After getting off the pier, the second uncle got into a rickshaw directly and told the driver where it was.

The driver picked us up and drove west along the edge of the city.

After walking for a while, I hesitated and asked my second uncle, do we really not care about this matter?Will the king learn to find us, and will death haunt us?

The second uncle shook his head and said, "Wang Xue must not be able to get involved. He was dragged into the water by death. If there is resentment, there is no way to seek revenge, but death will trouble us after killing Wang Xue's family."

My heart skipped a beat.

He said unnaturally: "Then really don't care about Wang Xue's wife?"

The second uncle asked me, can I manage it?We informed her carefully, but in the end, we were splashed with dirty water.

I didn't know how to speak for a while, and I hesitated to speak.

The second uncle glared at me and told me not to follow my father's example, or I would drag myself to death sooner or later.

You can't be soft-hearted if you eat a dead man's food, and the most difficult thing to guess in this world is the human heart. Many times, the human heart is more poisonous than ghosts!

Then the second uncle explained again, if Wang Xue's wife can figure it out, she will definitely come to us. At that time, let her make an apology, and the matter will be settled first.After all, it will entangle us after death, and it will have to be resolved sooner or later.

After a pause, the second uncle told me that the one who would haunt us was the one who would haunt us, as well as that young lady from the Meng family.

If the Meng family came early, they could only help the Meng family first, because there are many members in that family, if killing one is not enough, the entire Meng family will be finished.

But when he said this, the second uncle's eyes were obviously cold.

I know that when the Meng family came to look for me, something must have happened.

Miss Meng's family in the water also wanted revenge.

I'm afraid the murderer's fate will be no better than Wang Xue's.

Especially I think that Meng Qiu and her man have a big problem.

That man is Miss Meng's father!

We were talking, and during this time, the car unknowingly arrived at a street on the outskirts of the city.

The old-fashioned archway, with a few words written in a few words, Funeral Street.

On both sides of the street are dilapidated old tile-roofed houses and bungalows.

On both sides of the entrance, there is a coffin shop on one side, and a thin yellow coffin stands outside.

On the other side is a Mingzhi shop, with wreaths, Mingqian, and many paper-made rooms.

As for the future, they are all the same, with things for the dead.

The car was parked at the intersection of the street, and the driver did not go in.

The second uncle took out the money and then led me inside.

I felt uneasy and asked my second uncle what did I bring me here?We don't buy things for dead people either.

The second uncle rubbed his nose, said two words, and went to bed.

I was taken aback.

Speaking of sleepy, I am really sleepy and tired right now, I can hardly hold on anymore, but why should we sleep here?Second uncle has relatives and friends?

This street is not long, and my second uncle led me all the way to the end of the street.

A special shop came into view.

Other houses are full of all kinds of funeral supplies, such as gold ingots, treasures, wreaths and wreaths.

And at the door of this shop, there are two teams of paper-made people.

White and desolate paper bundles stand on both sides of the room, without colorful clothes, and even without a mouth and nose drawn on the face...

A rough comparison, this is completely incomparable with other stores.

This shop is still at the innermost part of the street, and the shop door is closed. Where would there be business?

But looking at it more, I feel weird again.

Although those paper figurines have no face, but if you take a second look, you will feel that they seem to be staring at me, which is extremely intrusive.

"The paper tie made by the paper figurine, don't stare at it, Yin Yang." The second uncle raised his hand, and pressed my head with his palm like a cattail leaf fan, pulling my sight away abruptly.

He took two steps forward, reached the door of the shop, and knocked on the door twice.

After a while, a shrill voice came from inside the shop: "Don't beat it, the door will be smashed to pieces!"

The next moment, the shop door opened, and a long, thin face appeared behind the door.

The pale skin seemed to have not seen the sun for a long time, and the eyes were narrow and long, a bit like the eyes of a fox.

He had high cheekbones, thin lips, and an aquiline nose.

He looks about 50 or [-] years old, not much different from his second uncle.

With just one glance, I felt that this person was difficult to get along with, so I subconsciously hid behind my second uncle.

"Who told you not to open the door for business during the day? The whole mouthful is hot, and my nephew and I ate and slept." The second uncle is obviously very familiar.

Then he introduced it to me, saying that this is the paper man Xu, and he has a very good relationship with him, and the two are brothers who worship.

The second uncle asked me to call him Uncle Xu.

The paper figurine Xu looked at me with a smile, his eyes narrowed.

"This is Li Yinyang, the river fetus adopted by your elder brother, the yin-born child? Tsk tsk, sure enough, the yin energy is heavy, and I have a reaction to these paper piercings during the day." The voice of the paper figurine Xu was high-pitched and thin, and it sounded irritating. People panicked.

I suppressed my discomfort and called him.

He let the door open and let the two of us in.

When I was about to enter the room, I looked back in a strange way.

What shocked me was that the two rows of paper sticks at the door of the shop were clearly facing the street, so why are they facing the door now?It's like they turned around...

