Liu Huayan's expression became more serious, and he continued: "Li Yinyang, I can't go with you anymore. When you return to Jiuhe County, you have to say something for me and Master." Let me be even more surprised!

What does Liu Huayan mean by this, that he wants to part ways with us? !

In my thoughts, I thought of a detail.

After Liu Huayan arrived at Ding's house, and after hearing the words Mr. Qiu and the name Qiu Tianyuan, there were some changes.

Now that Liu Huayan is leaving, could it be related to Mr. Qiu and Qiu Tianyuan?

"Who the hell is he? Could it be that Qiu Tianyuan was the ancestor of the Qiang people?" I asked cautiously.

This is the only reason I can think of. The former masters of the Qiang people came out and harmed people a lot for the sake of money. Liu Huayan must go back and solve it.

"Qiu Tianyuan is not a teacher, but he is a candidate for the next teacher. This matter is extremely important to the Qiang people, and it is also very important to the Liu family. I must go back. Qiu Tianyuan has not liked staying in the Qiang people over the years. If I can't keep him this time, I'm afraid he won't be around for many years."

"As for more things, it's inconvenient for me to say too much." Liu Huayan replied in a deep voice.

My complexion changed slightly again.

And I also thought of one more thing, this news, after I told Liu Tianniu, will he also go back to the Qiang people?

I immediately asked Liu Huayan.

Liu Huayan paused for another moment before saying: "It should be enough for me to go back. Master must see Mr. Jiang. Even if he wants to go back, it will be after meeting Mr. Jiang." The next moment, Liu Huayan bowed his head Take off the same thing around the waist.

This turned out to be the oxtail whip she used to.

"This is the oxtail whip that the master carries with him. He gave it to me because I want to practice it. The most exquisite spell of the Liu family needs the oxtail whip. Please bring it to the master for me." I was slightly shocked.

Because I remembered one more thing.

When Yang Zhushu saw Liu Huayan, the reason why he was able to recognize Liu Huayan's identity was because of the oxtail whip on her waist.

At that time, Yang Zhushu also said that the Great Elder handed down the oxtail whip around his waist!

Liu Tianniu is the great elder of the Taoist priests of the Liu family? !Could he be the one with the highest seniority among the Taoist priests of the Liu family?

"Li Yinyang?" Liu Huayan frowned and called me again.

Only then did I come to my senses, and after carefully taking over the oxtail whip, I didn't put it in the big black wooden box, but carefully wrapped it around my waist.

After all, this oxtail whip is too important, and I have to carry it with me to be safe enough.

I said to Liu Huayan again in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will handle it well."

"Well, I believe you." Liu Huayan nodded, and at the same time glanced at the big black wooden box, but didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, she asked us to wait here. She went into the city to get a carriage, and then bought another horse. The carriage was given to us, and she wanted to ride on the horse.

After Liu Huayan entered the county seat, He Zhi on the side lowered her head. She didn't say much, just twirled on the ground with her toes. From time to time, He Zhi also glanced at the wooden box.

But I was a little hesitant in my heart. After thinking for a while, I said, "Let's go back to Jiuhe County too."

"The first burial was for Mr. Miao's wife, and the second burial was for the great ancestor of the Zhou family. The third house was also a Yang house for the Ding family. I have completed the master's arrangement."

"I have to go back to the village to have a look. Wu Xianchang, Ansheng has been living for too long." My voice was slightly lower at the beginning, and it was almost hoarse at the end.

I think I should have completed the three-point house.

It's just that whether I will be punished in this incident is another matter, and I have to ask my master Jiang Yihong before I can be sure.

In a blink of an eye, more than three months have passed since the time when Tang Zhen was apprenticed to a teacher, and then when he returned to Hejia Village and met Liu Tianniu Liu Huayan!

I'm going back to Tang Town within half a year, so I can't waste any more time.

Thinking about it carefully, even if Liu Huayan doesn't leave, maybe we won't be able to get involved in Yangjiazhen's affairs anymore.

It will definitely not be easy to deal with Wu Xianchang.

It would take more than a month to rush back to Jiuhe County, and counting the time I had to rush to Tang Town.

In other words, the time left for me is less than two months!

He Zhi nodded, her eyes were also slightly red at the moment.

"I also want to pay homage to my grandfather, and I also want to inquire about how the rest of the He family are doing. I don't know if the old watchman has been punished." He Zhi's voice trembled slightly.

"He won't be at ease for too long." Hearing the words old watchman, a lot of hatred also grew in my heart.

"We can't use this box of money. The Ding family's ill-gotten wealth is used, and we feel uneasy. The Zhou family's money is enough." I looked down at the wooden box and said again. : "It's not okay to throw it away at will, take it back first, after the matter is settled, see where there is a disaster, and take it to help the people."

Normally, He Zhi really likes money, but now, she didn't say much else, she completely acquiesced to my words.

We didn't have to wait long outside the city.

After about half an hour, Liu Huayan came out.

She rides a horse, also holding a rein, and behind her another horse pulls a carriage.

Jian Jian said goodbye to Liu Huayan, and since each told each other to take care of each other, we really parted ways.

Liu Huayan rode his horse and quickly disappeared from the sight of He Zhi and me.

He Zhi and I drove the carriage, asked for directions along the way, and headed towards Jiuhe County.

On this journey, we did not find the coachman again.

The main reason is to reduce accidents. He Zhi has a lot of jewels on his body, and we still carry so much gold. If someone thinks about it, it will cause too much trouble.

And the distance between us and Jiuhe County is much farther than imagined...

It can't be said that we traveled day and night, after all, it was only He Zhi and I who exchanged our way, and we would basically choose a safe place to sleep in the open at night.

By the time they hurried back to Jiuhe County, it was already 20 days later...

He Zhi and I were both ashamed and extremely embarrassed, my skin had turned darker a lot, and He Zhi's pretty face was also somewhat wheatish.

Even before entering the city, He Zhi murmured to me in a low voice that she was going to buy a lot of rouge and gouache, and if she turned ugly, it would be all my fault, and she would never end with me.

The appearance of her little daughter made me less tired from the journey.

However, when we arrived in Jiuhe County, the two of us remained silent.

I am very familiar with the roads in Jiuhe County.

We entered the city from the other side, and I drove in the direction of the wharf on the edge of the hanging river, and drove to the funeral street where the paper doll Xu's house was located.

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