It's the middle of the night, it's so frightening to death!

There are two thumb-sized holes in the eye position on the paper, through which the dark eyes of the paper figurine below can be seen.

"Are you awake?" A faint voice came from under the paper face.

I don't know if I was too tired yesterday and I didn't pay attention to the voice of the paper figurine Xu, or the paper figurine Xu is different now.

His tone was not only sharp, but also a bit erratic.

Obviously speaking in front of me, but the voice seemed to come from behind.

"Wake up... wake up..." I subconsciously took half a step back with sweat on my forehead.

It was cold in my ear, and suddenly I heard a little laughter.

The laughter was thinner and more abrupt, the paper figurine Xu and I were the only two in the shop, who else was laughing?

"I want to see the paper tie, right? Sit down." The paper figurine Xu raised his finger and pointed to a chair next to him.

I sat down on the chair next to the table by a strange coincidence.

Xu, the paper figurine, turned around and continued making paper bundles.

"Your second uncle said that you still have urgent matters to attend to." The paper figurine Xu said casually.

"Yes..." I nodded.

Now I am not so afraid of the paper figurine Xu, and I look at the half-folded paper bundle in his hand seriously.

"Yin-born children are most suitable for eating dead people's food. When your old man Liu Shuigui adopted you, I went to see you. You are a good seedling."

"Unfortunately, you old man is stingy. I want to take you in as an apprentice, but he won't do it." The paper figurine Xu said, his body twitched suddenly, and he let out a weird laugh.

I was taken aback again.

Not just the paper figurine Xu's actions and reactions, but also what he said.

Accept me as an apprentice?

For a while, I didn't know how to answer the question.

"You are carrying the wooden box for receiving the yin woman. I asked your second uncle. You are carrying the job of receiving the yin woman. Are you interested in learning how to make paper tying?" The paper figurine Xu You said quietly.

I was even more stunned.

The paper figurine Xu's hands were exceptionally nimble, and in an instant, another paper bundle was made and placed on the ground beside him.

A gust of cold wind blew into the shop, and the paper bundle moved strangely, and turned around so that its face was facing mine.

"These paper bundles...why are they different from those in other shops?" I took a deep breath and asked in a low voice.

The paper figurine Xu picked up a new piece of white paper, and said softly, "The paper they made was burnt paper, and what I made was the skin of a dead person. Of course it's different." But I didn't understand it.

It's just that the words "dead man's skin" always make my skin feel numb and itchy, as if something is crawling underneath.

Only now did I realize that the yellowed boy's paper bundle that was placed in the shop before was gone.

At this moment, the paper figurine Xu turned his head to look at me again, and said, "Aren't you interested? I see that you are very interested in money. You have learned how to make paper, and you can earn more than you can by digging corpses. , or go to deliver babies to the dead, where is the dignity of being made of paper?"

"Too many skills don't overwhelm me, I..."

"Too many skills don't overwhelm you, paper figurine Xu, don't fool around with Yin and Yang. If he doesn't engage in your grave-digging business, he will be knocked on the top of the sky one day." A rough voice suddenly came from behind.

I turned around quickly, just in time to see my second uncle walking out of the door.

He obviously just woke up, and there are still many marks on his face.

But his eyes were very sharp, staring at the paper figurine Xu, his voice was full of rejection.

The paper figurine Xu stopped talking and smiled again before continuing to make paper bundles.

I was just about to say hello to my second uncle, when suddenly a thin and small man with the same expression and nervous expression ran up to the front of the shop.

The man was still looking around, and when he reached the outside of the shop, he turned his head to look inside.

He was suddenly terrified, followed by surprise in his eyes.

"Old Man Liu! Sure enough, you are here!" An excited voice came from that mouth.

He was wearing a shabby old cloth with a lot of patches on it, I recognized it at a glance, isn't this the little servant Huang Qi who was ordered back and forth by the second uncle? !

Huang Qi hurriedly raised his legs and walked into the shop.

As a result, he had just stepped up the steps, and with a snort, a black paper-stitched man fell down from the eaves.

This time, Huang Qihun was so frightened that he flew into the sky, and his scream almost penetrated the entire street.

I was also frightened immediately, and grabbed the hem of my clothes with both hands.

The second uncle glared at the paper figurine Xu, and said, "Don't be fooled... People are scary, scary to death."

The paper figurine didn't move for a while, and didn't make a sound at the moment, keeping its head down.

The black lacquered paper trembled, swished again, and hit the eaves.

I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my throat.

As for Huang Qi, he rolled and crawled to the middle of the road, his body was like sifting chaff, his legs bent back and his crotch seemed to be wet.

Second Uncle walked out from the shop and helped Huang Qi up.

I also hurried to them.

Huang Qi was so frightened that he was almost dumbfounded. He tightly grasped his second uncle's wrist, saying that there was a ghost...

The second uncle frowned, and told him not to be so cowardly, just a piece of paper, and then asked Huang Qi why he came to see him?

Huang Qi didn't react for a long time, but was still trembling.

The second uncle took out a large coin and waved it in front of his eyes.

At that time, Huang Qi was so excited that he raised his hand to take money.

