I looked at the dead man in amazement, and pulled out the divination knife from my waist.

The second uncle has already raised the divination knife to his chest, obviously ready to do it at any time.

"This Lu Xiaoqin... no wonder this death is so fierce, she is the right person to find... Wang Xue is just an appetizer." The second uncle was puzzled, his eyes flickering with emotion, obviously thinking about countermeasures quickly.

But he didn't continue to move when he died, and our boat didn't shake like it did when we went to salvage Cao Yonggui's wife.

Lu Xiaoqin was crying, and she suddenly stood up.

After sobbing again for a while, she suddenly murmured in a low voice: "You two corpse hunters, you don't accept your injustice, and you don't save people, what kind of corpse hunters are you? You might as well die." The strange The woman's voice was extraordinarily cold and dead silent.

Suddenly there was a slight creaking sound from the boat.

That sound is too clear!

I subconsciously looked at Lu Xiaoqin's feet. She was impartial, and accidentally stepped on the position where the second uncle repaired the boat just now.

And at this moment, the wooden board that was filled by the second uncle cracked again... water was seeping into it.

According to this situation, our ship will sink soon!

"Second Uncle!" There was sweat on his forehead, and the voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

Now it's obvious, this death is not only to kill Lu Xiaoqin, but also to blame my second uncle and I for not helping her, and to kill the two of us together!

If we don't fight with her right now, but when we get into the water later, it is impossible for the two of us to fight a dead Heisha corpse.

The second uncle's face also completely darkened.

He suddenly raised his leg and rushed towards the corpse!

He is not slow, it can be said that Ling Lie is fast.

But at this stall, Lu Xiaoqin suddenly raised her arms and stabbed her second uncle's neck!

Lu Xiaoqin was in the middle of the boat, and my second uncle had to pass her by if he wanted to go there.

The second uncle suddenly leaned back, avoiding Lu Xiaoqin's hand.

But Lu Xiaoqinhe suddenly fell down heavily for no reason, this is not an action that a normal person can make at all...

It's just that, now that Lu Xiaoqin has been bumped into, how can she be a normal person! ?

The second uncle's backward leaning was originally a flat bridge movement, but when Lu Xiaoqin pressed down, he directly crushed the second uncle...

"Fuck..." Second Uncle cursed and was about to turn over immediately.

After Lu Xiaoqin pressed down, her hands grabbed Second Uncle's neck fiercely!

Obviously, the second uncle snorted, his face flushed extremely red, as if a boulder was pressed on his body, and he couldn't move at all.

Moreover, his legs were straightened, and that posture was obviously unbearable.

I was startled, and I was going to drag Lu Xiaoqin up immediately.

The second uncle puffed out his cheeks and squeezed out a few words from his jaw.

"Yinyang, go and chop off that dead head! We have to negotiate with her and discuss it with her. If she refuses, chop off her head and goug her with a nail!" His tone became extremely fierce.

I was sweating on my forehead even more, clenching my teeth.

Turning around, I quickly came to that dead man.

From the corner of the eye, I saw that Lu Xiaoqin seemed to get up suddenly, but the moment she got up, the second uncle's legs suddenly jumped up, and directly wrapped around Lu Xiaoqin's waist, and his hands also stretched out suddenly, clasping Lu Xiaoqin's wrists, and the two of them just scuffled on the boat. On the board, no one can get up!

It was obvious that Lu Xiaoqin wanted to stop me.

At this time, I have come to understand that this death is on board, and there is always a limit.

It is very fierce, but its ability is to make people bump into it to harm others.

So did my dad.

It's just that under the water, my father was so fierce that he almost didn't strangle me!

This is because he has no intention of harming others, he just doesn't want to go ashore, death is not the case at all.

If he capsizes the boat and goes into the water, my second uncle and I will definitely die!

In a flash of thought, I have already come to the dead.

The fine and dense fluff is extremely black, and each one is particularly obvious, giving people the illusion of skin tingling, as if touching it will pierce the flesh.

My heart was beating wildly. In this way, no one will continue to be hit by her, but I can behead her!

With a wave of the divination knife in my hand, I'm going to kill the general!

But just at this moment, the ship shook violently.

With this shaking, my body staggered and fell backwards.

And that dead fell, even fell towards me!

This scene made me so terrified that I almost bit off my tongue.

I want to stabilize my figure, but I can't do it at all!

With a crash, I fell directly into the water!

And I fell from the back, and my calf was still on the boat. This time I couldn't maintain my balance at all, and my upper body was completely submerged in the water.

What made me panic even more was that my legs were crushed to death and I couldn't move at all.

It's not just that, it must be that dead man who is pressing me down!

In addition to the coldness and stiffness of the corpse, I also felt a tingling sensation.

It was as if the black fluff on her body had pierced through my clothes and penetrated into the flesh and blood.

Swimming corpse hunters are most afraid of panicking in the water. Once they lose control of their breathing rhythm and choke on the water, they will be no different than ordinary people.

The moment I fell into the water was too fast, my calf was pressed, and the fear rising from the bottom of my heart made me unable to breathe steadily, and I choked on the water directly.

I struggled desperately, trying to pull my legs out.

