Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 363 I escaped for my life, Huang Xianpi

As soon as I finished speaking, the vertical lines between Liu Tianniu's brows deepened a bit.

"It is true that an old woman came with a young man, but the old woman escaped very well, leaving behind a lot of animal lives, which fooled my eyes."

Liu Tianniu's tone was very blunt, and there was murderous intent and anger in his eyes.

I froze for a moment, then fell silent.

Because I really didn't expect that Liu Tianniu didn't keep the old lady? !

This matter may leave us with a great hidden danger.

One day in the future, when Xu Baipi learns the weird method of raising yellow celestial beings, and may even learn how to raise fox celestial beings, I don't know how many people will suffer.

"The old woman is very old, and she won't live long after being hit by my talisman." Liu Tianniu said again.

I forced a smile, but the throbbing in my heart couldn't go away.

What I'm more worried about is Xu Baipi...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the paper figurine Xu take out a package from another room.

After he came to me, he put the package on the ground and opened it.

What was contained in the package turned out to be several fluffy skins, some of which were yellowish-white, and some were completely yellow.

"Yinyang, you dried the skin of the gray fairy in the yard before. When we were out, I saw that some of the methods you used were related to the skin of the Wujia fairy. Maybe these things are useful to you?" the paper figurine Xu asked me road.

My heart is pounding, these skins are all Huangxian's!

I'm afraid this is the "price" that the old lady left behind in order to escape for her life.

I replied in a deep voice, "It's very useful."

That's the end of the matter, and I don't think about it any more.

Liu Tianniu was thoughtful, looked me up and down again, and said, "When do you plan to return to the village?"

"The sooner the better, if tonight is the best, Master said, I will have problems when I come back, and things will change if I am late." I said solemnly.

The paper figurine Xu frowned: "I've been on the road for more than 20 days, if I don't make more preparations..."

"Uncle Xu, I've been preparing since I went to apprentice. I've been training outside these days. I don't dare to think about my second uncle or my father." mood.

But my eyes were still faintly hot, and my body was trembling slightly.

"If I'm ready, my second uncle will die in an accident, or my father will be taken away by Wu Xianchang, I will never be at peace in this life." I put my hand on the divination knife at my waist, and grasped it tightly handle.

In Liu Tianniu's eyes, there was a look of satisfaction, and he nodded.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the other side of the yard: "Father, Yin Yang is right!"

"Preparation is often impossible to be foolproof. Although Brother Yin Yang has just returned, everything he has done during this period of time is for the purpose of entering Li Family Village when he returns!"

"If you make him wait a day or two longer, it will dampen his momentum. We are also going to help. If you really need to prepare, it will be enough on the way into the village!" The voice is very familiar, isn't it Xu Changlin's? ?

I looked up and saw Xu Changlin striding into the courtyard.

He looked excited and excited!

Xu Changlin walked up to me quickly, opened his arms, and hugged my shoulders heavily!

"Brother Yinyang! I came back to pick up something. When I saw the carriage at the door, I thought it might be you who came back. I didn't expect it to be! Why didn't my father call me!"

I also hugged Xu Changlin back heavily, and he let me go.

He had more smiles on his face, looked me up and down, and had more surprises in his eyes.

Xu Changlin's words undoubtedly made me calmer, and I also noticed some changes in him.

He and the paper doll Xu are very similar in appearance, especially a pair of eyes.

But I haven't seen him in the past few months, Xu Changlin's originally long and narrow eyes, the shadowy feeling has been reduced a lot, replaced by chill and fortitude.

I'm afraid it has something to do with the Huo family.

In fact, I also have a lot of things I want to ask Xu Changlin, including how is Huo Kunmin doing now, and whether the Huo family has quarreled with the warlord.

However, at the moment, I can't let these things distract me.

During this period, Xu Changlin glanced at the main room again, and a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Miss He!" He called He Zhi and said hello.

But He Zhi didn't pay much attention to Xu Changlin, just walked to my side.

Obviously, Xu Changlin was somewhat embarrassed.

The paper figurine Xu didn't say anything else, he cast me a questioning look.

I have worked with him for many days before, and with just one look, I understood the general idea.

After Shen Ning for a while, I said: "Let's go to the pier, let's go directly to the village, since the master said that I can deal with Wu Xianchang, I will definitely be able to deal with him!"

Xu Changlin, the paper figurine, nodded and said, "Changlin, go and take out all the things. This time, it's not just about saving lives, but also a chance for you and my father and son." Xu Changlin licked the corner of his mouth, and said, "I'm going to Go to Huo's house, borrow some people and some guns."

But the paper figurine Xu glared at Xu Changlin, and said, "Nonsense, are you going to throw away the things passed down by the patriarch?"

"Li Family Village is so shady, even if you shot Wu Xianzhang, he became a murderous corpse and controlled the entire Li Family Village, how can you still kill the whole village?"

"If we hadn't been caught alive, our troubles would not have been small." Paper figurine Xu's words were particularly severe.

Also, it made me more vigilant.

Because what he said was absolutely true.

We entered the village this time to deal with Wu Xianzhang, but we have to be careful not to kill him in Lijiacun...

Otherwise, before that Kong Qing became a watchman, he would have had the means of committing suicide.

Mr. Wu Xianchang, who has gone astray, has been playing with murderous corpses all his life, and died in a place full of fierceness. God knows what kind of evil spirit he will turn into?

During this period, Liu Tianniu didn't express his opinion, he just said calmly: "I'll wait for you outside, pack up and go out."

After saying that, Liu Tianniu walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

Xu Changlin was somewhat discouraged, and smiled and went into the room to clean up his affairs.

He Zhi turned her head to look at me, and suddenly said very carefully: "Don't be sucked in Yang Qi. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous." When she said this, she glanced warily at the direction Liu Tianniu left just now.

My face immediately changed, and my eyelids jumped wildly.

I remembered the scene when I was sucked out of Yang Qi and Yin Qi hit my consciousness...

It's fine in front of Liu Huayan, but if it's in front of Liu Tianniu.

With his character, will he kill me regardless of whether I am Jiang Yihong's disciple?

I really don't dare to try half a point...

Nodding cautiously, I said a good word.

During this period, the old chicken has been squatting on my big black wooden box, and there is no sign of coming down at this time.

I stroked the feathers on its body with my backhand, and murmured: "Luo Yin Po, also soaked in the water for too long, and solved Wu Xianchang, she should also go to the ground for peace."

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