Liu Tianniu's eyes fell on the coffin, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

My complexion changed immediately, and I vaguely blocked Liu Tianniu.

I briefly explained the process of the matter, and said that after we go back, we should be able to completely detoxify the paper figurine Xu by untying the talisman clothes on my mother's body.

And I also told Liu Tianniu that I will take care of my mother, and she is not harmful.

Only then did Liu Tianniu look a little better.

He paused for a moment, and told me that he almost overtook him.

It's just that those two attacked ordinary people on the streets of the city along the way, so that he wanted to save them before letting them escape.

When the words came to this point, Liu Tianniu's eyes became more angry and murderous.

He snorted again, and said that after he returned to the Qiang people, he would issue a strangulation order through the Liu Family Dojo, and Wu Xianchang and his disciples must be punished!

I listened, and my heart trembled again.

Looking at Liu Tianniu's tall crown and his formidable expression, he is the great elder of the Liu family, and his order must have a great effect.

The second uncle also raised his head, his eyes were a little more stern, and he said in a low voice: "Yinyang, you have to find a way to find Wu Xianchang and his son, and you can't let them escape." I nodded and said yes.

Afterwards, our group quickly left the dojo.

The carriage was still parked outside the dojo.

He Zhi, me, and my second uncle first lifted my mother's coffin to the top of the carriage and fixed it, then everyone entered the carriage one by one, and finally I drove the horse on the road.

During this journey, my body was actually extremely exhausted, but my consciousness was still very clear.

In addition to worrying about the body of the paper figurine Xu and the talisman clothes on my mother, there is also the unwillingness of Wu Xianchang to escape like this.

What's more, I thought of what Wu Xianchang said.

The big families in the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River worshiped the river god, so they would sink the pregnant mother's body into the river? !

This news is very important to me.

Because in this way, I can use this clue to find the rich family who worshiped my mother, so that I can figure out my life experience? !

Another thing is that my mother was found and my father's body was intact, but Wu Xianchang was not found.

And in a short time, it is impossible for us to find Wu Xianchang.

Then should I go to Honghe, or should I spend time with Wu Xian? !

Thinking of this, I felt uncomfortable again.

Before, I had Master’s instructions and orders to do some things, but now that he’s gone, I have to make these judgments myself...

When thinking about it, I can't feel the loss of time.

It's just that I'm exhausted, and I'm already starting to feel light-headed.

By the time they returned to Jiuhe County, Funeral Street, the sky had already pierced the night.

I asked my second uncle and Liu Tianniu to rest.

Liu Tianniu entered a room, while the second uncle went to the room where my father's coffin was placed.

I hesitated for a moment, and asked He Zhi if he could hold on, first get rid of the talisman clothes on my mother, we have to save the paper figurine Xu first.

He Zhi nodded and said no problem.

We carried the coffin into her room, and He Zhi asked me to find a clean mortuary clothing, and asked me for a pair of gray fairy gloves.

Because from what I saw just now, the gray fairy gloves can indeed isolate the corpse poison.

The family of the paper figurine Xu has a lot of burial clothes, and I found a suitable one for women.

After I sent her there, He Zhi didn't let me stay in the room. The reason was simple. She had to change my mother's burial clothes and wipe her body. It was obviously inappropriate for me to be next to her.

She also persuaded me softly, let me go to rest, I have endured for too long, and I fought with Wu Xianchang and the others, and I suffered serious injuries.

I didn't continue to insist, after leaving the room, I sent the paper figurine Xu to his room.

At this time, the blackness on Xu's face had lessened even more, and his complexion gradually resembled that of Wu Xianchang.

I gave the paper figurine some more decoction from the jar.

Then I left the room and went into my own room.

There are quite a few injuries on my body, and the Tang suit is already tattered.

After a brief change and wash, I lay on the bed.

Exhaustion has already caused my brain to throb slightly. I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly...

During this sleep, I hardly had any dreams. I just kept tossing and turning, with injuries on my body, so I couldn't sleep well.

When I got there, I fell into a deep sleep...

I don't know how long I've been asleep, when suddenly a harsh scolding came from my ear.

This tone is murderous, isn't it Liu Tianniu's voice? !

With a jolt, I turned over and jumped off the bed.

Instinctively, I rushed out of the room.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and a waning moon hung on the horizon, swaying the dim and cold moonlight.

At a glance, I saw that several doors were open!

One of them belonged to Liu Tianniu, then the paper figurine Xu, and He Zhi's room!

In addition, on a courtyard, a lot of tiles were broken, and some fragments fell on the ground.

I was startled, and walked quickly to the door of He Zhi's room.

Inside the house is a coffin, but the lid of the coffin is open at the moment...

When I looked inside, my mother's body had disappeared...

Likewise, He Zhi was nowhere to be seen.

Walking out quickly, I was in front of Liu Tianniu's gate again, but I didn't even see Liu Tianniu at a glance.

I hastily entered the paper figurine Xu's room again, and as soon as I stepped in, the paper figurine Xu who was lying on the bed coughed violently.

The next moment, he suddenly sat up from the bed!

Paper figurine Xu's face was sallow, and he looked extremely weak, but he woke up!

While I was overjoyed, there was also strong worry and uneasiness.

Because of He Zhi, my mother's body disappeared, and Liu Tianniu's voice...

what happened?

I immediately thought of it, could it be that my mother tore her talisman clothes, lost her restraint, and wanted to leave?

Liu Tianniu went after her?

As for He Zhi, she was hit by my mother before...

Thinking of this, the worry in my heart became more and more intense.

And my mother left after breaking free, although the paper figurine Xu woke up temporarily, but if she wants to get better completely, my mother has to help the paper figurine Xu.

My thoughts were only fleeting, and I walked quickly to the bedside of the paper figurine Xu.

While reaching out to support him, her tone was also hurried: "Uncle Xu, are you okay?"

The next moment, my pupils constricted.

Because there was a wound on the paper man Xu's mouth, the wound was deep enough to show flesh, and blood was flowing from the edge.

The blood that bleed was black at first, and then became a little bright red.

The paper figurine Xu was breathing heavily. He stared in the direction of the door and said suddenly, "I probably remember what happened before the coma, but I don't know after that."

"Just now, she came..."

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