Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 34 You can eat food randomly, but you can't talk nonsense

It was already the second half of the night, the moonlight was not as cold as the first half of the night, and the light was not so clear.

The man's face was extremely familiar.

My heart felt even colder, because isn't this person Wang Xue? !

We just picked up his body two days ago and sent his son back home, but he died in Xuanhe? !And he died next to his second uncle's corpse boat? !

Who killed him? !

The second uncle's face was even more uncertain.

I looked at my second uncle anxiously, and said with difficulty: "Second uncle, what should I do?"

The second uncle didn't speak at first, staring at the corpse for a long time.

"With the owner's body, it can't be fished out of the shore without any reason. Someone has to inform Wang Xue's wife, but this matter is already very troublesome." The second uncle's voice was obviously hoarse.

And the second uncle didn't go into the water to repair the corpse boat.

Just sitting by the pier, next to a pier, just staring at the corpse.

I hesitated for a moment, but I still expressed my doubts, who killed Wang Xue?

The second uncle glanced at me, and said: "Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, the dead person will get on the boat after all, I thought nothing would happen, but I didn't expect that her enemy turned out to be Wang Xue... ..."

My heart skipped a beat, and I looked even more bewildered.

"You mean, Wang Xue killed her?" My pupils tightened.

When the body of Wang Xue's son was salvaged, a female corpse grabbed Wang Xue's son's ankle.

We salvaged it and boarded the boat, and the female corpse also boarded the boat. At that time, Wang Xue was very excited and kicked the female corpse off the boat.

At that time, I thought that Wang Xue felt that the female corpse killed his son by dragging her ankle, that's why she had such an expression.

I didn't think much about the details. After we returned to the pier, Wang Xue did behave a little strangely, as if he had been bumped into.

But he himself didn't want to mention it, and we couldn't ask more, and the matter of dying itself had to be avoided.

The less trouble, the better.

But now that Wang Xue's fate, and what the second uncle said, it has almost made it clear how he died.

Otherwise, how could he be in the hanging river?

Anyway, Wang Xue is also a wealthy nobleman in the city. Under normal circumstances, this kind of person will not be murdered by any enemy...

In my thoughts, my heart was also slightly cold, and I said unnaturally: "Then, will the dead find us?"

The second uncle hummed, the scar on his face was also convulsed, and his tone was even worse: "It's really a leak in the house, and it rained all night, and it caused him to die, and it still happened one after another. There was one in the Meng family, and now he killed Wang Xue." One, it doesn't matter."

"Then what should I do..." I asked cautiously.

"Revenge, find out how she died, revenge is not enough, you have to give an explanation." The second uncle shook his head and said: "Otherwise, this matter will have nothing to do, we two, uncle and nephew, have to give up Fold in."

I still wanted to talk, but stopped talking.

As for how to do it, I don't know, I can only listen to my second uncle to arrange.

The second uncle waved his hand and said let me take a nap on the pier first, and I still have work to do when it dawns.

I was exhausted and tired, but Wang Xue died here, but it made my thoughts clear, where can I take a nap?

I sat down on the other side of the pier that the second uncle was leaning against. I wanted to do something else, watch the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng to pass the time.

But Wang Xue's corpse is right here, staring at me and my second uncle with unrepentant eyes, how can I sleep?

And time passed extremely slowly.

I don't know how long it took, but the moon in the sky gradually disappeared into the night.

The darkness suddenly became much denser, as if you couldn't see your fingers at that moment.

In fact, the moment before dawn, the night is the darkest.

There was a faint sound of cock crowing in my ears, and about a quarter of an hour later, people began to come to the pier.

The second uncle no longer sat down, but stood up.

Those who came out of this point were all old fishermen.

When I saw my second uncle, I greeted him and called him Old Man Liu.

The second uncle did not respond to them.

The first few, before they could react, boarded their own boat, and then roared out of fright, looking at the water beside the corpse boat in amazement.

The timid ones just hid on the fishing boat to watch, and the bolder ones went to the side of the second uncle.

He even came to ask the second uncle what happened, why did people drown on the pier?

The second uncle still didn't speak.

And if he doesn't speak, I don't know how to speak, so I can only stand by his side without speaking.

As the sky gets brighter, there are more people on the pier.

These people were all gathered in front of the pier, they didn't even work, they were all whispering to each other.

I can vaguely hear that they are all talking about how people die.

Some people also recognized Wang Xue, so they could say more.

The second uncle suddenly turned his head, he roared into the crowd, and called Huang Qi.

I was taken aback, and the crowd was crowded and shaking.

Soon, a person squeezed out from the crowd and came to us.

Isn't this the guy who ran errands for us before?

I only know his name now, Huang Qi.

"Liu...Old man Liu, I'm..." Huang Qi was obviously restless and dazed, his eyes kept on looking at the water.

"You run to inform Wang Xue's wife that Wang Xue is gone, and the corpse needs to be retrieved for this matter. Be quick with your legs and feet, and get me two bottles of Laobaigan."

"By the way, don't forget to ask Wang to learn from his wife and get a cock."

The second uncle took out a dollar and patted Huang Qi's chest.

Huang Qi quickly raised his hand to pick it up, and when he secured the money, he nodded emphatically and said, "Let's do it!"

He turned quickly, squeezed through the crowd, and disappeared from my sight.

The second uncle narrowed his eyes slightly, and he glanced sideways at the people on the pier, his tone not very pleasant.

"Is everyone not working today? How many people die in the river every day? Who hasn't seen a few drowned bodies?"

