluff on her face.

The delicate oval face and tightly closed eyes did not have the tranquility before.

The clothes on her body were actually painted with many runes.

These runes are complicated and special, but I can't recognize them.

But I can easily think that this must be Wu Xianchang's method to restrain my mother!

I also found that there was an astonishing blackness between my mother's lips.

It wasn't blood, but it still felt sticky!

"This... is the poison of the corpse, the poison of the green corpse..." He Zhi's tone was full of fear, and he murmured: "Is she, Wu Xianchang, who used the poison of the green corpse to fight back?"

At this moment, the paper figurine Xu also entered the house.

At this time, my attention is all on my mother, and I don't care about other things, so I will go forward and take my mother's body out.

My mother was obviously severely suppressed by Wu Xianchang. I clearly remember that when I found her last time, although she "cooperated" with the old watchman and put a lot of blood from the corpse, the chest heaving became less. .

But now, the tone between her chest and abdomen is obviously weaker!

Xu, the paper figurine, pressed my shoulder suddenly, and he said in a low voice, "Yin Yang, this is indeed green corpse poison, you should not underestimate it."

"Wu Xianchang has been searching for a solution for a long time, but I'm afraid he can't cure it. He probably thinks that after taking you down, he can subdue your mother and he will be able to detoxify."

"If it is poisoned, it will be particularly troublesome."

"She is my mother!" I said tremblingly.

Then I tried hard to break free from the paper figurine Xu.

Obviously, the paper figurine Xu was much stronger. After he pulled me away, he shook his arms, and two paper figurines sprang out from the back basket again.

Two paper bundles were inserted into the coffin, directly wrapped up my mother's body, and pulled it out.

Her body fell to the ground, standing on the ground, but her eyes were closed tightly, showing no sign of waking up.

He Zhi also came over to block me. She bit her lower lip and shook her head vigorously.

"Yinyang, your mother hasn't woken up now, it must be the corpse poison of self-protection, and you really can't touch it rashly. Let's go back to a safe place first, take off the talisman clothes on her, and then see how to settle down." He Pheasant said cautiously.

I became a little more sober, clenched my fists, and tried not to get closer to my mother.

Only at this moment did I hear intermittent sobbing in my ears, clearly a man was crying.

The paper figurine Xu didn't stop, he moved the basket to his chest and placed it on his chest, and then, with the help of the two paper pricks, he carried my mother on his back.

My complexion changed slightly, and I said in a low voice: "Uncle Xu...this..." The paper figurine Xu smiled and told me that there is no problem, he will be very careful about this corpse poison.

After speaking, he took the lead to walk outside the house.

I also walked out of the house together.

At a glance, I saw my second uncle. He had already come to his senses at this moment, and was holding the tray, weeping to his heart's content.

I pursed my lips, clenched my fists, and my nails dug into my flesh. The tingling pain in my palms numb the grief and indignation in my heart.

I didn't cry, but lowered my head, tore off a piece of Tang suit around my waist, and walked up to my second uncle.

I covered the tray with the Tang suit, and wanted to reach out to take the tray, but the second uncle held it too tightly and didn't let go at all.

"Liu Daochang went to chase them. If we can catch them, the two of them will surely die. If we can't catch them, we will find them and make them pay the price!"

"You taught me that a man bleeds but doesn't shed tears..."

After I spoke embarrassingly, the second uncle's sobs became smaller.

"After I go back, I'll invite a mortician to come and let him take care of you old man, tidy up decently, and don't be reluctant to spend money." The second uncle said with a deep throat.

I nodded solemnly, and said word by word: "We can spend as much money as we want, and let father go to the ground for peace."

The second uncle finally raised his head, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and it looked like the tears were turning into blood.

But anyway, he stopped crying and said hoarsely, "I'm holding this plate."

The second uncle insisted, so I can't say anything else.

The paper figurine Xu stepped forward to remind me and my second uncle that we have to go outside first and cannot stay here any longer.

I hesitated for a moment, originally thinking of waiting until Liu Tianniu came back, but Second Uncle and He Zhi looked very bad.

Both of them were bumped into just now, and the second uncle was restrained by Wu Xianchang and his son for a long time.

My physique is suitable for the Yin Qi in this yin house, but they are not.

At this point in my thoughts, I hurriedly nodded and said a good word, then went to quickly pick up the fixed compass, gold abacus, and other things on the ground, and put them close to my body.

I found the big black wooden box again, put it on my back, and greeted the old chicken.

As soon as the old chicken flapped its wings, it landed on the wooden box and squatted down.

At this time, Wu Xianchang's two eyeballs had disappeared.

There was still blood on the old chicken's beak, probably swallowed by it.

"You have made great contributions. The death of Luo Yinpo was one of Wu Xianchang's handwriting. He must die, and I will also give Luo Yinpo an explanation." I whispered.

The sound of flapping wings came from behind, which seemed to be the old chicken's response.

Then, I greeted He Zhi and the others, raised my legs and walked up the stairs.

After about ten minutes, we returned to the main room of the dojo.

Going out through the door in the middle, one can see the devastation inside the house at a glance.

The walls, doors, windows, and chairs of the grand master were all smashed.

A large amount of black blood almost covered the entire room.

There are still a few dead bodies on the ground...

One of them was the barefoot mother and son Sha, whose abdomen was completely torn open.The womb from before was curled up in it at the moment, and it had several mahogany swords, black peach swords, and bronze swords tied to its body!

I have seen Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan use the Sang Sang Curse a few times, and I know that these three swords are the magic weapon of the Sang Sang Curse.

Judging from this appearance, it should have been out of its wits.

A bronze sword in the shape of a willow leaf was pierced on the forehead of the female evil spirit. This is also the magic weapon I have seen Liu Tianniu use.

Under the body of the evil mother, she was actually pressing down on the ghost woman from before...

I was very terrified to see it. With Liu Tianniu, this ghost woman is still dead?

After a few more glances, I finally saw the cause of his death. It turned out to be pierced through the heart by the evil mother...

At this time, He Zhicai explained to me in a low voice, roughly speaking, when the barefoot mother and child were about to lose their souls, they forcibly brought the ghost woman to die together, and they couldn't stop them.

I'm a little bit embarrassed, that Wu Xianchang has another life, which is another way to die.

I also saw another corpse.

The body was completely black, but it seemed to have no skin, and it was nailed to a wall.

I'm afraid this is the living corpse of the plague god...

No more delays, I whispered to Second Uncle and He Zhi to go to the yard outside, so as to recover some yang energy as soon as possible, and avoid smelling the smell of corpses here.

As soon as we entered the yard, the paper figurine Xu let out a muffled snort. He actually knelt down straight to the ground, and the body of my mother he was carrying also fell directly to the ground!

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