Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 362 Xuanhe's yin energy is a little heavier

I didn't dare to relax in the slightest, because Jiang Yihong said that if I don't go back to Jiuhe County, nothing will happen to me.

Once I return to Jiuhe County, Wu Xianchang will start to take action, and my second uncle's safety will not be guaranteed!

Similarly, I am also thinking about one thing.

Counting the time when Xu Baipi was taken away, it was almost a month.

The old lady who raised the yellow fairy would have gone to Jiuhe County a long time ago.

Have the two of them been captured by Liu Tianniu? !

At this moment, it was evening, but there was no sunset, and there were only dark clouds in the sky, and the atmosphere in the whole Jiuhe County was cramped.

At about six o'clock, that is, You hour, we entered the funeral street and arrived at the door of the paper-making shop.

At this moment, the paper-making shop has not opened yet, the door is closed, and there are two paper-making people standing at the door.

The materials of those two paper-made people were rough, and the skin was yellowed with whiteness, they were clearly made of paper made from the human skin of Bai Sha!

The carriage stopped, and after I got out of the car, I asked He Zhi to stay in the car and wait, and hurried forward to knock on the door.

The hesitation and tension in my heart increased, which inevitably made me a little short of breath and my heartbeat kept accelerating.

After the sound of "dong dong", after waiting for about half a cup of tea, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind the door.

Then, the door opened a gap.

Protruding from behind the crack of the door is half a long and narrow cheek with a fox's eye.

That pale skin had obviously not seen the light of day for a long time.

Seeing this familiar face, my body trembled slightly, and my heart was filled with indescribable sadness and complexity.

It's as if I've really been away for too long.

"Uncle Xu." My tone was slightly choked up.

At that moment, the paper figurine Xu was also stunned.

His long and narrow eyes suddenly opened wide, and the pupils even constricted.

He was also full of astonishment, obviously he didn't expect that it would be me who knocked on the door!

"Yin Yang?!" Paper figurine Xu's voice trembled slightly, and the astonishment on his face suddenly turned into surprise.

The door was completely pushed open immediately, and the paper figurine Xu was even more excited.

He grabbed my elbow and nodded.

"I'm back, I'm back! I'm a little thinner and darker, it seems that I have suffered a lot."

The hand of the paper figurine Xu grasping my wrist was not weak, and there was still a bit of brilliance in his eyes.

"The spirit of the whole person is also different. There is a murderous look in the eyes, and it is no longer the stunned young man. Very good, very good."

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu glanced behind again.

"This girl came back with you safe and sound, where is Liu Huayan?!" Obviously, when he said the second half of the sentence, the paper figurine Xu's expression was full of surprise and uncertainty.

"Uncle Xu, it's a long story. I want to see Daoist Liu first, and then we have to discuss the matter of returning to Lijiacun immediately!" I said very fast.

The paper figurine Xu hummed and nodded cautiously. He told me that Liu Tianniu was resting in the courtyard, and he would immediately go to Huo's house and call Xu Changlin back.

Hearing the word Huo's family, my heart trembled slightly.

It seems that nothing happened to the Huo family. Xu Changlin protected the Huo family?

"Uncle Xu, give me your hand first, let's carry something into the yard." I immediately asked the paper figurine Xu to help.

I, He Zhi, and the three paper figurine Xu could carry the wooden box a little better.

The paper figurine Xu had doubts in his eyes and asked us what this thing is?Shen is too much.

I told the paper figurine that Xu is gold.

At that time, the paper figurine Xu's body froze for a moment, followed closely, and I even felt that the wooden box seemed to be much lighter.

It didn't take long for me to realize that it was the paper figurine who Xu used more energy!He almost picked up the wooden box directly.

After a while, we entered the courtyard.

At a glance, I saw Liu Tianniu sitting in meditation in the middle of the courtyard, with his eyes closed, sitting on a futon, with a whisk across his knees.

The high crown on his head stood upright firmly, making Liu Tianniu even more meticulous!

Even after being outside for a long time, when I saw Liu Tianniu this time, I felt that he was upright and awe-inspiring just from the outside.

There was a cry of "cuckling", followed by the sound of flapping wings. The old chicken raised by Luo Yinpo fluttered down from the old locust tree beside me, and landed directly on the big black chicken on my back. on the wooden box.

Its beak rubbed against my head a few times, and the clucking sound became more excited.

I also feel very kind, as if the whole person's heart has settled down a lot.

The paper figurine Xu led us all the time, and after putting the wooden box into the main room, he was relieved a lot.

He stared at the box blankly, and sighed: "Yinyang, where did you earn so many big yellow croakers? This amount is more than what Uncle Xu has done in his life. If your second uncle sees it, I'm afraid he'll get it every day." I have to stay in the gentle township, and I won’t go to pick up corpses anymore.” I smiled wryly, and told the paper figurine that this box of money is considered ill-gotten wealth and cannot be spent, and we have indeed earned a lot.

At this moment, He Zhi just took off the package on her back and placed it on the table in the main room, her pretty face also relaxed a lot.

Obviously, she didn't go anywhere easily while carrying these jewels and big yellow croakers on her back.

The paper figurine Xu glanced at the packages again, but he no longer spoke.

"The oxtail whip, why is it wrapped around you? Where is the smoker?" Liu Tianniu's slightly low-pitched inquiry came from the courtyard.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the courtyard.

I first took off the oxtail whip from my waist and handed it to Liu Tianniu respectfully, then I said in a low voice: "More than 20 days ago, I completed the last experience that Master told me, and I met a family who did a lot of evil. People, there is a gentleman named Qiu Tianyuan who ordered a Yangzhai for his family."

"Miss Liu said that he is the next successor of the Qiang clan's predecessor. This matter is extremely important. She rushed back to the Qiang clan..."

After a short pause, I told Liu Tianniu in detail what I knew about the Ding family.

After Liu Tianniu finished listening, his face turned livid.

So much so that the atmosphere in the whole yard was filled with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

"What a Qiu Tianyuan, he's so bold!" Liu Tianniu's voice was very low, but the murderous intent in his tone was already gushing out!

My heart skipped a beat again.

After Liu Tianniu finished saying that, his whole face was tense.

After a while, he closed his eyes, and after opening them again, his eyes fell on me.

"It's all by accident that you guys found out about this matter. It should be fine if you go back with Huayan. It seems that you should be ready?" The yin and resentment in the river are getting heavier."

"If you don't come back, maybe I have to choose a time to go to Lijia Village to take a look. The change in Xuanhe must have something to do with the murderous corpse. If Wu Xianchang made it, I have to kill him first." My heart sank, but what I thought of was not Wu Xianchang, but my mother who returned to the hanging river...

After a moment of silence, I nodded, first I said I was ready, and then I asked Liu Tianniu, I asked someone from the Zhou family to send back the message, and I asked him, the old lady who raised yellow immortals came to Jiuhe County No?Did he leave her behind? !

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