"Hurry up and go fishing. If you can't earn money to go back, your mother-in-law will climb to the top of another kang!" The second uncle's voice actually didn't help much, and the crowd still didn't disperse.

He frowned, but in this situation, Second Uncle can't help it, and I don't have any good ideas?

But after waiting for a while, the people still dispersed for a while.

It's what the second uncle said, everyone has to make a living, and after seeing the excitement, they have to work hard to make money.

It is estimated that almost half an hour has passed.

In the slightly dispersed crowd, a woman with disheveled hair staggered towards him.

That woman is Wang Xue's wife. She is still wearing the cheongsam from the day before yesterday, but the threads on her thighs are all broken.

Mostly because they ran over in such a hurry that they didn't care about their clothes at all.

Huang Qi followed Wang Xue's wife closely, holding her hand up from time to time.

Wang Xue's wife rushed to the front of the pier without looking at me and my second uncle.

She tremblingly looked at the water next to the corpse boat, covered her mouth with her hands, and squatted curled up on the pier.

Sometimes grief isn't hysteria, it's not yelling.

Weeping without saying a word, on the contrary, is the manifestation of the extreme pain.

Huang Qi was a little uneasy, and handed two bottles of Laobaigan to the second uncle, and said in a low voice: "I just told her about the situation, so I hurried over here, the chicken didn't care about it, why don't I fix it later?" The second uncle frowned slightly, raised his chin, and clearly signaled Huang Qi to do it.

Huang Qi turned around and got off the pier again.

The second uncle filled a bottle of Laobaigan, and for the remaining bottle, he unscrewed the cap, gulped down a big gulp, and blushed a lot.

Just as he was taking his second sip, the woman stood up.

Her face was full of tears, her eyes were red, and she stared at the second uncle with resentment in her eyes.

Suddenly, she raised her hand suddenly, and pinched the second uncle's neck fiercely with both hands.

The sound is even more sharp to the extreme!

"You kill a thousand swords! You killed my man! I want you to pay for your life!"

Her voice was so sharp that it seemed to pierce people's eardrums, and her hatred was beyond words!

My face suddenly changed.

The second uncle also frowned tightly, and he stopped drinking.

A hand stretched out suddenly, and grabbed the woman's hand with a snap.

He was faster, and pressed her other hand again,

In an instant, the woman's wrists were held by the second uncle's fan-like hands, but she couldn't catch the second uncle's neck.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." The second uncle's voice was deep and cold.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Wang Xue's wife.

Wang Xue's wife's face was full of pain, and it was obvious that the second uncle's hands were not weak.

Her expression was even more resentful, and her voice was sharp: "You can't talk nonsense? Just allow your uncle and nephew to harm people! No one is allowed to speak?"

"My man gave you twice the salary! I gave you 60 yuan! You will turn your back on the money and kill him! You have to pretend to be a good person and inform me, so that I can give you more money so that you can get it." Corpse, is it?!"

"I'm going to fight today! I want you to pay for my man's life!"

At this moment, Wang Xue's wife is hysterical, and she struggles while screaming.

With disheveled hair, he looks like a lunatic, and it looks even more desolate.

There were still more than half of the people on the pier, and now they looked at me and my second uncle with a look of astonishment and suspicion.

Many things depend on people's mouths. Wang Xue's wife directly said that my second uncle and I were harmful. She didn't need to show evidence, and people would doubt us.

After all, there is a saying that there are no waves without wind.

I looked at my second uncle very uneasy, and my heart was even more panicked.

The second uncle suddenly said coldly: "Don't hurt us one by one, but I want to ask you, do you really not know how your man died?"

"I still say that, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately."

"Now Wang Xue just died by the side of my boat. Also, when I retrieved your son's body before, he was dragged down and drowned by the dead in the water. .”

"The ones who are killed are all very harmful masters. If you don't speak well, and you are still talking nonsense like this, we, uncles and nephews, don't care about it. We have to wait until death comes to us before we get justice , you have to kill all the people who harmed her! Wang Xue is dead, and you are his wife, so you can't escape." The second uncle spoke very fast.

With a sudden shake of his hand, Wang Xue's wife was pushed several meters away.

She stumbled, and finally staggered and sat on the ground.

All of a sudden, the fishermen and boatmen on the pier were all terrified, and they all avoided the woman as if they were avoiding the plague god.

The voice of discussion was even more panic-stricken.

"Boss Wang, was he beaten to death?"

"It's dead, it's murdered, it's the corpse with lingering grievances that doesn't die, looking for someone to avenge in the water every day, whoever meets his mother will be unlucky! Stay away from this woman!"

"She's dying too..."

Originally, those fishermen and boatmen were suspicious of my second uncle and me.

But now all those suspicions have dissipated, and all the blame is directed at that woman.

Almost instantly, the woman's surroundings became an empty circle.

No one wants to get close to her, for fear of being implicated!

In the hanging river, even the corpse hunters are unwilling to touch it, it is the life-killing talisman!

Moreover, those who are targeted by death are all people who have killed someone, and that person is a murderer, and there is absolutely a way to kill him!

The woman was also dumbfounded.

I don't know, it's because what the second uncle said told the truth about their secret.

Or was she scared by the second uncle because she didn't know anything.

Her body was trembling, her mouth was tightly pursed, and it took a long time for her to utter a word: " are talking nonsense..."

The second uncle stopped talking, his chest heaved and his face trembled.This is a sneer, but there is no sound, it's just a movement.

"Yin Yang, let's go, this woman doesn't want to live, we can't control it!"

After all, the second uncle didn't say much at all.

He waved at me, and he walked directly towards the bottom of the pier.

I quickly raised my legs and hurriedly followed.

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