The second uncle moved faster and put the money directly into his pocket.

Huang Qicai stared blankly at his second uncle, obviously recovered.

He pursed his lips and said in a low voice, it was Wang Xue's wife, and Lu Xiaoqin asked him to come...

After a pause, Huang Qi said cautiously, Lu Xiaoqin probably meant that she was wrong this morning.

At that time, she was too uncomfortable, and her heart was too anxious, so she couldn't choose what to say.

Now she wants to ask Second Uncle to help her. She has prepared a lot of rewards and made good wine, which will definitely satisfy Second Uncle...

My heart skipped a beat.

In fact, I was still guessing just now, if the Meng family went to the second uncle, found Huang Qi, and then found the funeral street.

After all, it's the second night since we left Meng's house.

Unexpectedly, it was Wang Xue and her wife who came to him first.

He looked at the second uncle hesitantly.

The second uncle seemed to have already guessed, he squinted his eyes, and said, "Oh? It's pretty quick to figure it out, but the reward is a trivial matter, have you prepared some wine?" Huang Qi nodded repeatedly, saying that Lu Xiaoqin was timid, no If you dare to enter the funeral street, people are waiting outside right now.

She is also considered sincere, and she can still find him to lead the way. If it were someone else, she would definitely not know where to find the second uncle.

The second uncle hummed, he glanced at me, and asked me to take the box and let's go to work.

I immediately ran back from the shop to the yard behind, went into the room and put the big black wooden box on my back, and then walked out from the shop.

Of course, before going out, I still greeted the paper figurine Xu.

As for the second uncle, he also chatted with the paper figurine, saying that he would come for dinner next time.

The paper figurine Xu ignored the second uncle, instead he smiled at me and lifted the paper piercing on his head.

Finally, he said something, let me think about what he said.

The second uncle glared at the paper figurine Xu again, then pulled me and walked directly towards the outside of the funeral street.

Huang Qi followed us staggeringly.

After walking for a while, the second uncle glanced at me and said solemnly, don't listen to the paper figurine, he can't make a living.

I was about to ask my second uncle, what is so mysterious about the paper figurine Xu business.

We have already reached the entrance of Funeral Street.

At the bottom of the old archway, Wang Xue's wife, Lu Xiaoqin, was standing.

At this moment, she had changed into a white linen filial gown with a filial scarf on her head. She held a wine jar in one hand and two things wrapped in red cloth in the other. It's as thick as a baby's forearm, about the length of a palm.

Just this one glance made my heart skip a beat.

If I make a good guess, I'm afraid it's a lot of money wrapped up well. These two handfuls must cost at least 80 yuan.

The moonlight was bleak and shone on Lu Xiaoqin, stretching her shadow very long.

Only now did I realize that her hair was wet, and her entire face was frighteningly white, as if soaked in water, with a feeling of swelling.

Huang Qi's footsteps were faster, and when he reached Lu Xiaoqin, he whispered a few words.

Lu Xiaoqin looked panic-stricken, where was the sharpness and hysteria this morning.

With a bang, Lu Xiaoqin knelt down directly to the second uncle, and said tremblingly, "Liu...Liu my life..." The second uncle frowned, he looked up at Huang Qi, Huang Qi said Hurry up to help Lu Xiaoqin.

After Lu Xiaoqin stood up, she stuffed the things to Huang Qi.

Huang Qi handed the wine jar and the two red cloth strips to the second uncle.

The second uncle motioned for me to take it.

Lu Xiaoqin was obviously relieved, and her face was not so pale anymore.

Then she sincerely apologized to the second uncle, saying that she should not talk nonsense in the morning.

The second uncle was silent at first.

After Lu Xiaoqin finished speaking, she repeated the time when she asked her second uncle to save her.

The second uncle opened his mouth and said, "Have you been pulled over the water?"

I was taken aback, pulled the water?Lu Xiaoqin pursed her lips, she nodded with difficulty.

Then she said in a low voice and uneasy: "I found a lot of people on the pier and asked them to help get my man up. Finally, a fisherman helped. After I brought the man back, there was a mourning hall at the top of the house. I was wearing sackcloth and filial piety to attend to the funeral, but somehow I fell asleep..."

"Afterwards, I was woken up by choking. When I broke free, my head was buried in a bucket of water... The bucket of water was placed in front of my man's coffin... I was almost choked to death... ..."

"And when I looked up, I saw a dead face in the basin. It was a woman! She was terrifying! She was still smiling at me..."

I was shocked when I heard this.

Immediately, she understood why Lu Xiaoqin's hair was wet and her face was swollen with bubbles.

Feelings, she was soaked in a bucket.

It's just that what made my heart thump even more is, is death so fierce?

Also, if Lu Xiaoqin casually finds a fisherman to get her a man, it might lead to big trouble...

The second uncle squinted his eyes, and he said, "You follow me to the pier. Let Huang Qi go to your house, call a few people, and carry Wang Xue to the pier."

Lu Xiaoqin panicked, and said anxiously: "Mr. Liu, my man has already entered the coffin... He can't be implicated in this matter, right? You can help and solve that trouble, can't you?"

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