And what he said made my brain buzz even more.

Cooked my father's heart, liver, spleen and lungs? !

Sure enough, my mother has already fallen into the hands of Wu Xianchang... He even restrained my mother? !

I just felt that at this moment, a rush of hot blood rushed straight to my forehead, my eyes were red, and my breathing became extremely heavy.

Clenching my fist tightly, I stared at the beam.

"Wu Xianchang, today either you die or I die!" My tone was full of resentment!

If the voice could be transmitted through the beams of the house, Wu Xianchang must be right in front of him, maybe behind this wall!

"Yin Yang, don't be impulsive!" Another scolding came from the paper figurine Xu.

In this instant, Liu Tianniu actually walked into the secret door that was opened just now.

It's just that in the next moment, there was a muffled bang, and Liu Tianniu was ejected out!

This force is extremely strong!The clothes on Liu Tianniu's chest were damaged a lot!

My pupils constricted, and my heart was filled with astonishment.

Liu Tianniu's tyranny has always made me feel that it is impossible for any vicious corpse to target him.

Therefore, for dealing with Wu Xianchang, I always feel that I have a chance to win.

But this murderous corpse actually knocked Liu Tianniu into the air just by meeting him? !

The next moment, there was the sound of tinkling and clanging, which was like the sound of bells colliding, and it was even more strangely familiar.

Footsteps came, and a person came out from behind the secret door.

This is a man, but the clothes he is wearing are similar to the colorful costumes of the witch, and there are many bells hanging around his waist.

And on his back was a female corpse!

The female corpse was barefooted, and her feet were extremely small, more like deformed sheep's hooves...

This is clearly a female corpse with bound feet!

The female corpse raised her head in a daze, her face was covered with blood-red fluff, and her round eyes were also scarlet.

The man's chest rose and fell very smoothly, no doubt he was a living person.

It's just that there are weird runes painted on his face, dark red marks, which seem to be drawn with blood.

In a trance, I actually felt that this was a ghost woman's talisman?

He Zhi's complexion changed, and her body was also trembling: "Another usage of the five ghosts inviting souls technique is to use the ghost woman's body to directly invite the ghost's body into the coffin without making a coffin of ghost wood. After one time, the ghost woman's soul will fly away!"

"The wooden coffin of the five ghosts is a medium, and it is also a coffin for suppressing corpses. It can save the life of the ghost woman, thereby controlling the corpse and using part of its ability to thwart ghosts."

"He used his body to carry the murderous corpse. After this time, his flesh and blood festered and died, but this corpse, like a resurrected corpse, is far more ferocious than usual!" He Zhi's trembling voice was filled with deep hatred!

And I took a few more glances, and I clearly recognized it.

This person seems to be the last time I met him in Hejia Village...

Isn't it one of the ghost women who came to Hejia Village to help? !

The next moment, He Zhi suddenly put the ghost knife across her chest, and her voice trembled with hatred: "It will work only if his head is beheaded, otherwise, this vicious corpse will be extremely difficult to deal with!"

The next moment, the paper figurine Xu's arms trembled violently, and the dozen or so paper bundles were dragged by him at the same time and rushed towards the ghost woman with barefoot mother and child on her back!

In an instant, the paper wrapped the ghost woman and the barefoot mother and son Sha, and under a strong push, they wanted to push them back into the secret door just now!

The paper-wrapped corpse skin did not cover the hag's head and face.

He Zhi yelled, raised the ghost knife and slashed at his neck!

It's just that the moment He Zhi slashed with the knife, the ghost woman suddenly jumped forward stiffly, and used her back to catch He Zhi's Guillotine knife abruptly!

With a muffled sound, He Zhi slashed into it!

Dark red blood spattered out.

The ghost woman suddenly grinned and let out a piercing and sharp laugh.

It sounded like a woman's.

My complexion changed suddenly, the one that He Zhi slashed was the barefoot mother and son!

Wouldn't this cut the female corpse into a broken corpse? !

At this moment, He Zhi's body was stiff and motionless. Her forehead was sweating, and her eyes were strangely rounded...

Even the paper figurine Xu stood there blankly.

At some point, the ground was covered with bloodstains, and those bloods were spreading in the house like hands with teeth and claws.

One part is under He Zhi's feet, and the other part is already soaked in paper figurine Xu's shoes...

It was these corpse blood that made He Zhi and the paper figurine fall for it!

All this happened too fast, too fast, before I could barely react.

Liu Tianniu frowned, and he strode towards the ghost woman and the barefoot mother and child.

At the same time, he pulled out the whisk at his waist.

With a "poof", Liu Tianniu sprayed a mouthful of blood on the whisk.

He raised the whisk and used it as a pen, intending to draw on the ghost woman's head!

The ghost woman suddenly gave a cold laugh, and suddenly raised his arms, which penetrated the paper wrapping his body, and with a "slap" of both hands, they directly clamped Liu Tianniu's fly whisk.

His body trembled even more, and the position of his abdomen suddenly lifted up.

The paper tie between his waist and abdomen was also broken, and a black and red shadow just happened to be thrown from his abdomen, and hit Liu Tianniu's face door.

That black and red thing was about to hit Liu Tianniu in the face.

Liu Tianniu twisted his neck, turned his face away, and the thing fell on Liu Tianniu's shoulder!

It was actually an extremely sticky vagina, it was hanging on the edge of Liu Tianniu's shoulder, and his small hand was pressing on Liu Tianniu's shoulder.

The ghost woman slammed the floating dust, Liu Tianniu was dragged staggeringly.

Liu Tianniu's face was extremely ugly, he shouted in a low voice: "Bagua Tiger Head Mirror, suppress him!"

These words were obviously shouted at me by Liu Tianniu.

In an instant I understood.

Liu Tianniu did not kill this ghost woman.

Although he is decisive in killing and attacking, he will never kill people who have done no evil.

Otherwise, he didn't need to draw a talisman at all, and just used the sword directly, and he would definitely be able to take the life of this ghost woman.

I quickly took out the gossip tiger head mirror, quickly approached the ghost woman, and shot directly at the top of his head.

With a slap, it seemed that I used too much force, and the bridge of his nose was snapped off by me.

With a scream, white smoke crazily grew from the top of his head.

He suddenly raised one leg and kicked me hard in the stomach!

At the same time, He Zhi and Xu, the paper figurine, had their eyes wide open and their expressions were dull, as if they had lost their minds.

The paper figurine Xu pulled the steel wire, and he pulled back the remaining paper bundles, and turned towards Liu Tianniu and me!

He Zhi also swung his knife and slashed at my arm!

I can only back away.

The gossip tiger head mirror fell to the ground with a bang.

The ghost woman suddenly released her hands that were holding Fuchen, and quickly retreated into the secret door.

Liu Tianniu staggered and nearly fell down, he grabbed the womb with one hand and slammed it on the ground.

The next moment, if he shakes his hand again, the whisk will go straight up!

That posture is exactly the same as when my heart was cut off!

He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu, who had been recruited, immediately changed direction and directly attacked Liu Tianniu!

I was very anxious, but at this moment, I saw the second uncle bent over to the back of the grand teacher's chair in the middle, and pressed down the little face in the middle!

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