I finally forced myself to sleep, and I never dreamed again.


When I woke up from this sleep, the sky was already bright.

The sunlight shone into the room, and when I opened my eyes, I suddenly felt back pain, and my arms, which had been resting on my head, were even more numb and sore.

Liu Huayan was no longer in the room, and He Zhi was sitting at the head of the bed, lowering his head and chipping away at the lightning strike wooden sign.

I sat up straight, stretched my waist, and finally recovered.

He Zhi raised his head, smiled at me, and said: "Liu Huayan went outside just after dawn, saying that the purple qi came from the east, and he wanted to meditate and concentrate on the unity of heaven and man. I don't quite understand."

"Ding Shi came to ask for it once, saying that the car is ready, and breakfast is also ready in the front yard."

While talking, He Zhi handed me another lightning strike wooden sign: "Here, there are probably seven wooden signs that can be made."

After I took it, I nodded, thanked her sincerely, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, we'll leave after eating, we'll finish our work early, and let's get out early."

He Zhi looked at my eyes, but she was worried. She said unnaturally: "Why do I feel that there is something wrong with you and yesterday? Why are there so many bloodshot eyes in your eyes?"

My body froze slightly, and it was hard to explain this to He Zhi.

After a pause, I said, "I'll tell you after it's over."

After the rest, I have completely suppressed the redundant thoughts in my heart.

Leaving the room with He Zhi, he saw Liu Huayan in the courtyard at a glance.

At this time, she was standing in the courtyard with her eyes closed, motionless.

After we came out, Liu Huayan opened his eyes, looked at us, and nodded to us at the same time.

In front of the courtyard gate, Ding Shi leaned against the gate and dozed off.

There were still a few servants standing next to them, and some of them woke up Ding Shi, and Ding Shi hurried towards us immediately.

When he got close to me, he said with a smile all over his face, "Mr. Li is still resting well?"

I hummed and said, "Let's go, it's important."

Ding Shi looked quite solemn, and he immediately led the way out.

When I arrived at the main room in the front yard, I immediately saw Ding Chang waiting there.

There are some cold dishes on the table.

After we entered the courtyard, there were servants walking out in a hurry.

Ding Chang also stood up and greeted us with a smile.

Everyone took their seats, and the rest of the hot dishes and meals were also brought up.

In the process of eating, Ding Chang first asked me how I was resting, and then asked me if I had helped them figure out what kind of ancestral house the Ding family should change?

I told Ding Chang that I would have to wait until I looked at the location of the land to be sure.

In feng shui, there are many mansions and heir houses, so I have to choose one that is safe enough.

Ding Chang nodded again and again, saying yes, safety is the most important thing!

Immediately afterwards, Ding Chang told me about my visit to Ding's house, and the authorities in Pingyang Provincial City also knew about it. General Ma sent a cronies down, saying that he would go and see with us.

My heart trembled a little, this warlord sent people here, enough to show the status of the Ding family...

I couldn't help being more cautious.

It didn't take long for a meal.

Same as last night, even though Ding's food is mostly delicious, it still tastes like nothing to me.

After putting down the chopsticks, we walked from the main room to the outside of the compound.

Here we are, at the gate of the courtyard.

There were actually four cars parked on the road under the steps.

The one in the lead is obviously much bigger, with a protruding big nose on the head, and a cargo box-like existence behind it.

Among them sat many big soldiers carrying guns.

And beside the car, stood a man wearing a dark green windbreaker and a military cap. He was about thirty years old, with a square face that was as sharp as a knife, and his eyes were cold.

Ding Chang smiled heartily and waved at the man.

"Ding is really sorry for making He Ying wait for a long time. Later, I will order someone to prepare a small gift and send it to your residence."

The man walked towards us with strides like the wind, and he reached the gate in a few steps.

"Master Ding is out of his mind. If the superiors find out, I'll take your things and kill me with a single shot?" Battalion Commander He waved his hand and said.

His eyes fell on me, and he held out his hand to shake mine.

Out of courtesy, I stretched out my hand and shook it back.

He has a lot of strength, and the handshake even made my palm a little raw.

Fortunately, I used to learn to fish for corpses, and I have enough strength at hand.

"My lord, He Quanmin, Mr. Li is not only young and promising, he also looks like a practicing family."

"The superior has been asking Mr. Qiu to come again to book a house for the Ding family, but Mr. Qiu said that her wife is giving birth and she will not be able to come to Pingyang in a short time."

"However, last night, the superior still spoke to Mr. Qiu on the phone. Mr. Qiu heard that someone could solve the geomantic problems of the Ding family's heirs. He was also very happy. Knowing that Mr. Li was only in his early twenties, he felt that he was young and mature. After that, we have to invite Mr. Li to our superiors as a guest, and Mr. Qiu also wants to come and see Mr. Li."

He Quanmin's speech was not slow, but his words were sonorous, and there was a hint of gangster in his tone.

I was slightly startled!

Why do you still invite me over after the house is settled?

From his words, I can roughly hear that Mr. Qiu is probably the one who helped Ding's family build this mansion!

But I absolutely can't go with him, not to mention that it's no different from entering a wolf's den, and it will delay my return to Tang Town within half a year!

There are even more hidden dangers, that is, the Ding family will definitely have children in a short time, and the Ding family's family business will also be destroyed!

In the blink of an eye, the strength in my hand inevitably increased by two points.

As for Ding Chang, there was surprise on his face. He patted me on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Mr. Li, that's a great thing. If General Ma can value him, he will be able to gain such glory and wealth at his fingertips!"

He Quanmin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became a little more alert.

"It seems that Mr. Li is not too happy?" I was shocked, I didn't expect He Quanmin's observation ability to be so keen!

I immediately restrained my emotions.

He Quanmin's eyes were still alert, his attention was almost on my face, examining every change in my mood.

I became more cautious several times before my face completely calmed down.

She twitched her hand a little, but stopped shaking He Quanmin.

I just replied: "Mr. Li is just an introverted gentleman. Hearing that he was favored by a big shot, he was unavoidably a little panicked."

"Yeah." He Quanmin nodded, his eyes became a little more arrogant, he shook his head and said: "Mr. Sir, you still need to be vigilant." His words were calm, yet utterly threatening.

At this moment, Liu Huayan who was beside me suddenly asked: "You said, Mr. Qiu, who is good friends with your superiors, is surnamed Qiu? He also has a wife who is giving birth?"

Liu Huayan's eyes fell on He Quanmin's face, her brows were slightly frowned, and her eyes were full of questioning.

Immediately afterwards, she asked again: "That Mr. Qiu, what's his name?"

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