Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 357 Mr. Ding, let's take a step to explain?

I took a deep breath and finally understood why the Ding family was so serious.

This is actually about Feng Shui.

The Ding family has collected a lot of ill-gotten wealth. In fact, it is reasonable to say that when the retribution of cutting off children and grandchildren comes, then there will be other retributions.

There are so many people who hate and resent the Ding family, they can't sit back and relax all the time.

I've always felt that this has something to do with the Ding family's protection of them.

At first I didn't think it had anything to do with the Ding's old house.

Looking at it now, the role of the Ding family's old house is not small for the Ding family itself.

Living here, you can make a fortune, accumulate wealth, and even make your family members safe and auspicious, but after a long time, you will start to lack people.

This old house itself is just a young man, and the retribution is superimposed, and the Ding family is directly left without successors.

In addition, the house itself also protected the safety and wealth of the rest of the Ding family.

I had overlooked one point before, that is, Mr. Qiu ordered the mansion of the Ding family. If the Ding family hadn’t been mixed up to a certain extent, how could it be possible to have a relationship with the warlord? How could such a gentleman help the Ding family?

At this point in my thoughts, almost all my thoughts became clear.

I turned my head, my eyes fell on Ding Chang's face, my expression became more certain, and I asked: "Patriarch Ding, if I'm right, Mr. Qiu, has you seen the old house of Ding's family?" Concentrating slightly, a lot of smiles appeared on his face: "Mr. Li has sharp eyes, and Mr. Qiu has indeed seen it." However, Ding Chang's words have reached this point, and he will not say anything else.

My thoughts became clearer and clearer.

Mr. Qiu must have said a lot.

If what I said is too biased, then there should be problems.

Of course, I can also be sure that if there is nothing wrong with the old house, the Ding family will not be able to tell what the new house is like.

And Mr. Qiu may not know everything.

Taking a deep breath, I said: "There is a saying in Kanyu, the terrain is short on the left and long on the right, it is very auspicious for people to live in, and the wealth and wealth in the family are accumulated, and there is a fear of lack of children when they are old."

"The Ding family has wealth and can keep it. Even the well-being of the family members has a lot to do with this old house. If the old house didn't protect the Ding family and give the Ding family opportunities, then the Ding family would not be where they are today."

"No matter what Mr. Qiu said, according to the feng shui I have learned, the old house has wealth but no children, and the three characters of lacking children, the owner of the Ding family should understand the meaning." While I was speaking, I was also observing at any time. Ding Chang's demeanor.

I can vaguely see that between what I said, Ding Chang's expression agrees, and he is also surprised.

At this moment, Ding Chang was silent.

He was silent for a long time before nodding his head cautiously: "Mr. Li is indeed an expert. Mr. Qiu did say something about the people in a veiled way back then, but when the mansion was being built, he and General Ma meant that the Ding family wanted to take advantage of it." This opportunity will make the family business better and stronger, and the current house does not care about such small things as the Ding family."

"I'm not young anymore, and I don't have any children. I'm really uneasy. No matter how much business I have, I always feel unsafe."

"I would like to ask Mr. Li to give me some advice on how to rebuild this old house." During the words, Ding Chang raised his fists and saluted me cautiously.

He Quanmin next to him also listened carefully. He even nodded several times and even smiled at He Zhi.

Of course, He Zhi ignored him.

"What's going on in the old house, I don't need to look at it anymore, the terrain and the appearance of the outer house have already established everything."

"It's impossible to rebuild the house itself. I need to find a suitable terrain that can not only help the Ding family to protect the Wanguan furniture, but also give it to the descendants of the Ding family." See.

Ding Chang's face was full of surprises.

He clasped his fist again and bowed deeply!

I helped Ding Chang up and told him not to be too polite.

At this moment, I don't show any abnormality on the outside, and I won't let the Ding family find any flaws.

I took it out to fix the compass, I looked at the position above it, and said cautiously: "To prosper children and grandchildren, it is not only necessary outside the house, but also inside the house. Only in this way can double happiness come to the door."

With that said, I walked towards the side village road.

This Dingjia Village is not big, and most of the houses are densely packed, with few open spaces.

Along the way, I didn't find the place I wanted.

Although I said that I want the Ding family to have a wealth of property and future generations, but I'm just talking about it, and I will play tricks on it.

And this hand and foot must not be easy for people to discover.

In addition, I really need to give to the descendants of the Ding family.

Using feng shui to ruin a family is not something that can happen overnight. If there are no descendants and the Ding family directly loses their money, they will soon find out the problem.

In a blink of an eye, we have walked through most of the village.

I stopped in front of several houses, stopped for a while, and finally left again.

The land of those families seems to be suitable, but there are always some flaws.

Ding Chang's eyesight is very strong, so he whispered to me at this time: "Mr. Li, if you see that the villagers' land and houses are suitable, then that's fine."

"The Ding family can afford the money, just move them, otherwise it won't work if they occupy all the good places, right?"

I nodded, in fact, I did have this kind of thought.

In front of me, it is impossible for the Ding family to treat the villagers who I chose to house badly.

It's all about Ding Chang paying off a little debt first.

Ding Chang smiled all over his face immediately, saying that my temper suits his appetite, and it would be great if the two could sworn brothers and become brothers of the opposite sex.

Of course, I listened to what I said, and it was just Ding Chang's way to win over me.

I briefly said a few words about Fengshui that Ding Chang could not understand, and I continued to walk forward to find a suitable Fengshui place.

Ding Chang trusted me more, and even Na He Quanmin looked more cautious.

Almost half an hour later, I have seen most of the houses in this village.

Until now, I finally found a suitable boundary!

This place is almost at the end of the west end of the village. The villager's yard is not small, roughly in the shape of a rectangle.

However, there is a gap where the position has not been declared.

In the Zhai Jing, there is a saying about the appearance of this kind of house, which is called "unsatisfied but safe", Kun Que's Futou is always quiet, and the population of this house is prosperous, and officials will be born in future generations!

I stared at the courtyard for a long time. Looking at the oldness of the brick wall, I can roughly infer that it should only take a few months for the courtyard to be completed.

Ding Chang next to him looked very serious and asked me in a low voice, is this place okay?

I thought about it again and again, and similarly, I also thought of the way to do it.

Because this yard, in terms of appearance, even if you tell Mr. Qiu, you can't see the problem.

It's just the inside that needs to be treated with caution.

I deliberately glanced at He Quanmin, and then said to Ding Chang: "Patriarch Ding, this house is not bad, there are descendants of Wang, and officials say that, let's take a step to talk?"

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