He Zhi held the ghost knife in one hand, and put the other hand on the mourning stick at his waist, fully alert.

Liu Tianniu, squinting his eyes slightly, stared sharply at the back of the grand master's chair.

The sight of his movements also made me vigilant.

I also turned my attention in that direction.

But there is just a wall, there is clearly no way...

I suddenly found a dozen crossbow arrows stuck on the grand master's chair.

At this moment, Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice: "There is a secret door."

My heart trembled.

The next moment, there was a loud muffled sound from behind.

I turned around suddenly, and saw that the door we came in was directly closed!

Moreover, the inner door was pitch black, and it was still somewhat damp.

Indistinctly, it seems that the wet part is a vague shadow of a human face, staring at us blankly...

Except for Liu Tianniu who didn't look back, the paper figurine Xu, Second Uncle, and He Zhi all turned their heads to look.

The three of them also had expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

Especially the second uncle, he bowed his head and cursed, and strode over directly, making a gesture to open the door.

I immediately stood in front of my second uncle and quickly said, "There is a problem with the door, second uncle, don't touch it."

The paper figurine Xu moved his forearm slightly, and under the vibration of a steel wire, a blackened paper figurine fell in front of the door.

?The paper pierced man just touched the door, and it was as strange as melting ice and snow, corroding directly...

Sweat broke out on the second uncle's forehead, and Xu, the paper figurine, also had lingering fear.

He frowned tightly, and said in a low voice: "It's corpse poison again, and this corpse poison is even more vicious. Even the skin of my black shadow can't stop it, so don't touch it." At this time, Liu Tianniu had already walked there. In front of the wall, his gaze was still scanning the wall.

I knew that Liu Tianniu was looking for the secret door. Although he was calm, he was vigilant enough and didn't raise his hand to touch it casually.

He Zhi turned to look at me and carefully asked, "What should I do?"

I took out the fixed compass on my waist and looked around the whole room.

Then I whispered cautiously: "Wu Xianchang built the entire outer courtyard of the ashram with the method of Fengshui, and all the houses in it also have their own positions. Since he relies on Fengshui to protect himself, the secret door must not be the evil one. "

"House Feng Shui is mostly related to Qimen Dunjia. In the structure of heaven, earth and man, the eight gates represent personnel affairs. If you look for Wu Xianchang, you can use the eight gates!"

I speak very fast and my thoughts are clearer.

This time, even Liu Tianniu's eyes fell on me, and his eyes obviously looked more squarely and approvingly.

The second uncle was obviously stunned for a moment, and followed closely, with a lot of relief in his eyes.

I paused for a while to observe the layout of the house. After checking the compass, I immediately pointed to the northwest, due north, and northeast!

It happened to sit north and face south, and the wall behind the grand master's chair occupied these three directions.

"Open, rest, live, it's the Sanji Gate." "The secret door is either in the center, or the corners on the left and right sides!" I spoke more cautiously, put down the fixed compass, and took out the gray fairy gloves and put them on.

The gray fairy gloves in the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng have the effect of isolating the yin energy of the corpse.

When Yinsheng touches dead corpses, it is inevitable that he will encounter some fierce corpses with corpse poison, which should also have a protective effect.

Of course, this is not mentioned in the book The Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, and I'm just speculating.

I first groped on the central wall, the most central due north position.

In a moment, I felt a slight bump...

My heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that I found the secret door at the first click? !

Under the concentrated gaze, the bulge on the wall also looks like a faint human face.

It's a chilling illusion...

Pursing my lips, I was about to press down.

Inexplicably, my heart suddenly beat violently, and that feeling revealed extremely strong palpitations.

My hands froze immediately...

Staring at the protruding human face, sweat broke out on my forehead.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with this wall?" Xu, the paper figurine behind, asked me solemnly.

There was more sweat on my forehead, and I forcibly held back the throbbing in my heart. Then I pulled my hand down, hesitated for a moment, and walked quickly to the bottom of the wall on the west side, which is where the door opens in the northwest.

Immediately afterwards, I reached out to explore again, and at the same time scanned the wall vigilantly.

After a while, I found another bump...

And the protrusion here is like a person's palm with five fingers spread out!

My face immediately changed.

There is indeed a problem!

Immediately afterwards, I went to the root of the east wall, where I also found a third protrusion, which was also a relief that looked like five fingers spread out.

My actions obviously made the rest of the people more vigilant.

Liu Tianniu suddenly said: "Li Yinyang, your speed must be faster. We came here suddenly and caught him off guard. If he realizes that he is not our opponent, he will run away."

I pursed my lips, glanced at the other two locations, and said in a hoarse voice: "There are three hidden doors. I think there is a problem. One of them must be able to find Wu Xianchang. It is the passage that the person left just now. They must be there." rear."

"The other two openings must be dangerous, sir has an instinctive sense of danger..."

"Choose one and drive it." Liu Tianniu's voice sank, and his tone became extra decisive.

"This..." There was more sweat on my forehead, and big drops rolled down.

My eyelids twitched a few times, but I didn't choose the face in the middle of the door.

Because that's the first place that made my heart palpitate.

At this time, the east corner of the wall I was facing happened to be where the Shengmen was.

Without any hesitation, I raised my hand and pressed it down!

When I pushed the five fingers of the relief, there was a muffled sound.

The wall seemed to expand organically, and with a shudder, the front wall actually started to move from right to left...

After a while, a width of about one meter was revealed, which was just enough for people to enter!

Liu Tianniu didn't stop at all, and walked forward directly.

It's just that, at an unknown location in the room, a sudden laughter came.

That sound directly formed a shadowy echo, lingering on the beam.

"The Huangkou child in Lijia Village was able to wear a Tang suit in just a few months and became a gentleman."

"You can also see my Wu Xianchang's Feng Shui layout, but you are still too tender."

"The door, you opened the wrong one. This is the murderous corpse I found ten years ago, barefoot mother and child." I suddenly raised my head and stared at the beam.

"Wu Xianchang!" My eyes were about to burst, and I let out a low growl full of murderous intent.

"Hehe, Li Yinyang, I have been watching you for a long time. I have already set up a fire to cook your father's heart, liver, spleen and lungs."

"Your mother's broken calamity green sha, I also completely calm down, after taking your life, you two will be a good pair of mother and son!"

The faint voice came again...

Only this time, Wu Xianchang's voice was obviously weak.

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