"Wang learns to harm people, so he will be killed. If this matter is not resolved, he will not be able to go ashore. There is no other discussion." The second uncle's tone was even colder.

Lu Xiaoqin's face turned even paler, she tightly clutched the corner of her clothes, and stopped asking second uncle anything else.

Instead, he pursed his lips and talked to Huang Qi, asking him to do what Second Uncle said just now.

I was a little relieved, but fortunately Lu Xiaoqin cooperated, otherwise, this matter would have been even more troublesome.

Huang Qi was obviously a little scared, Lu Xiaoqin promised him that the money would not be less, so his face turned pale, and he hurried towards the direction of the city.

The second uncle looked a little better now, and walked towards the pier.

At this point, there are no rickshaws on the side of the road, so we can only rely on walking.

It took almost half an hour to walk before finally arriving at the pier.

My second uncle and I didn't feel tired, but Lu Xiaoqin couldn't stop breathing, obviously he couldn't walk anymore.

After the two of us got on the pier, she held on to the steps on the edge of the pier and stopped to rest.

The second uncle went straight to the pier, the boat where the corpse was retrieved, and the place where Wang Xue drowned.

I cautiously asked my second uncle, what should we do about this matter?

The second uncle glanced at the surface of the water first, and then glanced at Lu Xiaoqin from the corner of his eye. His voice was much lower: "The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner. Now that the wronged person has already collected the debt, he just needs to make it clear. There is still an explanation. Get that dead upside down first."

I listened with a half-knowledge, and felt that the second uncle seemed to have said it, but also seemed to have not said it.

Also, get the death upside down?Didn't Lu Xiaoqin say that she saw a dead woman's face in the bucket?

I asked my second uncle in a low voice, isn't that dead woman in Wang's school?Didn't she climb up to kill someone?

The second uncle returned his eyes to the surface of the water, and said calmly: "If you have ghosts in your heart, you will see ghosts in everything. If it is so easy to go ashore, I won't throw down the bottle of water ghost oil at Meng's house."

I can't even understand...

The second uncle told me that the body will still be there, and we will salvage it.

After speaking, the second uncle jumped into the water.

With the sound of splashing, the river splashed a lot and hit my face, which was icy cold.

Half of the body boat was still submerged in the water, and the second uncle dived into the water. After a while, the whole boat was pushed up diagonally.

I reacted immediately, reached out quickly, grabbed the rope tied to the pier by the bow of the boat, and pulled it up together!

At any rate, the corpse boat was not big and not that heavy. The second uncle worked hard underwater, and I worked hard on it. After about a quarter of an hour, the corpse boat was brought to the pier.

Under the moonlight, I just now saw that at the bottom of the corpse boat, there was a hole that was cut open. The hole was about the width of an arm, and it was really not small...

The second uncle cursed a few dirty words in a low voice, he got into the cabin of the bamboo shed, and pulled out a roll of things wrapped in cloth from the corner.

After opening it, there are wooden boards of different widths and narrow lengths lying inside, as well as some tools, such as hammers and pliers.

It can be seen that these planks are all specially made willow wood.

The second uncle arrived at the gap and began to mend the boat.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoqin also came to the side. She squatted by the side of the boat and watched carefully.

Slightly messy hair, slightly flushed cheeks, eyes still full of panic and helplessness.

It was useless for the second uncle to make up for the ship. During this period, Huang Qi came over.

He was carrying a roll of straw mats on his back, and the straw mats were still swaying when he got on the pier.

I saw it at a glance, under the yellowed straw mat was a pair of dead people's feet with iron blue...

"Old Man Liu...I brought Boss Wang here." Huang Qi called out panting.

At this time, the second uncle just finished filling the hole.

He came out of the boat, glanced at Huang Qi, and let him put the body down with a hum.

Then the second uncle called me to push the corpse boat back into the water.

I stepped forward to help, and after the corpse boat was launched, it floated steadily on the surface of the river, and I felt a lot of joy in my heart.

Then the second uncle asked Huang Qi to get some more things, such as a rooster and some incense candles for fruit.

Huang Qi wiped off his sweat and got off the pier again.

But at this moment, Lu Xiaoqin stared blankly at the straw mat, wiping away tears.

"Yinyang, tie a rope around its neck and tie it to the boat, Lu Xiaoqin, get on board." The second uncle continued to order, and pointed to the straw mat.

My heart skipped a beat.

Lu Xiaoqin's expression changed, and she was about to speak anxiously.

The second uncle said coldly: "If you don't want to die, just do as I say. Maybe Wang Xue can be buried in the same place. Otherwise, if I don't put him in the water now, he will have to come back when the time comes. This is him." What a sin!"

Lu Xiaoqin's words were completely blocked back, tears rolled in her eyes.

The second uncle boarded the boat first, and Lu Xiaoqin staggered after him.

I got a rope according to what the second uncle said, then went to open the straw mat and tied it around Wang Xue's neck.

When tying the rope, it was inevitable to look directly at Wang Xue's face.

