After saluting first, I opened the book of Jiang Yihong's travel notes.

After a rough look, I can roughly understand that this is recorded by Master Jiang Yihong. The places he has traveled in his life and the people he has met are more Fengshui!

The font on it is vigorous and powerful, and the content of the text is refined. After a little glance, it makes me feel like I am in that environment.

But my heart was even more sour, because after looking at it a few more times, I thought of the pair of eyes I could only see when Jiang Yihong taught me Yang Shu at the end, and also thought of Jiang Yihong's kindness and his kindness to me when I first saw him. love.

By worshiping him as my teacher, I can only get the geography geology he gave me, and he even digs bones to help me survive the catastrophe.

But I didn't show even one ounce of filial piety to him.

When the memory was triggered, I felt even more uncomfortable, and it became difficult to breathe.

Forcibly closing his eyes, he managed to hold back the soreness.

I carefully took out the cowhide bag inside my inner bag.

When I packed things just now, I had already put away two books and the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng. Now I put Jiang Yihong's Travel Notes in it too.

This is the only thought I can leave behind.

And, it also gave me a reminder and guidance.

The successors of geology and geology in the past dynasties have written a travel book, which not only records their life, but also provides a lot of experience for future generations.

If you can read those travel notes, I am afraid that you will know more Feng Shui bureaus than in the Zhai Jing!

Zhaijing is a masterpiece that gathers the overall situation of Fengshui, and various Fengshui bureaus, even if they cannot be recorded in Zhaijing, can be written into travel notes, they will definitely not be bad, and they will give me more experience!

Thinking back to Xuanhu Town, the Fengshui bureau of Sanyang Zhishui, and even Wu Xianchang changing my home's Fengshui, I have a thought, and I have to record these things.

After leaving this room, He Zhi was already waiting in the yard.

Liu Tianniu was in the corner of the yard, smoothing the hair on the top of Lao Huang's head.

I first went to the front of the mourning hall and lit another stick of incense for Master.

After whispering to him that I was leaving, I thought of one thing.

I turned my head and told Liu Tianniu that they had to wait for me for a while, and I still had to go to Gou's house.

I didn't hide anything, and I just said the reason, the master's coffin is here, there must be someone to clean the courtyard for a long time, burn incense and paper every day, otherwise it will be too lonely and deserted.

Liu Tianniu didn't look back, and said calmly: "Many people are waiting for you outside."

I froze for a moment, He Zhi also looked at me, she nodded slightly and said: "Actually, they have been guarding outside for a long time, they should all be from the Gou family." I understood immediately.

They are waiting for me.

In fact, since the last incident, the Gou family will no longer receive the protection of Di Xianglu.

Even if they came to Jiuhe County to find me this time, it was just to repay Jiang Yihong's affection.

It goes without saying that they waited for me.

Going straight to the courtyard door, I pushed the door and walked out.

There were many people sitting on the street outside Dixiang Hut!

These people, without exception, were all wearing green hemp gowns, and all of them were corpse hunters.

And the first one is that Gou Lu, not the Gou Qian, the Patriarch of the Gou Family, as I expected.

I frowned slightly, then shook my head slightly.

No matter what the reason is, whether it's your figure, or something else, if Gou Qian is here today, I will ask the Gou family to arrange manpower to come to Xianglu every day to clean and guard. Correspondingly, I will also reward the Gou family accordingly , For example, promise them to order a house, or do a Feng Shui survey.

It's just that before Gou Qian arrived, the opportunity for the Gou family was gone.

In my thoughts, Gou Lv quickly walked up to me.

He glanced behind me nervously, his body froze.

Gou Lu's tone was complicated, and he said in a low voice: "Mr. Li's condolences." The rest of the people were also staring at the gate with complicated expressions.

I can see clearly that the master helped the Gou family a lot before, and besides the financial power of the Gou family, these corpse hunters also benefited a lot, not everyone is like Gou Qian.

Just like Gou Xuan, he respects my master very much.

"You have waited here for many days. I can see your respect for Master. I am not an unkind person, and I will not hold grudges. The Gou family's affairs are the Gou family's affairs. Now I don't regard you as the Gou family."

I looked at Gou Lu solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "During the time I'm away, if you can help me look after the house, I will help you make a divination when the time is right, and I won't treat you badly."

Gou Lu's body trembled slightly, and there were many surprises in his eyes.

The rest of the corpse hunters immediately showed envious expressions.

"Mr. Li... Actually, the Patriarch... If you are willing to go." Gou Lv wanted to speak again.

I directly interrupted his words, and calmly said: "At this time, I regard you as Gou Xuan's brother. As I said just now, I don't regard you as Gou's family. So, if you go to Gou's family, don't talk about it."

Gou Lv smiled wryly and said no more.

I glanced at the rest of the corpse hunters again, I let out a long breath, and continued: "I am also a corpse hunter, and everyone is of the same origin. If you don't treat Gou Lu badly, you will naturally not treat everyone badly. Yin and Yang come first. Thank you all."

After speaking, I cupped my fists and bowed to salute.

The expressions of the rest of them were filled with joy and solemnity!

At the last moment, Gou Lv asked me in a low voice if I knew where Gou Xuan had gone?

His words, on the contrary, stumped me.

Shaking my head, I first said that I didn't know, and then I told him that since my master arranged Gou Xuan's whereabouts, there must be some intentions, so they shouldn't worry.

Gou Lv then nodded.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone in the distance looking at me from time to time, looking very hesitant.

I looked intently, and saw the foreigner's car, as well as the driver.

I waved to him, and he ran over quickly.

When he got close, I told him to get ready, and we will return to Jiuhe County immediately.

He nodded immediately, with an excited look on his face.

I briefly explained some things to Gou Lv, and told him again and again to guard the house, so I was ready to leave.

However, there was a small episode, that is, Liu Tianniu did not take Lao Huang away.

According to his words, Lao Huang is spiritual, and staying in the local Xianglu is also a guarantee.

And his hexagram has already indicated that Lao Huang can no longer follow him, otherwise it will be dangerous.

I don't know how much of it is, but I feel a little grateful to Liu Tianniu.

After all, Lao Huang stayed, which really made me feel more at ease.

After we left Tang Town, we headed straight for Jiuhe County to return.

During the journey, I kept thinking about what Jiang Yihong said to me.

I carefully put the jade box he gave me in the inner pocket on my chest.

Sitting in the back of the car, there is a mirror in front, and I can see my face when I look up.

And, I saw my own eyes!

I had never noticed anything unusual about my eyes before.

And now after studying bone physiognomy, I realized that my pupils are completely different from ordinary people!

Master's words are still a lot more euphemistic...

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