Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 397 Where's Your Yin Qi?

What is contained in this tray is my father's heart, liver, spleen and lungs!

My eyes widened, and I yelled: "You dare!" The divination knife in my hand didn't stop, and continued to slash at Wu Xianchang. At the same time, I suddenly raised my leg, and kicked hard at the stove!

The young man obviously didn't expect that I was kicking the stove, and he even crossed his arms to block me.

This time, he grabbed my leg in fright.

My strength is extraordinarily strong, and my speed is extraordinarily fast!

My foot landed on the stove first, and with a bang, the whole stove was kicked over by me!

The bloody "things" were all dumped on the table.

My back is full of sweat, but I am also happy!

At this time, the divination knife in my hand was about to hit Wu Xianchang.But Wu Xianchang didn't dodge in the slightest!

The hand he was carrying behind his back was pulled out suddenly, and placed across the front door!

My heart is even colder, can you block my divination knife with your hand? !

But in the next moment, the hairs all over my body suddenly stood up, with a muffled snort, I deflected the divination knife, and this blow made me slash to the ground!

The force of inertia made me stagger and nearly fall.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow above his head suddenly fell.

I raised my head quickly and wanted to draw my knife to block it, but it was obviously too late.

The young man swung a wooden stick as thick as a forearm in his hand, and slammed it towards my head!

With a bang, the wooden stick hit my head, I only felt my head buzzing, and my eyes were all black!

This strength and inertia made me roll directly to the left.

The right side of the face was in burning pain, and the right side of the head seemed to be split open.

I was shaking with pain, and felt that the vision in my right eye was blurred.

Barely holding on to get up.

The sound of hurried footsteps came, followed by Wu Xianchang and the young man again.

Wu Xianchang sent it forward with one hand, holding the thing in his hand, facing my face!

Even the young man didn't come to hold me down, and he didn't continue to whip me.

I just felt that my whole body froze suddenly, and an invisible binding force seemed to completely strangle my body!

Vision became more blurred.

What the right eye saw seemed to be blood red!

The left eye is still clear.

What Wu Xianchang was holding in his hand was the reason why I suddenly stopped the knife just now!

It was a pale jade block with a slightly carved surface, forming what looked like a head, but the whole body was only the size of a palm.

The eyes of this white jade head are inlaid with two almost shriveled black and red eyes.

Those eyeballs were distracted, but to me, it was as if my own eyeballs had been gouged out!

"Li Yinyang, do you recognize these eyes?"

"Unfilial adoptive son, how dare you act presumptuously in front of your deceased father!" Wu Xian shouted sharply, his hand moved forward even more, the white jade head almost stuck to my face!

As the distance got closer, I saw that there were countless complicated runes engraved on it.

At this time, even my left eye became red.

I really wanted to stand up and split Wu Xianchang's head with a knife.

But I still can't stand up...

It's not because I dare not stand looking into my father's eyes, but because Wu Xianchang used it to make such a thing, and the effect is too weird.

Therefore, I can only kneel, and the largest range of movement is just trembling.

"Hehe, Wu Rong, put shackles on Li Yinyang and tie him to death. I have been staring at him and Poyang Qingsha for twenty years, and Kanyang Pass let him escape. This time, he can still escape?" Wu Xianchang There was an uncontrollable joy on his face, and a smile of victory.

But his voice made my heart tremble even more.

Twenty years?

He said he had been staring at me for a long time, but he didn't expect it to be this long? !

Soon, the young man, that is, Wu Rong came to me again, holding two wooden boards in his hand.

He clamped two wooden boards directly on my head, and his hands were also clamped between the two wooden boards.

Immediately afterwards, he used another piece of chain to directly lock my hands. Similarly, he also locked the board.

This has become the kind of shackles that are given to death row prisoners.

Wu Rong stretched out his hand and grabbed the side of the shackle again, and shook it hard several times. My body was shaken and I almost fell down, but I still couldn't control my body.

After Wu Rong straightened me up, he nodded to Wu Xianchang and said, "Father, it's locked, he can't break free."

"Well, you go and release the living corpse of the God of Plague in front of you. That Taoist priest is not easy to deal with. The Taoist priest of the Liu family is very fierce. Hold him first, and I will draw out the yin energy of Li Yinyang, and then let him become a living corpse. This will make use of her mother's Poor Blue Sha, and then the Taoist priests of the Liu family will be helpless against us."

Wu Xianchang squinted his eyes slightly, and asked again.

Then Wu Rong hurried towards the exit of this cramped small courtyard, obviously going to the front to release the murderous corpse to deal with Liutianniu.

Wu Xianchang slowly wrapped the white jade head in his hand with a white cloth and put it in his pocket.

My body trembled, as if the invisible pressure around me had completely disappeared.

After regaining control of my body, I suddenly wanted to break free, but I couldn't move my hands, and the shackles around my neck were tightly bound.

I rushed over, trying to bump into Wu Xianchang, but he turned sideways and avoided me directly.

I hit a void, but because of inertia, I turned my head down again and fell straight to the ground.

This scene made me extremely embarrassed.

Wu Xianchang suddenly laughed. He laughed loudly. Although the sense of weakness became stronger, his smile became more arrogant and excited.

"Li Yinyang, I haven't even used many tricks, you are a fledgling gentleman, even if you are Mr. Yinyang, so what?"

"To tell you the truth, I really thought you wouldn't come to me. I was still thinking, in this case, I have lost too much." Wu Xianchang suddenly said quietly, "But now, everyone is happy."

Panting heavily, I staggered back to my feet from the ground.

Wait until I turn around and look at Wu Xianchang.

It was only then that I realized that Wu Xianchang looked at me with something ulterior motives.

He suddenly raised his brows, with a lot of depression between his brows, and said: "You are very angry, you are very heartbroken, and you hate me very much."

"But why, is there something wrong with you?" The next moment, Wu Xianchang's face was even more astonished, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of surprise.

He strode up to me suddenly and kicked hard on the shackles.

I leaned back directly, and fell to the ground again with a bang.

The shackles clamped my neck, and I felt that my neck was almost broken.

Fortunately, I was carrying a big black wooden box on my back, which barely made a support, otherwise my neck would definitely be broken.

Wu Xianchang's eyes widened, and he shouted in shock and anger: "Where's your Yin Qi?!"

"Yin birth? The Yin energy has dissipated?! Impossible!"

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