Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 38 She is like this, she is going to be dipped in a pig cage!

My complexion changed drastically.

This woman actually melted away on board the boat? !

And this black fluff is too frightening, before Cao Yonggui's wife Tang Xiuxiu turned into a Sha, she was just a Bai Sha with white fluff!

This death turned into Heisha directly!

How could my second uncle and I be able to resist this kind of ferocity!

I suddenly pulled out the divination knife from my waist, looked towards the stern of the boat in surprise, and was about to call my second uncle over.

The second uncle's reaction was obviously not slow. Before I could speak, he was already striding towards the middle of the boat in surprise.

"I am Liu Guishou, the corpse hunter! The one who rescued you is Li Yinyang, the corpse hunter! Today we are here to avenge you! If you want to harm us, you will die!" The second uncle's voice was extremely fierce , almost piercing the night sky.

The surface of the water seemed to vibrate because of his voice.

The black fluff on the dead body grew faster, and the air was filled with extreme coldness and unspeakable depression.

Her entire face seemed to be completely covered by black fluff.

"Fuck!" The second uncle sternly cursed, and even more sternly said: "Yin Yang, give her a nail!"

I was so shocked right now, I didn't know what to do.

The second uncle's words immediately gave me the backbone, and I immediately poked my hand towards my waist, and found a black wooden nail from the cloth bag containing the other small items of the corpse hunter!

This wooden nail is also one of the utensils that the corpse hunter can suppress the corpse on the boat!

I raised my hand and slapped the top of Sidao's head fiercely!

But just at this moment, a heavy oppressive feeling suddenly appeared beside him!

That feeling came very suddenly, and it was extremely shocking.

The speed of my attack was halted because of this, and the next moment, a sudden sharp pain came from my wrist.

I realized it instantly, but I don't know when Lu Xiaoqin came to my side,

She grabbed my wrist with her right hand, and her fingernails almost sank into my flesh!

Moreover, she tilted her head slightly and stared at me blankly, that look was even more weird, it didn't look like a living person's complexion or appearance!

"Lu Xiaoqin... what are you doing?!" I shouted in surprise.

But she didn't pay attention to me at all, but she grabbed my hand even tighter and with greater strength, and I felt like my wrist was about to break off...

At the same time, her other hand was pushing toward my chest, as if she was trying to push me into the river!

"You all deserve to die for helping him!" Suddenly, Lu Xiaoqin uttered a few words, and the voice was even more venomous.

I was terrified and understood immediately.

Lu Xiaoqin!This is a hit!

Moreover, it was this Sui who was turning black and fell to death!

Where did I dare to stop, I suddenly wanted to break free from my right hand, and then blocked Lu Xiaoqin's left hand with my left hand.

It's just that my strength is not as strong as a bumpy person.

She also grabbed my wrist with her left hand and fell down.

My whole body is about to be crushed down!

It looks like it's about to fall into the river!

All this happened so fast, in the blink of an eye.

The second uncle rushed to Lu Xiaoqin's back, grabbed her by the shoulders, and pulled her back.

Then he slapped that dead man on the forehead with his left hand!

I only heard a soft click, and when the second uncle raised his hand, half a black wooden nail was slapped in between the dead eyebrows.

Lu Xiaoqin, who was holding my hands, suddenly lost a lot of strength, which made me break free suddenly.

Unsteady on my feet, I staggered and fell to the edge of the boat. I almost fell into the water again.

And Lu Xiaoqin's head suddenly drooped, as if he had lost all consciousness and reaction.

The second uncle let go of his hand, but Lu Xiaoqin still stood there, motionless.

My heart was beating so hard that it almost jumped out of my throat.

The second uncle's face was as heavy as water, he stepped to the front of the dead face, stared at the face of the dead face, without saying a word or doing anything else.

"Second Uncle... How to solve it... Isn't it a grievance? She won't let it go?"

"There is too much resentment, and Hua Heisha's death is even rarer. It stands to reason that it will still harm people after Wang Xue's death, but if there is a corpse hunter to give an explanation, it should not be so fierce. ..." The second uncle frowned even more.

He suddenly turned his head, looked at Lu Xiaoqin, and said: "She didn't tell the truth, she must know something. Otherwise, it won't look like the resentment has not dissipated at all, let alone hit her!" Suddenly , a slight chi chi sound came.

Shocked, I immediately turned around to take a look.

The black nail on the forehead, which had fallen dead, started to pop up!

Especially at the wound site, more black fluff grew.

"Second Uncle..." The voice I squeezed out of my teeth.

The second uncle was also sweating on his forehead, he suddenly raised his hand, and slapped it on Lu Xiaoqin's face!

Pop, pop, three slaps!

Lu Xiaoqin, who was silent at first, suddenly groaned in pain and covered her face.

She raised her head blankly, her eyes even more misty.

But soon, she came to her senses, covered her face in pain, and looked at the dead man with unspeakable fear in her eyes.

Looking at the second uncle again, he was even more panicked: "Liu...Mr. Liu, why didn't you get rid of her..."

