"Eating and eating, use the prison." "Ninth day of the ninth day: the school kills the toe, there is no blame."

"Six Two: Eat the skin and destroy the nose, there is no blame.

"Six Three: Eat bacon, encounter poison, be stingy, no blame."

"Ninth Fourth: Swallow stems and get golden arrows. Li Jianzhen, auspicious.

"Six five, eat dried meat, get gold, chastity, no blame."

"Shangjiu, He Xiao puts out his ears, it's fierce!"

I repeated the hexagram, and then said to Liu Tianniu: "This hexagram says that Liu Huayan will be the one who will be punished. The first two lines are all normal, but there is a problem in the third line." , she will not be upright enough, so that she will suffer disasters. But when it comes to the ninth line, she will be upright again, and when it comes to the ninth line, she will stick to her heart and be in awe."

"The previous hexagrams are all tempering her, and the last line is the source of danger. He Xiao's ears are closed, which means that the ears are covered by shackles, so they don't listen to other people's advice."

Although Liu Tianniu's brows were furrowed at the beginning, his expression quickly recovered, and he even nodded in satisfaction.

But when I finished this last line, his expression became extremely dignified.

"What do you mean, after Huayan's Dao heart is stabilized, he will be stubborn? So that something happens?" Liu Tianniu asked cautiously.

I didn't answer right away, but after thinking about it for a while, I said, "Maybe...it's not like this."

"Maybe it's that matter, she thinks it's right, the person in charge uses the shackles, and she puts the shackles over her ears because she doesn't want to listen to everyone."

I explained to Liu Tianniu again.

Looking down at the beads on the golden abacus, I was also deducing in my mind.

According to the hexagram, since it is fierce, it means that Liu Huayan's persistence was wrong, and she made a mistake herself.

Put this last line out of chaos, and without that He Xiao Mier, Liu Huayan will have no hidden dangers of this matter!

My finger landed on the last row of beads!I want to move it a bit.

It's just that I didn't expect that the abacus, which was flexible a moment ago, is extremely firm at this moment. I didn't even move it this time!

I snorted, and my fingers tingled even more!It's like being pierced by a wooden thorn.

But I didn't stop.

Because I have an intuition that once I stop, it will be a failure to set things right anyway.

I will never have another chance!

The next time I set things right, that's when I seal up the last hexagram!

Originally it was the index finger that moved the beads, and my middle finger was also on top of it, and my thumb pressed down at the same time, forcing the beads to move upwards.

Seeing that I felt the beads start to move.

But at this moment, there was a sudden clicking sound.

The wooden table under the abacus unexpectedly broke a leg of the table, and the table suddenly tilted!

I just pinched an abacus, how can I hold the golden abacus? !

The whole abacus fell right out of my fingers.

With a soft snap, the abacus fell to the ground.

The strange thing is that the hexagram on it has not changed at all...

It's still still shaking with fire and thunder!

My face became extremely ugly, and my heartbeat suddenly dropped half a beat.

The slightly trembling index finger, the tingling has not dissipated.

I was trying to set things right, but I was interrupted by this wooden table with a broken leg...

But in other words, that is the fate, Liu Huayan's fate, I can't change it!

Liu Tianniu's expression was also very serious, he frowned, stared at the golden abacus on the ground, and then his eyes fell on me.

I was stiff for a long time before I shook my head and told Liu Tianniu that the hexagram cannot be changed.

Liu Huayan's fate is like this, I want to set things right and suffer the backlash, but in the end the table leg is broken.

And I also explained clearly to Liu Tianniu that ordering the chaos can't be interrupted anyway, and it's over when it stops. In addition, I also told him the saying about fate.

At the end, I told Liu Tianniu that if I see Liu Huayan next time, I can feel her bones and tell her a fortune.

See if there is a way to circumvent it from elsewhere.

Liu Tianniu didn't speak, he closed his eyes for a long time, his brows furrowed and then slowly relaxed.

"Since fate is like this, then this is also Huayan's catastrophe. In this hexagram, there is no mention of what happened to her in the clan? Can it be changed? At least let Huayan stay in the clan for a long time, not for a while." After the time has passed, I have to leave." Liu Tianniu spoke again.

I nodded and said: "If it's not in the hexagram, it's not that serious. Maybe it's not an innate destiny. The next time I see her, I'll know."

Liu Tianniu hummed, and said: "Then I'll trouble you again. See if you want to stay in the Dixiang Hut for a few more days. If not, we'll go back to Jiuhe County."

Hearing the three words of Jiuhe County, I clenched my fists involuntarily.

Bending down to pick up the golden abacus, I put it into a long wooden box and hung it on my waist.

He Zhi stepped forward quickly, straightened the table, picked up the broken leg, and immediately went to other places to get tools to repair the table.

A normal Xianglu doesn't have those tools, so I immediately thought, I'm afraid the coffin outside should be made by He Zhi?

"How long have I been in a coma?" I asked Liu Tianniu.

"Seven days." Liu Tianniu replied.

My heart sank again, it has already been seven days...

Including the Xianglu where we came back, and my study of bone physiognomy, more than a month has passed...

"I have memorized everything Master said, and I will learn everything I can learn now. After such a long time, I don't know what Wu Xianchang has done to my mother. When He Zhi finishes mending the table legs, we will return to Jiuhe county." I spoke very quickly to Liu Tianniu.

Liu Tianniu nodded, and he told me that the foreigner's car had not been driven away when we came.

His eyes fell on He Zhi, and he continued, He Zhi kept the man and gave him a sum of money.

He Zhi was serious about mending the legs of the table, and didn't turn around to speak.

I am sure, and there is some joy in my eyes.

This is great news!

If there is no foreigner's car, it would take less than half a month for us to rush back, and now it only takes four days to return!

Without disturbing He Zhi, I asked Liu Tianniu to wait for me for a while, and I first carried the big black wooden box in the corner of the main room on my back.

Then I went to the garden in the yard and found the old chicken. It was full of spirituality, so it jumped directly on top of the box and remained motionless.

I went to another room and looked around at the things inside.

Now that the master has passed away, I have to take good care of the geography house, and I have to use it well.

Similarly, I also want to see if there is something I can get used to.

After searching around, I found the most collections of books. There was a room full of books, and a cabinet full of manuscripts.

On the outermost letter, I saw Jiang Yihong's travel notes written on it!

And the rest of the manuscripts have different names.

I compared the words on the back of Ding Compass, and realized that these names are all descendants of Ding Compass!

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