Lao Lu's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes showed more dodge, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Huang Qi grabbed Lao Lu by the collar, glared at Lao Lu angrily, and pushed and shoved Lao Lu fiercely.

Lao Lu staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Mr. Li dares to lie to you. You are a mess in Jiuhe County! Forgot what the Huo family said?! In this Jiuhe County, whoever dares to be disrespectful to Mr. Li will just have trouble with the Huo family!" Huang Qi This tone is even more terrifying.

Lao Lu was so frightened that his whole body was trembling.

But I was more than surprised, what did the Huo family mention about me?

Footsteps came from behind, and at the same time there was Xu Changlin's voice: "Some time ago, I helped Huo Kunmin, he avenged him, and he knew that you called me over, and you also helped the Huo family. Quite a few, Huo Kunmin said in Jiuhe County, Brother Yin Yang, you are the guest of the Huo family."

Only then did I understand and nodded to Xu Changlin.

Huang Qi said to Lao Lu coldly: "Go away, I don't need your boat anymore."

Lao Lu was so flustered that he almost cried. After he got up from the ground, he hurried to me.

He thumped, fell to his knees, grabbed my trouser legs, and said tremblingly, "Don't! Mr. Li uses me! You have to use me, let me tell the truth! Can't I tell the truth!"

After this, the people on the pier almost ran away.

But they didn't really leave, but arrived at the bottom of the pier, just a few meters away, where the crowd was basically gathered.

Humans are curious, and what happened in Lijia Village is scary.

They know who I am, but they dare not interfere.

It's just that they wanted to watch the excitement, so they couldn't leave.

Huang Qi scolded in a low voice: "Don't be a rogue, Mr. Li is not something you can fool again and again, get out of here!"

As he said that, he was about to come up and drag Lao Lu away.

I frowned tightly, while He Zhi raised his hand, also trying to push Lao Lu away.

I really don't want to get into any trouble.

But I am also thinking about it now. After all, this is something that happened around Lijiacun. In the final analysis, it is all related to Wu Xianchang.

The root cause of the matter also comes from my family.

In addition to cause and effect, I still have to bear some problems...

"Let him talk." At this point in my thoughts, I frowned and said.

Coincidentally, at the same time as I spoke, the Liutianniu riding on Laohuang on the other side also said in a deep voice: "Let him talk and listen."

I took a deep breath, and without looking back, my eyes fell on Lao Lu.

Huang Qi and He Zhi also paused at the same time.

Old Lu Ru was granted an amnesty, and big drops of sweat rolled down his forehead.

He said tremblingly: "Three days ago, we passed in front of Lijia Village before it got dark...everyone has been crossing that section of water in the same way recently, and no one dared to go there at night."

"It was almost evening at that time, and as soon as we came out, the sun was completely gone."

"Originally, there was nothing wrong with it." Lao Lu said, his face becoming paler.

"My younger brother suddenly said that our boat was followed by a dead body. It was an incredibly beautiful woman with a lot of gold and silver treasures hanging on her body, which was very valuable!"

There was even more sweat on Lao Lu's forehead. He wiped it several times in a row, but just as he put down his hand, the sweat broke out again.

"When I went to look at the stern of the boat, they had already lowered their nets to catch people."

"Indeed, that female corpse is so beautiful that it makes people hallucinate. All the gold rings and bracelets are hanging on her body! Dazzle your eyes!"

"Although we all know that the corpses in the water don't dare to move around, but they are all gold. If you catch them, your life will be better!"

"When I started to lower the net, I couldn't catch the whole thing. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law said to use a small boat to get closer and take the things down. Don't put the corpse on the boat. I thought the same, it's safe like this. "

"Who knows, when they got off the boat, they touched a gold ring as soon as they got next to the corpse. The corpse seemed to have seen a ghost, and it floated forward. They chased after it. Without paying attention, they got into the river basin of Lijia Village .I waited all night, but no one came out, and I didn’t see the boat when it was dawn.”

"Afterwards, I also sailed in, but there was nothing left on the water, and I didn't dare to go to the shore of Lijia Village. People are going to die of anxiety these days." Lao Lu's words, the emotion revealed is that Extra anxious.

His hands were shaking, and his eyes were red.

He Zhi's face was solemn, and Huang Qi was also frightened.

But from what I heard, this is not just the weirdness that Lao Lu said...

Especially the three words "golden ring" made me feel a little bit suspicious.

Because I thought of one thing.

At that time, after I surveyed Yangguan Pass, between Hejia Village and Lijia Village, and even when I left Lijia Village, there was a dead body with our boat.

The corpse was a dead body, and it was a woman!

Even when I was using the corpse boat, she sent a gold ring directly to the side of the boat.

But at that time, I didn't touch the gold ring, and I didn't want to worry about it.

At the beginning, the second uncle's explanation was that if he died, he would ask the corpse hunter to take care of his grievances.

This is also the rule of the corpse hunters for many years, try not to touch the dead.

Now it seems that this death has been found by normal people. I am afraid that the problems of Xuanhe and Lijiacun are more serious than I imagined?

"Well, your wife and brother, I'll help you save them."

Before I agreed to Lao Lu, Liu Tianniu's indifferent voice came from beside me.

A burst of surprise burst out on Lao Lu's face!

He was holding my leg at first, but now he stopped holding me, staggered up from the ground, and rushed to Liu Tianniu and Lao Huang like flying.

He was so excited that he spoke incoherently: "Dao... Daoist, that's great! You are such a good person! I'll pull you aboard!"

While speaking, Lao Lu was going to pull the reins tied around Lao Huang's neck.

As a result, Lao Huang snorted and walked onto the pier without thinking.

"The big yellow ox raised by the Taoist priest is different. It's too spiritual, like a human being."

"You must be a good man with good rewards! When my mother-in-law and younger brother are rescued, I will be grateful to you forever!" Lao Lu continued to compliment.

Huang Qi was stunned, and looked at me blankly, with a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.

I let out a mouthful of turbid air, but felt a little relieved.

Originally, I wanted to agree to Lao Lu, but Liu Tianniu agreed, and this matter might be much simpler.

"Let him build the plank, and Lao Huang will board the boat by himself, and we will go up later and enter Lijia Village."

"Don't follow, just wait at the pier." I paused for a moment, and then said: "After I came back, I will tell you about Xu Baipi. When I was away, I met him once. A lot has happened."

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