He Quanmin's eyes were filled with displeasure for a moment, but when his eyes swept over Liu Huayan, surprise flashed in his eyes again.

"Mr. Li, who is this?"

"Liu Huayan, Daoist Liu."

While I was answering, I was also somewhat puzzled, why did Liu Huayan ask He Quanmin this?

In fact, we should deal with these officials and family members with guns in their waists as little as possible.

It's just that Liu Huayan's expression made me think, does Liu Huayan know this Mr. Qiu?

In my thoughts, He Quanmin had already nodded several times, and he said with a smile: "Mr. After Ding's house is built, please invite Daoist Liu to accompany you as a guest, the higher-ups also like Taoist things, and then Daoist Liu may know Mr. Qiu's name."

I was slightly startled, this He Quanmin actually kept his name a secret from Mr. Qiu?

So who exactly is Mr. Qiu who is so careful?

Liu Huayan didn't continue to ask questions, but just lowered his head without saying a word.

He Quanmin's eyes swept over He Zhi again, and the emotion that flashed in his eyes was not just amazement.

"Mr. Li has achieved something at a young age, and he is accompanied by two such beautiful beauties, which makes He very envious."

"You still don't know the girl's name?"

He Quanmin's eyes this time were much more naked.

His look made a wave of disgust and resistance instinctively arise in my heart.

Before I could speak, He Zhi stepped back a little and hid a little behind me. Her hand subconsciously grabbed my sleeve.

I blocked He Zhi slightly, and then replied: "Ghost He, she specially sends the dead on the road, and visits graves at night." He Quanmin's eyelids obviously twitched slightly.

He smiled, then nodded thoughtfully.

"Ms. He has seen a lot. Such a girl who looks like a fairy can do these things."

"However, Mr. Qiu mentioned a few words, is the sorceress a low class?" He Quanmin asked again.

He Zhi's body trembled, and the hand that was holding my arm was even stronger.

At this moment, Ding Chang, who was on the sidelines, obviously couldn't wait any longer, and interjected, "Commander He, after the matter is over, Mr. Li will be a guest of his own accord, so let's go first."

Only then did He Quanmin nod his head, and went to the front car carrying a lot of soldiers, while Ding Chang invited us into another car behind.

Ding Chang was sitting on the other side of the driver, and the three of us were in the back row.

After we went up, as the vehicle in front moved, the cars behind also followed up one by one.

There were people in the car, so it was naturally inconvenient to talk.

Liu Huayan looked very strange, she kept her head down, as if she was thinking about something.

I probably guessed that she might be thinking about Mr. Qiu?

He Zhi, never let go of my arm, and even held it tighter.

"I don't like him, and I don't want to be a guest at their place. His eyes are very bad."

He Zhi's voice was very low, she gritted her teeth lightly, with aggrieved expression on her face.

I was just about to give He Zhi a hint that there are many people in this car, especially Ding Chang.

Although her voice is not loud, other people must be able to hear it.

But Ding Chang smiled roughly, and said: "Ghost He, these days, everyone is licking blood from the edge of a knife. Battalion Commander He is a rough man. If his eyes scared you just now, I'll go back and talk to him."

He Zhi immediately fell silent.

At this moment, Liu Huayan said softly: "Patriarch Ding, you and Qiu Tianyuan, Mr. Qiu, are very close, right?"

Liu Huayan's sudden words shocked me suddenly.

It was Ding Chang, the smile on his face froze instantly.

The next moment, Ding Chang turned his head quickly, his eyes were full of surprise.

Liu Huayan's eyes at that moment were full of thoughts.

The two looked at each other for a while, before Ding Chang smiled again, and said, "I didn't expect Daoist Liu to know Mr. Qiu?"

"I also ask the Taoist chief not to be offended. Mr. Qiu doesn't like to mention his name in front of others. The reason why Battalion Commander He didn't say it is because his superiors gave orders."

Obviously, Ding Chang's tone was much more cautious.

"We know each other very well, Patriarch Ding doesn't need to think too much." Liu Huayan replied.

After a while, she said softly again: "It's been too long since I came out, I didn't expect that the first teacher's line will have a baby."

"I didn't expect..." When the words came to this point, Liu Huayan turned to look out of the car window.

She didn't look at Ding Chang again.

After coming over for a while, Ding Chang also turned around and sat down with a little embarrassment.

These few words, as well as Liu Huayan's unexpected two, caused a lot of turmoil in my thoughts.

First of all, Liu Huayan's intelligence, she actually used his name to test Ding Chang, and got a definite answer!

Secondly, Mr. Qiu is actually from their Qiang nationality? !

I still clearly remember that Liu Huayan told me that the first teacher of the Qiang nationality was Mr. Yinshu, who was proficient in wind and water.

Then Mr. Qiu, could it be the former teacher?This thought only flashed for a moment, and then I dismissed it.

He can't be the teacher.

It is very likely that he is an extremely important person from the lineage of the first teacher.

If she was really the former teacher, Liu Huayan's expression at this moment would never be so calm.

There are also the two "unexpected" she just said, the last one is even more intriguing.

The Taoist priests of the Liu family of the Qiang nationality, who support justice and travel the world, even Yang Zhushu has heard of it. The Taoist priests of the Liu family have a great spirit in their chests.

The Qiang people they belonged to couldn't possibly be the generation that harmed others, so what Qiu Tianyuan did probably violated many things.

Along the way, several people in our car had their own thoughts and thoughts.

After about an hour, the car finally stopped.

"Mr. Li, we're here." Ding Chang's voice brought me back to my senses.

The door of the car was pulled open by the servants of Ding's family, Liu Huayan got out of the car first, and He Zhi and I got out of the car right behind.

After getting off the car, I saw a well-repaired village archway with the words "Dingjia Village" written on it.

There are many people standing around the entrance of the village, including some children.

Ding Chang said with a smile on his face: "Hehe, Mr. Li, since the Ding family made a fortune, Ding has never forgotten the place where he gave birth. I specially invited a famous carpenter to build this archway in Ding's village."

He sighed again: "These villagers have heard that I am coming back to build a house, and they often wait at the entrance of the village. Today, they are also here to see the demeanor of the gentleman."

Ding Chang's words are really nice.

However, the eyes of the surrounding villagers looked lifeless and exhausted.

Some people even had a hint of resentment in their eyes.

Of course, those people are hiding in the back, if I am not very sensitive to these emotions, I would not be able to see them for a while.

At this time, Nahe Quanmin also got out of the car and walked to our side.

A few of the other leading soldiers in the car also got off, and followed behind He Quanmin with a straight posture.

He Quanmin is obviously closer to me, in other words, he is closer to He Zhi...

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