Am I wrong?Or to hell?

When my body was about to freeze, the second uncle gave me a hand, and when I came back to my senses, we entered the house, and at the same time the paper figurine turned around and closed the door.

On the shopfront in front, there was a clean big black wooden table with a thick layer of paper stacked on top of it, scattered on the floor, and some unfinished paper bundles.

I noticed that one of those paper sticks was very different...

That paper tie has a face!The hollow eye sockets are dark, the mouth is open, and there is also a hole in the nose.

And its color is not as white as ordinary paper, but yellowish in white.

What's even weirder is that this paper bundle looks like a person to me, and it looks like a doll a few years old.

"This is a boy boy, hehe, the nobleman in the city ordered it, just this paper bundle, three little yellow fishes." The paper figurine Xu made a gesture, making a three.

My eyeballs widened and I swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Three little yellow fishes? Is this paper more precious than gold?"

The paper figurine Xu still had a smiling expression, and said mysteriously: "This is not paper."

"Why do you talk too much?" The second uncle gave the paper figurine a push.

The paper figurine Xu just kept silent, and we also walked past the front shop and came to the small courtyard behind.

There is a well in the yard, and an old peach tree is planted. Next to the well mouth is a square wooden table, on which there is a big pot of food, still steaming.

"You guys came just in time. Changlin sent me a lot of bamboo shoots and stewed snake meat yesterday for the pagoda tree porridge I just made."

The paper figurine Xu motioned for us to sit down, then hurried into the kitchen and took out the bowls and chopsticks.

Similarly, he brought out a pot of stewed dishes.

Hearing the word snake, I was a little scared at the first moment, but when I smelled the fragrance, my fear was thrown away.

Before the second uncle could speak, I went to pick up the bowls and chopsticks, and served three bowls of porridge with a spoon.

I gave the paper figurines Xu and the second uncle first, and finally I picked up my own bowl, gulped down the porridge, and stretched out my chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

The bamboo shoots were crisp and the snake meat was tender, so delicious that I almost couldn't swallow my tongue.

The second uncle found Lao Baigan, and chatted with the paper figurine Xu while drinking.

As for what the two of them talked about, there was nothing more than the paper man Xu asking him what kind of nobleman he had caught and whether he had made a fortune, while the second uncle asked the paper man Xu if he had encountered fraudsters when he dug the grave in the middle of the night.

I ate three bowls of rice in a row, and I became sleepy.

The paper figurine Xu pointed to a room and told me to go there by myself, and said that it was his son Xu Changlin's room, it was tidied up and he could sleep straight away.

After I entered the room, I went straight to bed, and fell asleep without taking off my clothes.

This time I slept so deep and dead that I didn't even dream.

I don't know how long I slept, and when I woke up, there was only dim candle light in the room.

I rubbed my head drowsily and woke up a little.

Turning over and getting out of bed, I went to open the door, only to realize that it was already dark.

In the main room on the left, several candles were lit, and the light was bright.

I vaguely heard a snoring sound, isn't this sound belonged to my second uncle?

The voice came from a room on the left side of the main room, and I don't know what time he and the paper figurine had been drinking, so there was obviously no need to wake him up right now.

There were some leftovers on the table in the yard.

I'm a little hungry again now, and I happened to have bowls and chopsticks, so I made do with another meal.

After fetching water from the well and going to the hut again, the whole talent came back to life completely.

The courtyard was really too quiet, so quiet that it penetrated people.

I just thought, did the paper figurine Xu also go to rest?But soon I remembered that when we arrived, the second uncle said that the paper figurine Xu does not open the door during the day, so it is like us, doing business at night?

However, how many families can come to buy paper bundles in the middle of the night?

I am really not sleepy now, recalling that the paper figurine Xu said that he tied three small yellow fishes with a virgin paper, I hesitated a lot in my heart.

I really want to know what kind of rich family he does business with, and what is so special about the paper tie, so expensive?

What happened in the past two days made me feel that it is not easy for the corpse hunter and the Yin woman to make some money.

The head is hanging on the waistband of the trousers at any time, and you may have to lose it. It is not a matter of three or two days to make enough for a large yellow croaker.

If you can ask a big family here in the paper figurine Xu, and you can do some things for them, can you also make a lot of money quickly?

Thinking wildly in my mind, I subconsciously walked towards the front of the shop door.

Three steps and two steps, and soon arrived inside the shop.

Candlesticks were placed on both sides of the shop, all of which were filled with candles. Even though it was night, the room was as bright as day.

The paper figurine Xu changed into a gray robe and sat behind the big black wooden table, making paper bundles.

I just entered the shop, and just as I was speaking, the word Uncle Xu hadn't left my mouth.

He looked back at me.

And this glance, I almost didn't scare the soul out!

Because he turned his head, facing me was a paper man's head without facial features!

White and flat paper, no face!

[The author has something to say]

Ah, the paper maker is here!

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