But she was so crushed that I couldn't move at all...

The feeling of choking and drowning is too uncomfortable, not only the lungs are uncomfortable, but the suffocation is severe, and the whole head is also in severe pain, as if it is about to burst.

I even have a feeling that it's over... my second uncle and I are going to fold here...

The time should pass very short, but it feels very long, every second is like this.

At this moment, I suddenly felt my legs loosen.

I was ecstatic in my heart, I jerked my legs suddenly, quickly swung the water with several movements, and my head came out of the water...

The air that came suddenly nourished my almost dry lungs.

I was gasping for breath.

However, the rest of his life did not bring joy.

The cold moon is like a wide-eyed eye, staring at the small river ditch, at the corpse boat and us!

Moreover, only the second uncle and Lu Xiaoqin who were wrestling together were left on the boat.

That's dead... gone...

I don't know if it's the sweat or the river water on my forehead, but it's cold and sticky.

Immediately, I want to swim ashore.

But my ankles suddenly seemed to be entangled by something, and they tightened instantly, almost piercing my ankles!

The pain made me grunt.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I could only take a deep breath, my lungs felt like they were being torn apart, but I still mustered my breath before being dragged into the water by that force!

There was a sound of snoring water in my ears, and I instinctively closed my eyes the moment the water entered.

After entering the water, he suddenly looked down.

The moonlight pierced through the river ditch, and I could vaguely see that the one under me was the dead one? !

At this time, she went straight up a few steps in horror, her face was covered with black fluff, and her wide-open eyes were particularly obvious in the water.

Especially when her hair was spread out, like a ghostly hand with teeth and claws.

I don't know if it's a hallucination, or she's laughing, but in the water, her face is weird and changeable, and it gives me a feeling of stiffness all over my body.

Biting the tip of my tongue hard, I stabilized my mind. At the same time, I bent down and leaned down with my legs being grabbed.

Holding the divination knife tightly with both hands, I slashed hard at her neck!

There is a lot of resistance in the water, I use more strength, but the speed of swinging the knife is actually slower.

I even felt as if the water was going to stop me, and I exhausted all my strength to forcefully swing the knife out.

But just at this moment, her face full of black fluff sank downward, and her speed was also very slow, just sinking normally.

But let me cut a hole with this knife!

She didn't sink much, she just avoided my knife just in time, but her hair just floated up and wrapped around my wrist.

I gasped. Her hair was like a fine fishing net. After being entangled, it was strangled tightly. It felt like the skin was being strangled!

I let out a breath from my mouth, and suddenly there were a lot of bubbles. In essence, I was in pain and wanted to scold my mother, but it was difficult to make a sound underwater.

Her body sank slowly again, and this movement was very strange, because she grabbed her ankle with both hands, and her hair was wrapped around my wrist. Her movement seemed to be holding my leg, but I bent my waist like an arch. Cooked shrimps, now their hands and feet are restrained, and they don't even have a chance to resist...

The only thing that was better than before was that I was still holding my breath for a few minutes, and my head was still quite clear.

However, this makes people more frightened.

Because I will consume my last breath from my lungs little by little, and then I will suffocate again...

Killing people and punishing their hearts, and those who retrieve corpses are most afraid of drowning. This kind of depression is breaking the line of defense in my heart.

This small river ditch was overflowing from the hanging river, it was not deep, and sank to the bottom after only five or six meters.

The female corpse stood at the bottom of the water, still maintaining that vertical movement.

This is also because Lu Xiaoqin is not dead yet.

If Lu Xiaoqin died, she would collapse.

But the second uncle will definitely not be able to leave...

I was still struggling, but the more I struggled, the more painful my wrist was, and there was even a trace of dirty scarlet coming out, it was obvious that the flesh had been strangled and was bleeding.

The air in the lungs is once again being consumed, and it will soon be exhausted.

I am already powerless...

At this time, I felt a kind of annoyance in my heart. The second uncle is actually hard enough, but I am not enough...

If we don't care about Lu Xiaoqin's matter, and wait for her to die, and then solve the trouble of dying, maybe nothing will happen to us.

It was because of bringing Lu Xiaoqin that she was bumped into this situation.

And Lu Xiaoqin is dishonest, I sympathize with her, but she lied to us, because she is the one who hurt people!

Even if this woman seduces Wang Xue, she is not guilty of death.

What's more, I still can't tell whether what Lu Xiaoqin said is true or not...

After all, once the annoyance comes up, I can't suppress it at all...

But just at this moment, I suddenly saw, why is there a shadow behind the dead body? !

The shadow was completely silent, and it suddenly appeared there!

The next moment, the water seemed to be pushing towards me.

The shadow was close to death.

Appearing on the dead shoulder is a face.

A dead woman's face that was extremely cold and still tinged with blue...

My head buzzed, and I suddenly felt an unconcealable palpitation, and an almost unbearable sadness...

That face seemed to move under the impetus of the water, the chin rested on Sidao's shoulder, but the face looked at Sidao's profile.

A strange scene happened...

The hair on my wrist loosened unexpectedly.

And that dead man grabbed my ankle, and suddenly let go!

I was horrified, but I didn't dare to stop at all, and swam towards the surface of the water suddenly!

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