Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 390 Nose Collapsed, Separation of Flesh and Flesh

One white eye and three white eyes represent more than just those few words.

I couldn't help being more cautious. Thinking of the time when I was sucked into Yang Qi and my personality changed drastically, I'm afraid I will have to be more careful in the future.

If possible, I have to find a way to see if I can cure this problem.

In addition, I also thought of one thing, that is, the life experience foreshadowed by a glance...

Born into a wealthy family...

My mother, is it some powerful person?

The old watchman mentioned this question about his life experience, and I was still thinking about my second uncle, maybe he would know something about it.

It's just that I came to Tang Town in a hurry this time, and I didn't have time to ask him more.

This time, after Wu Xianchang is dealt with and my mother is brought out, I must also ask my second uncle.

This is one of them, if you can get some information from my mother, it will be more direct than the old watchman!

At this point in my thoughts, I closed my eyes and calmed down quietly.

The time spent on the road is extremely boring, even if it is four days, I am also in a state of confusion.

During this period, He Zhi kept turning his head to look at me for a while from time to time, with worry in his eyes.

I always respond to her with a reassuring look every time.

This time the return journey was faster than the previous trip to Tang Town.

According to the driver who drove the car, there were fewer people in the car, so naturally it must be faster, and he is more familiar with the road.

In about three and a half days, we returned to Jiuhe County.

After the car sent us to Funeral Street, the driver left and went back to Huo's family to report.

After knocking on the door of the paper-making shop, the door was opened after a while.

The person who opened the door was the paper figurine Xu.

It's just that the paper figurine Xu's eyes are obviously tired at this time, as if he has aged a lot.

When I saw it, my body stiffened slightly.

In the past, when I saw Xu's face on paper, I only thought he looked gloomy.

At this time, it is not the case.

In other words, the face of the paper figurine Xu has changed!

Originally, although his face was thin, his facial features were normal, but now the sides of his nose are sunken together.

This depression is so obvious that it can almost be regarded as a collapse!

The nose is the pillar of the human face and belongs to Zhongyue among the five mountains.

If the nose collapses in two places, the flesh and blood are doomed to be separated!

"Uncle" I just started to choke, and I didn't know what to say for a moment.

Recalling the day when I left, the two slaps Xu Changlin gave Xu Changlin with the paper figurine, and the look in Xu Changlin's eyes...

My complexion became more complicated, and I stared blankly at the eyes of the paper figurine Xu.

Xu Xian, the paper figurine, showed a forced smile, even with joy in his tone, and said it was great, Yin Yang, you are back.

But in the next moment, his eyes also became dull, as if he became slow after being seen through by my eyes.

The next moment, paper figurine Xu's forehead was covered with sweat, even instinctively, his eyes were dodging.

After a while, Xu Cai, the paper figurine, said, "Yin Yang, you go into the house. During the time you left, I checked a lot of things in Wang County, and the Huo family also helped a lot. Wu Xianzhang is indeed still in Wang County, and he is not enough. For fear!"

I hummed, nodded, didn't say much, and followed the paper figurine into the paper shop.

He Zhi and Liu Tianniu followed behind me.

When I arrived in the courtyard, I saw my second uncle at a glance. He was standing in front of the room where my father's coffin was placed, leaning against the door, holding a bottle of Laobaigan, taking a sip from time to time.

I raised my eyes and looked at my second uncle, and my heart trembled.

The second uncle's gaze was fixed for a moment, but then became cloudy again, and he didn't even get up to greet me.

I know very well that the second uncle saw my father being treated so cruelly with his own eyes, and it was a great blow to him.

If Wu Xianchang can't be solved, I'm afraid it's impossible to untie his knot!

The paper figurine stopped, turned around and was about to speak.

Even though I was anxious about Wu Xianchang, I still asked in a low voice: "Uncle Xu, Brother Changlin, you should not be in Jiuhe County anymore."

The paper figurine Xu's body froze again, he looked at me with a bit of surprise, but even more, he was still relieved.

"When I looked at you earlier, I thought that you might have seen through Uncle Xu. Unexpectedly, you actually said right, Yin Yang, you really became a gentleman. Uncle Xu is really happy from the bottom of his heart!" Paper figurine Xu Zhongzhong Patted me on the shoulder.

But soon, disappointment and complexity appeared in his eyes.

"The son I taught, I know that Chang Lin is usually amiable, but his heart is ruthless. Rao is my father, he can show his murderous intentions. He escaped secretly some time ago, which made me relax. Tone."

"If he wants to fight me desperately, or even kill me, that's something I can't face."

What the paper figurine Xu said was so blunt that I didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

At this time, Liu Tianniu suddenly said: "Paper man Xu, you are a person who can distinguish right from wrong and know the general situation. I have watched you for a long time, and I think it is okay. If your unfilial son comes back, I will detain him." , send it to the Liu family of my Qiang tribe, and I will have someone discipline you well, among the rules, seniority and inferiority are the strictest."

The paper figurine Xu smiled wryly, cupped his hands at Liu Tianniu, and said, "Thank you, Daoist Liu first."

Afterwards, the paper figurine Xu stopped talking about this matter, but started to talk about the information about Wang County that he had investigated.

I concentrated my mind and listened carefully to what he said.

According to Xu, the paper figurine, for more than a month, when we left here, Wu Xianchang was collecting medicinal materials, and even sought help from Taoist priests in the ashram.

In addition, people in Wang County began to disappear continuously.

At first, some old people were missing, then young men, and finally, pregnant women began to disappear.

This incident caused panic in the entire Wang County.

Even the surrounding counties are in danger.

Of course, those people didn't know that it was Wu Xianchang who caused the trouble.

As for Wu Xianchang, he asked his disciples to send a message that they went to Taoist priests to solve this problem.

After a pause for a while, the paper figurine Xu continued: "I suspect that your mother must have done something to him. Your mother is fierce enough, a living corpse, and will not die. He never caught you, so even if he takes your mother away by chance, , I can’t control it, and I’ve been bitten back.”

"He took those living people away, most likely to deal with your mother..."

My heart sank more and more, and beads of sweat rolled down my forehead.

If Wu Xianchang played with these people and let my mother take their lives, then this matter will hurt my mother!

In Liu Tianniu's eyes, murderous intent spewed out!

"What a vicious person, his life is at an end!" Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the second uncle finally stood up, holding the divination knife on his waist, and walked towards us unsteadily...

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