I immediately understood why she didn't like it!

In fact, Liu Huayan's expression has been constantly changing since he came out of Yizhiju.

Just now I promised to build a house for the Ding family, Liu Huayan was naturally dissatisfied.

She must think that the Ding family is outrageous, and that I built a Yang residence for the Ding family to help the evildoers.

It's just that I can't explain it to Liu Huayan right now.

There are so many people around, if I reveal half of my true intentions, I'm afraid we will leave our bodies here...

After a while, we entered the Ding family mansion.

At this time, it can be seen that the Ding family's wealth is even stronger.

Inside the mansion, there are carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions, terraces and pavilions, just like the residences of princes and nobles.

Even the ornaments adorning the corridors are all made of gold, silver and jade, which are very valuable at first glance.

Even though it is late at night, Ding's house is brightly lit.

From the gate to the corridor, I found some small details.

Even on these wooden buildings, there are more or less cracks.

There are even signs of shriveling and withering...

Logically speaking, how could the finished wood wither?

This phenomenon, which cannot be explained by common sense, is related to Feng Shui.

Wood is for life, and wood dies for life.

In addition, the Zhou family's compound also has a pool and rockery, but there is no flower garden.

Walking along the corridor, I almost reached the main room, but I still didn't see a pot of green plants.

Ding Chang was instructing Ding Shi to prepare the food and drink, so I first gave Liu Huayan a calm look.

Then, I spoke to Ding Chang: "Patriarch Ding, if what I said is correct, the Ding family's house has not raised any vegetation, right?"

Right now Ding Chang just finished explaining to Ding Shi, and immediately followed, he nodded to me again and again, saying: "Mr. Li is indeed a master, you can see it before Ding said it."

"It's strange to say that I bought a lot of expensive flowers and trees, and after transplanting them back, they withered soon after. I also hired a special person to take care of them, but they were still useless."

I hummed, and continued: "The tree withers and loses its vitality, even if the dead wood will wither again, the last remaining vitality will be squeezed out, and the Ding family will have no heir. This matter is related."

Obviously, Ding Chang was more serious and listened to my words attentively.

"The Ding family has a lot of wealth and power, so there must be some damage." I spoke again, but I had reservations about what I said.

In fact, the current situation facing the Ding family is that they cannot raise offspring because they have done all kinds of evil things.

But I can't say that.

Once I say it bluntly, I'm afraid something like Hou Qianshu will happen.

The Ding family will definitely not agree with me for doing evil, so let me do some homework on this basis.

The first half of my sentence was a compliment to the Ding family, and the second half of the sentence also took away the things related to the Ding family's evil deeds.

When I finished speaking, Ding Chang nodded again and again: "Mr. Li's words are very true! Ding is also well versed in the principle that a month's profit is a loss, and please help me, Mr. Li!"

He looked at me again with longing.

I pondered for a while and said: "After I order a house, I need a direct lineage of the Ding family to live in the new house, so that Feng Shui will take effect, and the Ding family will definitely have children. Relatively speaking, in this big house, the direct lineage is very To live less, it is best to have half of them directly into the new house."

At this moment, Ding Chang asked again: "Will that affect my Ding family's financial resources?"

He asked this question in a particularly hasty manner, and his eyes were very cautious.

My heart tightened slightly.

Inexplicably, my palms were also sweating a lot.

But I just paused for a moment, and then replied: "No."

As soon as I finished saying this, I suddenly felt heart palpitations.

I can't explain this feeling, it came so suddenly, it made me a little bit depressed.

After all, I lied about this sentence...

In the next moment, Ding Chang was even more overjoyed.

"This is so great! Mr. Li will be the guest of the Ding family from now on! Whoever dares to disrespect you in this provincial city of Pingyang, the Ding family will never let him go!"

"Please take your seat!" Ding Chang made another gesture of invitation.

There is also a round table in the main room, and he actually invited me to the seat of the host.

He Zhi and Liu Huayan were arranged on the left and right sides of me.

After a while, servants came to serve the food.

The food at Ding's family is extremely luxurious, and many of the dishes are something I have never seen before.

We were not the only ones at the table, but also many important members of the Ding family. Ding Chang asked them to greet me one by one.

After a meal, many people toasted with me, and while pushing and changing glasses, although I kept refusing, I still didn't hold back Ding Chang, and drank a lot.

It's just that although the dishes are better, I always feel that the food is tasteless and depressing when I eat it.

Of course, I can't express it on my face.

After a meal, everyone in the Ding family was full of satisfaction and joy on their faces.

At the end of the day, Ding Chang will arrange a place for us.

I immediately spoke first, saying that he doesn't need to arrange too many rooms, just one room is enough.

In fact, my purpose is simple, just for the sake of safety, and to reduce variables.

Ding Chang was surprised for a moment, and then he laughed very happily.

"Mr. Li is young and promising, but he enjoys the blessing of being equal to others. Ding admires him!"

After speaking, Ding Chang personally led the way and took us to our residence.

The Ding Family Courtyard is very large, and there are many other courtyards. In the end, he led us into a courtyard named Dingxiangyuan. In this courtyard, there is only one big room and one main room.

And he also discussed with me that when I have enough rest tomorrow, he will take me to their countryside to see the old house.

Finally, Ding Chang left with the rest of the Ding family.

After they left, the three of us entered the room, I immediately looked more cautious, and closed the door behind my backhand.

At this moment, Liu Huayan's face was icy cold, and there were even a few vertical lines between his brows!

"Li Yinyang, it's true that we were forced to come here, but you have talked so much with the Ding family and you still want to help the Ding family, you have to give me an explanation."

He Zhi also frowned, and she looked at Liu Huayan a lot colder, obviously dissatisfied with Liu Huayan's questioning of me.

I immediately made a silent movement, and said softly: "The walls have ears."

The moment my voice fell, I noticed the gate of the other courtyard through the crack of the door, and a few figures walked in...

These figures are all servants of the Ding family, and each of them is carrying a spear used by the militia on their backs.

My eyelids twitched a few times, and I tried my best to calm down.

Ding Chang indeed looks rough on the surface, but in fact he is meticulous, cunning and cunning in his heart.

He is also afraid that we will run away...

Liu Huayan frowned again.

I quickly walked to the table by the window in this room, and took out a ground pen, Tiangan inkstone, and a piece of hemp paper.

After quickly studying the ink, I wrote down a few sentences, roughly explaining to Liu Huayan, the purpose of my ordering the Yangzhai!

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