"Get rid of it?" The second uncle squinted his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Hua Heisha is dead, you want me to get rid of it? I'm afraid the ghost woman is here, and I'm not capable enough! Lu Xiaoqin, if you don't kill what you did Things, and things you know, tell me, I can't save you, I have to run for my life with Yin Yang."

Lu Xiaoqin's expression froze immediately, and her expression was even more uneasy, she said unnaturally: "Mr. Killed my son, and killed my man...I..."

The second uncle's face became even colder, and he suddenly said: "Yin Yang, she refuses to talk, don't waste time, push her into the water, and then push death back, let's go

! "My complexion changed slightly. When the second uncle glanced at me, he frowned and raised his chin slightly.

I knew immediately that the second uncle was reminding me.

Without hesitation, I came directly behind Lu Xiaoqin, raised my hand and pushed towards her back.

Lu Xiaoqin, who hadn't bumped at the moment, was extremely easy to push over. She staggered and fell directly to the edge of the boat.

The next moment, she grabbed the edge of the boat in panic.

She turned her head, obviously still panicking to explain.

I ignored her, grabbed the clothes on her shoulders again, and pushed them down.

"If you don't die, we will die. If you don't tell the truth, you will drag us down. You should go on the road first!" The second uncle's tone was already emotionless.

"Say...I'll say! Don't hurt me!" Lu Xiaoqin almost cried out this sentence, and she was obviously completely frightened... and she was on the verge of a critical point of fear.

The second uncle glanced at me again, raised his hand and made a stop movement, and the strength in my hand relaxed.

"Hurry up." He frowned and urged Lu Xiaoqin.

Lu Xiaoqin leaned feebly against the edge of the boat, her hands hugged her knees tightly, and she turned her head to look at the dead man again, the emotions in her eyes became extraordinarily complicated.

Mixed with hatred, shame, but also fear and anxiety.

"Her name is Su Susu, and she is a substitute teacher hired by my son's school." "She hooked up with my man, Wang Xue!" Lu Xiaoqin said almost gnashing her teeth.

The moment her voice fell, suddenly, more and more of the black nails that were stuck between the eyebrows were squeezed out, almost falling out completely.

The second uncle suddenly interrupted Lu Xiaoqin, saying: "If you don't tell the truth, if you still lie, her nails will be squeezed out immediately, and then you will have no chance to tell the truth, and we don't want to hear it anymore."

My heart skipped a beat.

Lu Xiaoqin is still lying?How did the second uncle find out?

I couldn't restrain the uneasiness in my heart, I turned my head and glanced at the dead man.

At this moment, the dead eyes seem to be opened...

Lu Xiaoqin's face suddenly turned green and red, she pursed her lips, and her forehead was sweating even more.

"Keep your eyes open when you die, even if you die wronged, you will be beaten up. Don't think that a dead person won't speak. When she opens her eyes and speaks later, she will take your life! Don't waste this opportunity." The second uncle was cold again He scolded loudly.

Lu Xiaoqin's expression froze suddenly, she pursed her lips and kept trembling.

After a while, she said with almost no confidence: " my man's student..."

The second uncle didn't speak again.

Lu Xiaoqin seemed to have lost all her strength, her eyes became much darker, and she turned to look at the shore.

After another moment of silence, she said with difficulty: "My man works as a teacher in a university in the provincial capital. She took my man's class and fell in love with him."

"Then she went to Jiuhe County and found out where my son was studying in elementary school, so she became a teacher there and got involved with Wang Xue."

'" She seduced Wang Xue, and Wang Xue didn't come home anymore. Seeing that our family was about to break up, I invited her here in the name of Wang Xue, and invited a few ruffians to take her away. thrown into the river..."

I originally thought that Lu Xiaoqin would tell some inside stories about Wang Xue's harm, but I didn't expect that what she said would not stop shocking people!

The next moment, Lu Xiaoqin suddenly raised her head, her eyes were so red that they were about to pop out, her voice became extremely sharp.

"Why can she seduce men! Why does she want to destroy our family! She is a vixen and deserves to die! In the past, this kind of woman was always going to be immersed in a pig cage! I let people drown her, am I wrong?!"

"She has such a vicious heart. She obviously doesn't do human affairs. After she dies, she will kill my son and Wang Xue!"

"You beat her to ashes! I have money! Wang Xue kept a lot of money! And my family has opened many shops in the provincial capital! I can afford you money!"

"I want you to chop her up and throw her down to feed the fish!" Lu Xiaoqin's voice almost broke!

She also stood up abruptly, staring straight at me and my second uncle while pointing at the dead man.

It's just that there was another scoff, and all the nails that were stuck between the eyebrows fell out.

A pool of dark blood emerged from between her eyebrows, just split into two streams, and flowed into her eyebrows.

Then it penetrates from the eyebrows into the eyeballs.

Two lines of blood and tears rolled down her eyes...

Suddenly Lu Xiaoqin's body froze again, she became very sluggish, raised her hand, but slapped herself in the face.

While fanning, she also cried mournfully.

Not to mention how sad and desolate that voice was, how could it be Lu Xiaoqin's voice?

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