As soon as I said this, He Quanmin's pupils constricted.

Ding Chang's complexion also changed slightly, but in the next moment, he glanced at Ding Shi next to him calmly, and said in a deep voice: "Go in, and invite everyone in the courtyard away, three big yellow croakers are enough for them to come in again." Go buy a good piece of land and build a new house!"

After finishing speaking, Ding Chang made another gesture of invitation, looked under a tree a little further away from the roadside, and said cautiously: "Mr. Li, look over there, how about it?"

After a short pause, Ding Chang said again: "Actually, the people here are all our own people, so it's okay for Mr. Li to speak out."

He Quanmin coughed, and said: "Patriarch Ding's words are very true, Mr. Li can speak bluntly..."

I smiled and didn't say much, just looked down at the compass without saying a word.

Of course, I casually glanced at Ding Chang from the corner of my eye.

Because I can probably tell that Ding Chang's words just now are just words for face.

It's just that He Quanmin is a rough man who licks blood with a knife, so he didn't see it.

As for my actions, I deliberately didn't give He Quanmin a step. I think Ding Chang is a fine person, so he should be able to tell.

And my actions will make him more curious and make him trust me!

I can be sure that the prosperous descendants and officials I mentioned just now are enough to make Ding Chang yearn for!

It took only half a cup of tea, but I still kept looking at the compass in silence.

Ding Shi had already entered the yard, and there were constant shouts in the yard.

He Quanmin was obviously not at ease, he still looked at me with a smile on his face.

Ding Chang shook his head with a wry smile, and then he gave He Quanmin a look.

The next moment, Ding Chang made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Li, this way please." After speaking, Ding Chang walked over directly.

As for He Quanmin, he stopped looking at me, but walked along the yard, seeming to be pacing.

In the short few minutes, in fact, Ding Chang and He Quanmin really have their own ghosts!

I pretended to take a deep breath and followed Ding Chang directly.

He Zhi and Liu Huayan stayed where they were and waited for me.

Not long after, Ding Chang got under the tree first, and after I followed, I didn't stop, but went around directly behind the tree.

Ding Chang also walked up to me immediately.

Standing in the position of the two of us, even with the line of sight, He Quanmin can only see our sides.

"Mr. Li doesn't have to be so shy about congratulating the battalion commander. He is the leader, General Ma, and he is really good to my Ding family." Ding Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and opened his mouth first.

I shook my head and said, "Not bad, but in this world, I think everyone has their own interests and what they need, right, Patriarch Ding."

"I didn't shy away from it just now, so I slipped up a little bit. Commander He seemed careless, but when he heard the words of officials, his face obviously changed a lot."

"The barrel of a gun is the right to speak. If you have money in your family, you also need power in your hands. Otherwise, who can live in troubled times for a long time?" When I said this, my expression became more solemn, and I continued: "Sir, there is a cause and effect in doing things. If something bad happens to the Ding family..."

At this point, I will not say more on purpose.

After a short pause, I continued: "Patriarch Ding, I don't want to speak secretly. This house can not only make people prosperous, but also can produce many officials in the long run. If people don't like it, it's up to Patriarch Ding to judge by himself."

"If you feel unsafe, we will change to another house."

In an instant, Ding Chang's complexion became extremely serious!

The longing in his eyes could hardly be concealed, but there was a little sweat on his forehead, he clenched his fists back and forth, and lowered his head in thought.

Ding Chang's thoughts took a full cup of tea before he raised his head.

At this moment, his eyes are already hardened a lot!

"Mr. Li's words remind Ding that although Mr. Qiu is kind to the Ding family, I can see that they have never cared about the problems of my Ding family's descendants in order to make the Ding family prosperous. It's probably only half-language."

"The Ding family makes money, and they benefit the most. The money I have to hand in every year is quite a lot, and a considerable part of the military salary is earned by the Ding family."

"If the Ding family has the opportunity to produce one or two such talents, why should they rely on others?"

"I will find a way to make Commander He shut up. As for Mr. Qiu, please ask Mr. Li to do me a favor."

Ding Chang looked more cautious.

I nodded and said: "Mr. Ding, please tell me, I will definitely help you."

Ding Chang murmured: "Thinking about it, if Mr. Qiu knew about this house, he would be able to see it too, but he is elusive and basically does not show his face, especially recently. I have to tell General Ma a fake shape of the house. It is best for He Quanmin to tell the story, so that there will be no suspicion there, and my Ding family can slowly get rid of them."

"If He Quanmin can't help, he really has no choice but to keep his mouth shut." Ding Chang's words were already filled with murderous intent!

My heart beats a lot faster.

Ding Chang's few words have almost been deceived by me. Of course, this is not because he is easy to be deceived, but because of the problem of heirs, as well as Mr. Qiu and General Ma, it is impossible to really trust Ding Chang too much.

The superposition of several reasons, coupled with Ding Chang's own greed, made him trust me so much.

I took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Don't worry about this matter, Mr. Ding, as long as you can get the cooperation of Battalion Commander He, let's go into the house and have a look. After I have seen it, I will draw another picture." The picture is for you, and you can let the craftsman modify it according to it."

"For the sake of safety, the appearance of this house will not be modified, so as not to be too high-profile and make people suspicious again."

Ding Chang also nodded again and again. He looked excited and said: "Mr. Li's words are very true! If I want to come, I will buy a private house. General Ma should not have to think too much. If it is a big construction, I will invite him to see it. When the time comes, I will buy a private house. It’s not easy to refuse.”

At this moment, Ding Chang is already full of ambition.

I calmed my breathing and thoughts a little, and made a gesture of please, saying don't let them wait for us for too long.

Ding Chang immediately turned his head and walked towards the front of the yard.

When I passed by, Ding Shi was leading several villagers out of the courtyard.

In the eyes of those villagers, there was both a bit of surprise and a bit of fear. They looked at us a few times and then left quickly.

He Quanmin came over again, and was about to speak with a smile.

Ding Chang stood between the two of us first, and said to He Quanmin with a smile: "Battlemaster He, I just remembered that the Ding family was collecting debts a while ago, and there was a small building in the city. I heard that Battalion Commander He I have put a lot of thought into an oiran, and this is a great event for the Ding family, and Battalion Commander He has also come to help."

"Naturally, Ding will not treat you badly. I will buy the oiran and send it to the small building, so that Battalion Commander He can use it as a resting courtyard. How about it?"

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