Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 356 You help them survey Fengshui!You must die!

Immediately, He Zhi switched from the left side of me to the right side.

I saw this, but He Quanmin patted the dust on his clothes with a smile, and said, "Mr. Li, how long will it take to see the house?"

I pondered for a moment, and said: "You can only know by looking at the place. It is still not completely sure whether the location of the Ding family's old house is suitable for building a new Yangzhai. That's it."

He Quanmin nodded.

Ding Chang also said sincerely: "It all depends on Mr. Li."

After speaking, Ding Chang led the way.

We just passed the archway in Dingjia Village and walked a few steps.

Suddenly, the crowd surged up, and the next moment, a woman rushed out of it!

The woman's hair was disheveled, her cheeks were thin, and her protruding eyeballs were bloodshot.

She is running towards us like crazy!

Ding Chang's complexion changed at that time, and he coughed forcefully.

Immediately behind us, several Ding family servants walked up quickly!

But before the servants came to the woman, the woman suddenly stopped and took out a few eggs from her pocket.

She raised her head suddenly, and those eggs hit my head and face!

"Presumptuous!" Ding Chang's complexion changed again, and he snarled, with a clear murderous intent in his tone!

He Zhi next to me took a sudden step forward, and with a crackling sound, the Guillotine Knife slammed into the knife.

And the next moment, there was a stench in the field, and it was clear that the eggs were already stinky.

The woman stared at me with hatred and cursed: "You bastard! The Ding family sells drugs and runs casinos! I don't know how many families have been ruined! They cut off their children and grandchildren, it is God's retribution! How dare you! Help them look at Feng Shui! You are a thousand swordsman, you will die sooner or later!"

She scolded hoarsely, and her tone was even more resentful.

The voice was trembling crying at the end.

Such a short sentence contains so many emotions, one can imagine what happened to her...

Especially the words "family ruin and death" made my heart tingle...

In the blink of an eye, those servants of the Ding family had already rushed in front of the woman.

Two of them quickly grabbed it, the other raised his hand, and the big ear scraper crackled down three or four times!

The woman was already weak and thin, these few slaps directly knocked her out and passed out.

As soon as the servant of the Ding family let go, she fell limply on the ground...

Ding Chang's face was blue and red, and his eyes were full of anger.

Especially the stench made him cover his mouth and nose.

He Quanmin next to him suddenly said: "Patriarch Ding, it seems that there are many people in this village who complain about the Ding family."

"You know, the higher-ups don't want to see these things. The provincial capital of Pingyang can do big business, and the people's livelihood can't be messed up. Otherwise, the higher-ups can't stand it."

Ding Chang's eyelids twitched slightly, he closed his eyes and said: "Battle Commander He is worrying too much, she is just a crazy woman, the Ding family will cure her."

At this time, Ding Shi had already walked to the side, he stared at the servants, and ordered: "What are you still doing, take this crazy woman away and deal with it."

Immediately, those people supported the woman and walked quickly towards the rearmost car.

Ding Chang immediately smiled at me, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, don't be surprised, there are some people like this in every village. It's hard to see Ding's family well. Let's..."

At this moment, Liu Huayan suddenly took a few steps to the side, directly blocking the servants who were carrying the woman away, her face was tense, and her eyes were even more sharp.

At this time, my complexion also changed slightly, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on my forehead.

I can't hear it anywhere, so what does "deal with it" mean?

I'm afraid that within a short time, this woman will be exposed to the wilderness.

Liu Huayan has righteousness in his chest, so how could he watch this scene happen?

Even if it's me, I can't stand it.

"Patriarch Ding, she may just be overwhelmed by the evil spirit. In my opinion, Daoist Liu should be able to cure the problem of the Ding family's heirs for many years. It is definitely not just a problem with the old house of the Ding family. Let Daoist Liu come to this woman. Let's deal with it." I said in a deep voice, and first made a smooth circle for this matter.

Ding Chang frowned slightly, but his eyes were thoughtful.

But at this moment, He Quanmin said with a smile: "Since this is the case, it is the best, but Mr. Li will order the house later, so we can't let Daoist Liu take care of this trivial matter. I think, Or let people leave this crazy woman here first, let a few people watch, and then do it later, how about it?"

Before I could answer, He Quanmin gave an order in a low voice.

Immediately behind him, a soldier carrying a gun walked out. That man walked behind several servants of Ding's family, and pulled the belt that tied the gun around his shoulders.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the venue became stagnant.

There is more sweat on my forehead, but I can't talk about anything else at the moment.

Because it is impossible for me to fall out with the Ding family.

This woman scolded me because I bought a house for the Ding family.

Judging from the eyes of the surrounding villagers, this woman is not the only one who wants to scold me and throw me rotten eggs.

But they don't know the true meaning of me ordering a house for the Ding family.

If Liu Huayan had an issue with the Ding family because of this woman, it would be a big problem.

To my relief, Liu Huayan took half a step back and walked directly to my side.

Her gaze fell on He Quanmin, and she said softly, "Then I will trouble Commander He."

He Quanmin smiled and gestured, and immediately the big soldier led a few servants and walked towards a side of the open space to get out of the way.

"Liu Dao can rest assured when he grows up, He will naturally do well for what he promised you.

After He Quanmin finished speaking, Ding Shi went to the front to lead the way and led us to the village.

After walking for a long way, away from the eyes of the villagers, I felt a little relieved.

After more than ten minutes, we came to the front of an old house in the center of the village.

The area of ​​this old house is not small, and there is a plaque with the four characters "Ding's ancestral house" hanging on the door.

At first glance, the Feng Shui of the old house is also good.

Just one more glance, and I saw the problem.

This old house is also a trapezoid, which looks similar to Yang Zhu's house, but it's not like that.

Yang Zhushu's house is small at the front, large at the back, and the door is incomparably trapezoidal.

The Ding family's old house is neat on both sides, and the door is slanted inwards, which is a slanted gate.

The reason why it is trapezoidal is that the left side of the yard is short and the right side is long, which also causes the door to tilt.

There is a sentence in the Zhai Jing to describe it: "The terrain is short on the left and long on the right. It is very auspicious for people to live in. The wealth and wealth in the family are accumulated, and there is a fear of lack of children when they are old!"

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, thanks to Miss Hua'er for her 666, and thanks to Hua'er babe for blasting and spreading flowers, two Miss Hua'er!

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