That means, I will order this Yangzhai.

But I can only order Zi Si Zhai!

For example, let the Ding family have a son, but once the heir is born, the Ding family will lose their wealth and power, and the heir will also disobey the elders, ruin the family and ruin the business!

After I stopped writing, Liu Huayan's pupils tightened even more.

She stared at the paper, then at me.

The suspicion and questioning of me in her eyes dissipated immediately, and her expression eased a lot, she nodded with me.

But He Zhi gave Liu Huayan a blank look, and said in a low voice, "Pedantry."

Although He Zhi talked about Liu Huayan in this way, she was obviously not as indifferent to Liu Huayan as before.

In fact, after Liu Huayan was almost killed by me that night, He Zhi's hostility towards Liu Huayan has become slightly less.

I let out a long breath and quickly picked up the piece of paper.

In the right corner of the table in this room, there is a candlestick.

I put the paper on the candle, and the tongue of flame engulfed the paper in an instant.

Except for this matter, which cannot be said, there is actually nothing that cannot be said.

The Ding family sent people to guard outside, firstly because the walls have ears, and secondly because they are afraid that we will escape.

If we don't say a word or discuss it, it will make the Ding family suspicious.

I glanced at the room, the room is not small, the wooden bed against the wall is even bigger, at least two meters wide.

I deliberately raised my voice, and said: "A box of big yellow croakers, after the matter is completed, the Ding family will definitely have a thank-you gift, and money can make ghosts turn the clock. If I don't do it, someone will do it. Let this matter go Get out? That would be stupid."

I said these words on purpose for the people in the yard to hear.

I didn't go to the crack of the door to observe the outside again. Basically, the order of things is set, and it depends on how I implement it. During this period, I can't break up with the Ding family.

And not long after I finished speaking, another slightly slender voice came from outside the door.

"Mr. Li, I'm Ding Shi. You are also tired. Let's rest first and talk about things tomorrow. Your body is tired and something is wrong. The owner is asking us."

I was immediately vigilant, but I also responded with the word um.

He Zhi went to the bed first. She took a mourning stick, drew a few marks on it, and then said that she was sleeping in the middle.

Then, she sat directly in the middle of the bed, with her left and right hands spread apart, like a dividing line.

I shook my head with a wry smile, lowered my voice and said, "You two, rest, I'll read a book."

I didn't go to bed, but sat down at the table, but at this time, I was also restless.

Because there is another thing, that is, before leaving, Yang Zhushu threw us a ball of paper.

And I always have some doubts about Yang Zhushu.

One is his sneaky look at us, and the other is that I entered another room, the coldness in that room...

I was about to mention that Liu Huayan also just went to bed, but instead of lying down, she sat cross-legged on the bed.

And she took out a small ball of paper from her waist pocket, opened it and looked down.

Liu Huayan frowned, and murmured in a low voice: "Yangjia Town, ten miles away, there is a mess of graves, with an evil face?" His tone turned into suspicion

"Before the Ding family came, Yang Zhushu just told us that we don't need to go, saying that there are tombs outside the Yang family town. He only had time to mention one Jiazi, and he didn't say anything else."

"Green Corpse Evil... Outside Yang Family Town, there are green corpses haunting you." Liu Huayan's tone became more serious, and he repeated what he had just said. .

My heart was also trembling, looking at the meaning of this ball of paper, is Yang Zhushu asking us to help?

Concentrated for a moment, I whispered: "He may have a problem." Immediately afterwards, I got up and walked to the bed, and told about Yang Zhushu's eyes and the things about that room in a voice that only the three of us could hear.

Liu Huayan looked serious, and said: "Ding's family business, it is necessary to go back once, whether there is something wrong with Yang Zhushu, this is one thing. I also need to confirm whether there is really a green corpse outside Yang's town, if Qing The corpses will cause trouble, and the townspeople will definitely be killed or injured."

I nodded in agreement.

Liu Huayan put away the note, sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, put his hands on his knees, obviously meditating.

He Zhi had already looked tired, said good night to me, then turned around and fell asleep.

I walked back to the wooden table, and after sitting down, although I was already very sleepy, I still kept my head down and read the book.

I don't know how long it took, sleepiness completely eroded my consciousness, and I fell asleep lying on the table.

This time I slept, but I didn't sleep well.

I had a dream.

This dream was very weird, I was in the Xianglu, but I didn't see Jiang Yihong.

It's just that I sat in Jiang Yihong's position.

The fixed compass is placed on the left side of my hand, and the Dizhi pen and Tiangan inkstone are in front of my right hand.

The weirdest thing is that the blood in the Tiangan inkstone is actually bright red!

I heard the crackling sound in my ear, it was the collision of the beads!

The sound of counting beads disturbed my mind.

And my index finger, but I can't stop feeling the pain.

That kind of pain, as if the finger is about to split.

I grunted in pain, but the sound of counting beads in my ear stopped abruptly.

"Yinyang, have you forgotten what my teacher taught you?" The voice behind him was Jiang Yihong's, but the tone was so severe that I had never heard before!

I tried hard to turn my head back, but I couldn't twist my neck no matter what.

The voice in my ear was still echoing, and the severity and questioning became stronger and stronger!

My head is buzzing and it feels like it's going to explode!

With a muffled snort, I suddenly opened my eyes...

I just woke up from the dream...

And my fingers were just bent and pressed under my face, and they were already numb.

With a gasp, I moved my fingers, but I still had lingering fears.

The content of this dream, combined with the palpitations after I made that decision during the day, made my heart even more depressed.

Jiang Yihong taught me many rules, the most common sense among them is that sir, remember not to use Feng Shui to harm others...

According to the principle of death, if I give this house to the Ding family, I will indeed break the Ding family's property rights.

But trees move to death, people move to live, I have already come to Ding's house, and I have to order a house.

It is impossible for me to really help the Ding family to help the evildoers.

I think this method will save people, and it will save many people in Pingyang City...

While palpitations and panting, I forcibly suppressed the messy thoughts in my heart.

Maybe Master Jiang Yihong is here, there will be a better way.

But now, this is the only way I can deal with it.

Even if it is because of this, I will have retribution, and I have no other choice...

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