"Second Uncle! Stop!" I was shocked.

Right now we are fighting to the point of murder, and if we open another door, if we open the wrong door and another murderous corpse comes out, it will be very difficult to parry!

Second Uncle got bumped right now? !

Frightened, I let out a low growl again, telling my second uncle to stop.

The second uncle didn't listen to me at all.

Even if the secret door was popped open, he stared straight into the door.

In a short time, he went straight into the hidden door!

At the same time, Liu Tianniu didn't get a pregnant woman with his fly whisk.

He Zhi's knife hit his fly whisk.

Xu, the paper figurine, used the paper tie to roll out the womb, and even put it on his shoulder.

At this moment, the paper figurine Xu's eyes have shrunk quite a bit, like an immature baby.

My heart has completely sunk.

Because I never expected that the corpse placed here by Wu Xianchang would be so fierce...

On the contrary, He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu became obstacles...

In this way, it would be better not to bring anyone at the beginning, but me and Liu Tianniu. In this way, these troubles can be avoided.

At this moment, the arena had completely stalemate, and Liu Tianniu's face sank like water.

I was even more anxious, because the second uncle entered the secret passage in the middle, and it seemed that it was correct...

However, if the second uncle went in like this, wouldn't he have to face Wu Xianchang alone?

"Liu Daochang... is there any way, hurry up..." While urging, I also picked up the gossip tiger mirror on the ground.

"It's very tricky not to hurt their lives. You go after Liu Guishou first, and I will come as soon as possible." Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice.

I glanced at He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu, and then at the secret door of the barefoot mother and child.

Even though I am anxious, I have no other choice now.

"Excuse me, Daoist Liu." I bowed slightly, turned around, and walked quickly towards the hidden door in the middle...

After a while, I entered the secret door.

This is an extremely narrow secret passage, there are candlesticks on the walls on both sides, and candles are lit in the candlesticks.

The faint candlelight, like erratic eyeballs, stared straight at me.

The second uncle had disappeared at this time.

The speed under my feet is faster...

This passage seems to be going down obliquely.

After walking forward for more than ten steps, there are steep steps going down.

At that time, I thought of a layout of a house.

The above ground is used as a Yang house, and where the vitality of the Yang house extends, a Yin house is dug deep.

When the yin and yang houses complement each other, a special balance will be achieved.

Then move the family's ancestral grave into the yin house, and it will protect the yang house more directly.

I'm afraid Wu Xianchang is using this pattern!

In this way, even if he did a lot of evil, but with the direct shelter of the ancestral grave, and this itself is an excellent feng shui place, it is difficult for retribution to fall on him.

If he makes some other layouts, he can sit back and relax...

While thinking, I walked down more than ten meters obliquely.

In front of him is a door, which is only about two people wide, and the door opening is extremely strange.

The upper door eaves and the four corners of the lower eaves have sharp bone cones, like fangs.

A strange smell is constantly wafting out from the door, and penetrates into my nostrils...

And this smell made me palpitate and flustered even more, and I wanted to hold my heart tightly.

After three or two steps, I stepped into the doorway!

The scene that catches the eye is a cramped courtyard.

The yard itself is underground, so the top of the yard is a layer of compacted soil.

The four walls are also excavated earth walls.

In front of the wall, there are many corpses standing densely, without exception, they are all official corpses wearing official uniforms and official hats!

The dark gray skin, tightly closed eyes, and slightly drooping head gave people a strong psychological oppression.

In the middle of the yard, the second uncle curled up like a shrimp, trembling and struggling in extreme pain.

A little behind is a square table case.

On the top of the table, there is a stove, which is burning blazingly, with an iron pot on it.

On top of the iron pot, there is also a tray hanging, in which is placed a mass of bloody "things".

That one glance made my eyes tear up!

And there were two people standing by the table.

One is tall and tall, wearing a plain white Tang suit. His complexion is also sallow and sickly, but he looks very elegant.

This person is about in his early 40s and still has a beard.

He has a long and narrow face, a straight nose, a high and narrow sky, a flat and small middle, and a long and narrow ground.

Dige is the position of the chin!

This face shape is literal, which indicates strong and stubborn personality, bad temper, rigid work, conceited and conceited!

In addition, his eyebrows are extremely sharp and reversed, and his cheekbones are high...

My heart sank a lot, this face is also called Dark Gold Sha, and it can often succeed in failure.

Generally, in extremely dangerous situations, he can turn the crisis into safety, and even reap benefits...

As for the other person, he is much more ordinary, with a ruddy complexion and an average appearance.

"Wu Xianchang!" My voice almost squeezed out from between my teeth.

"Hehe, Li Yinyang, what a yin-born son. I have watched you for so many years, and thought that it would be easy to get you into my pocket. Unexpectedly, you have a good chance."

"Mr. Yin Yang, you are so envious." Wu Xianchang said in a gloomy tone, but he looked quite polite on his face.

With one hand behind his back, he held a teapot in the other.

While speaking, he picked up the teapot and brought it to his lips to take a sip.

I was breathing heavily and my chest rose and fell.

"Where's my mother?" I stared at Wu Xianchang and said hoarsely.

"Your mother, I naturally let her stay in a quiet place, don't worry, I killed many people, and I will use the lives of those people to suppress her."

"When I take you in and make Yinshengzi's living corpse, you will naturally be reunited with her forever and will never be separated again." The teapot Wu Xianchang was holding suddenly paused.

I was breathing more quickly, and I stepped forward, and at the same time I drew out the divination knife in my hand.

Without saying a word, he directly slashed at Wu Xianchang's head and face!

There are only three of us in this place, and the second uncle collapsed on the ground. He has my talisman on him, so it is impossible for him to be bumped.

Wu Xianchang can either use himself and his apprentice as a medium to deal with me, or he can only fight me directly!

I think that he is sick right now, and it is absolutely impossible for him to deal with me physically!

At this kind of moment, you can only have a chance if you make a quick decision. If you hesitate a little, you might fall into his trap!

In three or two steps, I was in front of Wu Xianchang!

But at this moment, the young man next to him suddenly pushed the tray on top of the iron pot.

That pile of bloody things was about to fall into the boiling pot that was scorched by raging flames!

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