Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 345 One penny can also stump a hero

In Zhou Chuanshi's few words, he told me about the background and strength of the other party that I need to know.

But I frowned tightly.

Because drugs and gambling are not good words...

Although I never left the village before I was 22 years old, I have heard some stories from my father, and I have also seen the experiences of some villagers who were infected with drugs.

Those villagers are almost all skinny and skinny. They even sold out the tables in their homes, and their houses are empty, just for a piece of drug.

There are many people who even sold their wives and children to exchange drugs!

Not to mention gambling, my father told me before that if I get infected with drugs or gambling in the future, he will break my limbs and let me fend for myself...

For these two things, my father's expression turned pale, and he was even more annoyed!

The Ding family's money is more than just taking it unkindly?It can even be said to be life money knocked out of human bones.

In the dark, everything has its own destiny, and many unrighteous deeds will lead to self-death. The Ding family has no heirs, which is probably a kind of retribution!

At this point in my thoughts, I immediately shook my head and told Zhou Chuanshi that I definitely can't control the affairs of the Ding family.

I relocated their ancestors of the Zhou family and reburied them, and even if I told them to keep their money with virtue, how could I help a family that earns people's favor and anointment?

Zhou Chuanshi said with a wry smile: "I probably guessed that Mr. Li would not agree, but it was not the Ding family that I found on my own initiative. In fact, it was this morning that the Ding family sent someone to find me. My Zhou family was attacked The Qiu family's calculations almost ruined the family business, and the Ding family has naturally heard of it."

"It's strange to say that since midnight yesterday, many businesses that had been cut off before were suddenly approached by people again. Not only did the business continue, but the conditions were better than before. The Ding family was well informed. They and the Provincial Bureau I have a deeper relationship with you, and I know about Mr. Li and your affairs in our Zhou family..."

"The person in charge of the Ding family came this morning. I didn't promise you for Mr. Li. I just said that I would convey the truth."

"Just now, I also wanted to test Mr. Li's tone, thinking about how to reject Ding's family."

At this point, Zhou Chuanshi's eyes became more bitter.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanlin whispered from the side: "This matter is not easy to deal with. I think Mr. Li may have to leave the provincial capital of Pingyang as soon as possible. The Ding family seems to be very polite. Please, you were also temporarily put off by my elder brother."

"But Mr. Li, if you don't go to Ding's house, they will probably come again. At that time, there will be no so much etiquette."

"Yes, but actually..." Zhou Chuanlin's brows were slightly depressed.

I was holding a porridge bowl and listening to it while eating, but now my elbows are a little stiff.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"It's impossible for us to do things that help the evildoers. We will leave from the provincial capital of Pingyang in a while. We will still go to see Mr. Yizhi. After we handle it properly, we will not come back."

The person who spoke was obviously Liu Huayan.

I turned my head and saw that Liu Huayan had just walked into the main room.

A little further behind her is He Zhi.

He Zhi walked a little faster, chasing Liu Huayan into the main room.

As for Liu Huayan, she obviously heard everything we said.

"In that case, I have already prepared the carriage, and Mr. Zhou arranged for a trustworthy servant to send the three Mr. Li to Mr. Yizhi." Zhou Chuanshi cupped his fists and said with a slight bow.

During this time, Liu Huayan had already sat down next to me, she nodded and her expression became colder.

Obviously, this is because the Nading family has done a lot of harm, and Liu Huayan's instincts are probably filled with disgust.

He Zhi also walked quickly to my side. After sitting down, she asked me in a low voice what did I say?

I briefly told He Zhi about the Ding family's affairs, and He Zhi gritted his teeth, with deep disgust in his eyes.

And among them, there is even a bit of hatred?

The next moment, He Zhi told me in a low voice that several of her elder brothers died early, and the death of one of them was related to drugs.

She heard all these things from her grandfather. After her elder brother was infected with drugs, he stole the family's belongings.

In fact, their family is not short of money, but more importantly, the personality of the person who smokes that thing will also change, and he is even more skinny, like a consumptive ghost.

In the end, her eldest brother died of illness at home at a young age.

Only then did I understand the reason, and I stopped mentioning this matter immediately.

After a meal, we are ready to leave from Zhou's house.

Zhou Chuanshi gave us another great gift!

In fact, when he came back from Jiangxinzhou, where the hexagram flowed from the water, Zhou Chuanshi gave him eight big yellow croakers, and a lot of gold and silver jewellery, and He Zhi took all of them.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi took out some valuable jewelry.

I said no, but He Zhi glared at me and said that I don't know how expensive Chai Migui is if I'm not in charge.

She accepted the jewels with a smile on her face, and asked Zhou Chuanshi for an extra package and a waterproof leather bag.

It was only then that I realized why He Zhi wanted the leather bag.

In fact, I myself have thought about it several times a long time ago, and I have to seal the books on my body with a waterproof bag, so as to avoid getting out of the body every time I go into the water, or in other situations.

It's just that the Zhou family encountered a lot of things this time, and I completely forgot about this trivial matter.

Finally took the cowhide bag, and He Zhi also put the jewelry, gold and silver into the package. After she carried it close to her body, we boarded the carriage newly arranged by the Zhou family and left.

In the process of leaving the provincial capital, the carriage traveled a lot in the city.

During this period, I noticed that He Zhi looked out many times through the car window.

Obviously, she hesitated, and finally sat down again.

I was puzzled, so I asked He Zhi, what does she have to do?

He Zhicai whispered: "There are too many big yellow croakers and jewels on my body. They are still heavy and easy to lose. It is impossible to put them on the carriage."

"In the future, we must still make money. Except for the big yellow croakers left by my grandfather, I must not move them. I want to find a pawn shop to sell them, and then deposit them in the silver bank. Even the servants of the Zhou family are still paying for them. It’s not good for us to pull the cart and sell the property after changing hands.”

He Zhi's serious look made me laugh out loud.

But He Zhi pouted, and twisted his hand to my waist all at once!

She frowned, and said more seriously: "Why are you laughing? It's already said that you don't know how expensive the rice is if you are not in charge. A penny will be difficult for a hero. The money will definitely come in handy!"

He Zhi said, and pinched me hard, the pain made me hiss and gasp.

How dare I jump half a word...

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