After He Zhi finished pinching me, he pouted and said, "You are a gentleman, you are aloof, anyway, the money must be collected." Finally she let go and stopped talking to me, just sat in the carriage inside corner.

I smiled wryly and went to rub my waist, which was fine, it hurt when I was pinched, and I felt nothing after a while.

As for Liu Huayan, she has been resting with her eyes closed.

It's just that she took out the round tomb order and placed it in front of her.

At this moment, my heart gradually sank.

Mr. One Finger is not an easy character to deal with, we cannot take it lightly.

After calming down, I also glanced out the car window from time to time.

After leaving the provincial capital of Pingyang, we did not follow the upstream of the Xuanhe on this journey, and the carriage drove away from the Xuanhe instead.

The time of this day passed quickly.

During the period, we stopped at the post station and had a meal.

The carriage itself also prepared a lot of dry food and dried meat, as well as water bags.

When it was almost twilight, we entered a small town with a fair number of people.

There is an archway at the entrance of the town, with the words "Yangjia Town" on it.

After entering the town, the carriage stopped slowly.

The servant of the Zhou family opened the car door and told us respectfully that Yangjia Town is the place Yang Changzhou mentioned.

Their second leader was not Yang Yi who was invited to leave here, but a dojo near Yangjia Town. At that time, Yang Yi was working in the dojo under the name of Mr. One Finger.

He asked us, should we rush over now, or send us to a resting place?After all, it's getting late now.

I could tell at a glance that there was actually some uneasiness in the eyes of Zhou's servants.

In fact, I don't want this matter to have too much to do with the Zhou family.

Yang Changzhou and the others have already been sent away, and the Zhou family is also protected by Feng Shui after the ancestor of the Zhou family moved to the grave.

As long as he doesn't offend Mr. One Finger again, there shouldn't be any serious problems.

I saw it too, when Liu Huayan also took the address note.

So, I directly told the servant of Zhou's family to send us here, and asked him to rush back to Zhou's house overnight, and return to Zhou's first and second masters, and thank them for me by the way.

The servant of the Zhou family felt as if he had received an amnesty. After saluting with gratitude, he told us the address before leaving in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Huayan said softly: "If you don't wait for tomorrow, you will have long nights and dreams, so go see Mr. One Finger now."

While speaking, Liu Huayan put Ying Yuan Ling into his waist pocket, and went to the front to drive the car.

Liu Huayan didn't close the car door again. I saw that she also asked a few passers-by for directions while driving.

The Yang family town is not big, and Mr. One Finger's reputation is not small.

In about a quarter of an hour, our carriage came to a quiet street at the end of the town.

There were not many people here, as dusk was approaching, and under the bloody setting sun on the horizon, the leaves and eaves on the roadside reflected dappled red light.

In the middle of the street, there is a house that is obviously different from the surrounding.

There are open spaces on both sides of the house, as if deliberately giving up the space to the house.

Moreover, the front of the house is very small, one side of the courtyard wall is straight and extends backwards, while the other side of the courtyard wall gradually expands obliquely from the small side.

This shape is like a trapezoid, except that the narrow end is facing outwards, and the wide part is at the rear.

There is only one door open in the house, and there is a plaque under the eaves, which reads: "One Finger Residence".

Liu Huayan got out of the carriage, walked to the door, and looked up at the plaque.

He Zhi and I got out of the car one after another.

After He Zhi got out of the car, he led the horse to a place where there was a tree on the other side of the road, and wrapped the rein around it.

I went to Liu Huayan's side and raised my head to look at the plaque as well.

At this time, my heart was already serious, and I murmured: "The front is narrow and the back is wide, the wealth is prosperous, and the family will have a bright future. If you make a fortune, you will be rich and prosperous, and your fortune will increase forever."

"This is a very auspicious Yangzhai. Mr. Yinyang's methods are really clever. Finding a place for this Yangzhai and building a house are not trivial matters."

"Living in this house, you will be rich and powerful, your descendants will prosper, your future will be bright, and you will not lack in fame and fortune."

"The record about this house in the house scriptures is that it will increase fortune and wealth forever, and its name is Fushou Yong'an House!"

Even in my voice, my admiration for Mr. One Finger did not diminish.

Even though he may be a villain, his Feng Shui skills are really good!

With such profound yin skills, I am afraid that his yang skills must also be superb!We have to be extra careful...

Liu Huayan was silent for a moment, then suddenly lowered his voice extremely low, and said to He Zhi and me: "Don't let him come close to us, Yang Changzhou will, and he will probably too."

The next moment, Liu Huayan stepped forward, raised her hand, and knocked on the door.

My mind became more vigilant and cautious.

After waiting for half a cup of tea, footsteps came from behind the door.

After a light creak, the door was pulled open.

What appeared behind the door was an old man.

This person has passed his sixtieth year, his face is clean and beardless, and the hair on the top of his head is silver-white.

A clean Tang suit looks extremely elegant.

He had a square face, his eyebrows were very light, and his eyelids drooped a lot because of his old age.

Hefa Tongyan doesn't mean the face of a child after the white hair, but an old man with fair skin like him.

What surprised me even more was that one of his eyes was gray and white, like the color of a lesion, while the other eyeball was normal.The most important thing is that he only used one finger to open the door!

Not that he's used to using one finger.

It's his entire palm, only one index finger is left!

The rest of the place is bare skin, which has already been cut off at the root!

This Mr. Finger got his name because he only has one finger? !

Liu Huayan folded his hands and cupped his fists, and even bowed slightly in a very polite manner.

"Your Excellency is Mr. One Finger, Yang Zhushu?" Liu Huayan's tone was calm and soft, and pleasant to the ear, without any murderous intent.

The old man put down his hand to open the door, his eyes swept over Liu Huayan, and then over He Zhi and me.

His drooping eyelids suddenly lifted a lot.

His normal left eye was much brighter, and he said, "A Taoist priest from the Liu family wears an oxtail whip handed down by the great elder, and a gentleman in a Tang suit, with a compass for geography. This ghost woman, They used lightning-struck wooden mourning sticks, and the He family is the only ghost woman in this world who can still use lightning-struck wooden mourning sticks."

"Last night, the old man had a feeling in his heart, and made a divination. The divination said that a friend came from afar, so he started cooking tea this morning."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the old man has retired for many years, and this small One Finger Residence will have three such prestigious guests."

During the conversation, Yang Zhu wrote with a refined smile on his face. He stepped aside to get out of the way, and said: "The tea is ready, the three of you are seeking divination or asking questions, please enter the courtyard to discuss in detail."

Liu Huayan's eyelids visibly jumped wildly.

My pupils also constricted slightly, and sweat broke out on my forehead.

He Zhi even faintly hid behind me.

What surprised me was that Mr. Yang Zhushu, Mr. Finger, was counting on us to come? !

And he even told us where we came from in one sentence!

This tea, I'm afraid it's not so delicious...

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