The old chicken was squatting quietly at first, but the moment my voice fell, it suddenly shook its body, spread its wings vigorously, and flapped several times.

The cry of "giggle" became very low, as if sad.

The sky was getting darker and darker, the sky was filled with fog, and even the shadow of the moon could not be seen.

The cold wind blows into the courtyard, not only the whole body is chilly, but also the sound of whimpering like a ghost crying can be heard in the ear.

He Zhi hesitated for a moment, looked at the main room, and said in a low voice: "Don't take the money with you, do your best in case you lose it. This place should be safe."

I let out a bad breath, dispelled excess thoughts, and then said: "Uncle Xu's place is safe enough. Even if there is no one in the paper shop, there are still paper bags. If you dare to come in here secretly, I'm afraid there is no way." go out."

Immediately, He Zhi felt more at ease.

After about a quarter of an hour, the paper figurines Xu and Xu Changlin both left the room.

Both of them carried a square bamboo basket on their backs.

And they also changed into white clothes, with a pointed hat on their heads, and a string of copper coins made of paper hung on the top of the hat.

This attire, combined with the shadowy appearance of the father and son, makes one feel terrified at a glance.

But I think, I am afraid that the paper maker is at his best when he is like this?

And there are also two paper maker.

Paper figurine Xu has rich experience and ruthless means!

Xu Changlin was able to make a teacher at his request, and this method would definitely not be weak.

My confidence doubled!

A group of four walked out of the courtyard, and Liu Tianniu was riding the big yellow ox, waiting for us at the gate of the courtyard.

Lao Huang originally kept his head down, but now he also raised his head and let out a "moo".

It was only then that I realized that I hadn't seen Lao Huang before I entered the yard.

Looking at its hooves, there are many traces of soil on them, and I roughly guessed that the willow beetle should be freed from the old yellow.

Opposite the funeral street is the woods along the Xuanhe River, and there is a high probability that Lao Huang will be active there.

I motioned for Xu Changlin, the paper figurine Xu and He Zhi to get on the carriage.

As soon as Xu Changlin and the paper figurine Xu got in, He Zhi whispered that she was driving with me.

The two of us sat outside the door of the carriage, I pulled the reins to drive the carriage, and He Zhi sat on the other side.

Liu Tianniu rode Lao Huang and followed us without haste.

The wind became much stronger, and the hair on He Zhi's temples was flying, and I squinted my eyes.

But Liu Tianniu's high crown was still as stable as Mount Tai, without any shake.

I was driving really fast, the whip crackling on the horse's rump and the horse's hoofs kicking.

However, Lao Huang still looked like he was following slowly.

In about a quarter of an hour, we arrived at the pier.

It was just dark at this moment, and the people on the pier were leaving one by one.

He Zhi and I looked at each other and got out of the car first.

"Liu Daochang, I'll find a boat first." Liu Tianniu and I informed in a low voice.

In fact, our group has already attracted the attention of everyone on the pier.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is Liu Tianniu, who wears a high crown and is meticulous.

As soon as he stepped onto the pier, a surprise shout came from the distance on the other side: "Mr. Li?!"

That shout was obviously nervous and excited!

I froze for a moment, and felt that the voice was familiar.

Turning my head and looking to the left, there is a figure running towards us 30 meters away!

Huang Qi's two thin legs swung quickly!The whole person was running as if they were about to fly.

"Rang Rang! Rang Rang! There is no soup and medicine fee!" While running wildly, he also pushed and shoved passers-by who were in the way.

After a few breaths, Huang Qi rushed to me, his whole body was shaking with excitement, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Mr. Li, I just heard someone from the city gate say that they saw a carriage coming back, and the driver looked like you, so I hurried over here! I didn't expect it to be you!" "Are you looking for a boat?" Huang Qidu was about to burst into laughter, and asked excitedly.

To be honest, when I saw Huang Qi, an old acquaintance, I also felt a little kind in my heart.

It's just that I feel a little helpless when I think that I didn't bring Xu Bai back.

"I came back in a hurry, and I have to go back to the village again. I don't have time to inform you and Xie Mancang. You came just in time. Find a suitable boat. We have to take Lao Huang with us when we want to enter Lijia Village."

While talking, I motioned Huang Qi to look at the big scalper with my eyes, and explained to him in a low voice that it was Lao Huang.

Huang Qi was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "Recently, some people have been saying that in the forest by the river, there is a big yellow ox, which is very spiritual, and someone saw a Taoist priest riding a bull... Many nobles in the city wanted to ask the Taoist priest to draw Zhang Fu."

"I didn't expect Mr. Li, this priest and you are friends."

Huang Qi's tone was full of admiration and admiration.

I was stunned for a moment, but soon I understood that Liu Tianniu was walking around normally, and he couldn't hide his aura.

I motioned Huang Qi to find the boat first, and I'll talk about the rest later.

Huang Qi nodded repeatedly, stepped up the steps, and hurried towards the boatmen who were about to disperse.

In just two cups of tea, Huang Qi led a boatman up to me and He Zhi.

The clothes on the boatman had been patched a lot, his weather-beaten face was rough, and there were many cracks on his sallow skin.

His eyes were erratic, looking around, it was obvious that he was hiding something in his heart.

Huang Qi introduced to me respectfully, saying that this man is called Lao Lu, his boat is big enough, and he usually hauls goods.

He explained carefully that no normal boatman would dare to accept our business.

Because some things have been very strange recently, it has been a few months, and I haven't seen anyone coming out of Lijia Village.

Moreover, when some boats pass through Lijia Village during the day, they can still see that the village is full of fog and there are no houses to be seen.

It's even more strange at night, the boat can't get out of the waters outside Lijia Village, it will only go around in circles, and only come out at dawn.

As soon as Huang Qi finished speaking, the boatman, Lao Lu, spoke in a strong dialect and said cautiously: "A few days ago, my mother-in-law brought my younger brother into the water area of ​​Yiha Lijia Village. It took many days. No one has come out, I dare not go in to see it alone, I will take you there, you can find me a wife and a younger brother, do you want it?"

My heart trembled, the village has become so weird?

Similarly, I looked at Lao Lu's eyes with a lot of vigilance.

At this time, He Zhi beside him asked suspiciously: "We all know that there is a weird place in Lijia Village, but you dare to let your wife and younger brother into the water, you are not lying to us, are you?"

At this moment, Huang Qi's expression also changed, and he turned to stare at Lao Lu with anger and suspicion in his eyes.

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