The iron-blue dead face, with tightly closed eyes, slightly parted lips, but no teeth can be seen, only the black hole in the mouth, incomparably dead still.

Especially since his body is full of water, I even squeezed out a lot of it when I tied the rope...

The whole body is like a rotten towel that has been soaked, and I feel that if I use a little force, the skin and flesh may be smashed.

After tying Wang Xue up, I grabbed his dead body under the shoulders and pulled it to the edge of the pier.

Wait for me to get on the boat first, and then pull the rope.

With a thud, the body entered the water, followed by a strange and slow rise, the whole face was first exposed to the water, and the rest of the body was a little bit under the water.

If it is close, it can barely be seen. If it is far away, it can only see a dead face on the water.

The second uncle urged me to be quicker in my hands and feet. I bit my tongue to make myself more awake, and hurried to tie the rope to the edge of the boat.

After I finished these, the second uncle started to punting, and this direction was obviously towards the place where we fished the corpses before.

In fact, it was okay at first, Lu Xiaoqin sat with her legs bent all the time.

When the corpse boat was far away from the pier, she was obviously uncomfortable. She wanted to speak, but she didn't dare to open it.

I reckoned the time, and when it was almost half way, Lu Xiaoqin got up, and asked my second uncle very uneasy, what should I do to solve the trouble?

The second uncle said in a toneless tone, saying that there is a grievance and a debt, and this matter has nothing to do with her, just let her watch it, don't keep asking.

Lu Xiaoqin hesitated to speak, she sat back down again.

But I feel that Lu Xiaoqin seems to be abnormal...

I can't describe it, but looking at Lu Xiaoqin's eyes, I feel that she is guilty.

Almost at the entrance of the ditch, Lu Xiaoqin suddenly got into the cabin of the bamboo shed, and she curled up together without making a sound, her eyes wandering.

After a while, our boat stopped at the place where Wang Xue's son was caught before.

The second uncle came to the side of the boat. He stretched out his hand and pulled up the rope tied to the side of the boat, and dragged part of Wang Xue's body to the surface of the water.

Suddenly, he slapped Wang Xue's body!

His slap is quite powerful!

I feel that Wang Xue's face is going to be crooked.

Then, the second uncle slapped him back with his backhand.

A total of six slaps, Wang Xue's face seemed to be sunken.

Lu Xiaoqin couldn't stand it anymore, her mouth was almost bitten, and she cried and said, can I stop beating, and to solve this matter, do I have to flog her man's corpse?

The second uncle said lightly: "Someone was killed by your man, and they slapped a few times, just to make a show."

Then the second uncle asked me to slap me a few more times, but I bit the bullet and did it.

And when I smoke, I am always worried that Wang will learn to open his eyes...

I also pumped it six times before the second uncle pointed to the surface of the water and asked me to go down to pick up the corpse, to pick up the dead body.

My heart skipped a beat, but I didn't ask much, I just checked my things, put down the big black wooden box, and went to put on the green linen jacket.

In the end, he jumped directly into the water and swam forward a few meters.

The river is cold, and there are many aquatic plants in it, sometimes blocking my hands and feet, as if there are many hands in the water, blocking me.

Nothing can be seen on the water, only the reflection of the moon reflected.

I took a deep breath and plunged into the water.

The moment I entered the water, I felt a sense of oppression, as if I was being punched in the face by someone...

At first, I closed my eyes when I pierced it, otherwise the splashing of the water waves would hurt my eyeballs.

When I got down, I opened my eyes.

In the end, what I saw was the face of a dead woman who was extremely pale!

That face almost hit my nose!

She closed her eyes tightly, her nose was raised, her mouth was pursed, but her brows were slightly condensed together.

Just looking at it makes me feel dizzy.

I didn't know what it was like to die underwater.

Now I can see clearly.

The woman's body was straight, but she was tilted slightly forward as a whole.

This should be due to the current of the water. If it was in a completely still water, she would probably be standing in the water, which was horrifying to the extreme.

Although her eyes are closed, I feel that she is staring at me...

I shook my head, collected myself, and took out the rope to wrap around her armpits and chest.

I tied her up in two or three strokes, pulled the other end of the rope, and quickly floated to the surface of the water.

Quickly swam towards the corpse boat.

When I got to the side, I got on the boat right away.

Then, pulling the rope, I pulled the dead body up with all my might...

Salvage of other corpses was heavy and heavy, and the dead body that was holding onto Wang Xue's son's leg before was also very heavy.

But this time, there was a feeling of lightness, and I easily got it on board.

And at this moment, a strange scene happened.

After I pulled her onto the boat, the body was lying flat on the bottom of the boat. I thought the dead were the worst, so I tried my best to keep her face up and not press her down.

But her body suddenly stood up!

With a buzz, the dead body stood inside the hull, almost as straight as a tree pole!

The moonlight shone on her face, and her eyes seemed to be opened a little...

Especially on her face, black fluff seemed to start to grow...

Not to mention how terrifying and infiltrating this scene is!

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