Liu Huayan didn't move.

Naturally, I stood where I was and didn't move forward.

He Zhi was still standing behind me, with her hand resting on the end of the mourning stick, her expression extremely vigilant.

Liu Huayan said, "I won't drink tea. Since Mr. Yang knows we are coming, he must also know why we are here." Her voice was cold, her tone was questioning, and her eyes were It fell on Yang Zhushu's face.

I immediately felt that Liu Huayan had locked Yang Zhushu's breath and every move, and she might strike at any time!

Moreover, she has acted extremely directly and decisively, without any concealment or cover-up at all.

Yang Zhushu still had a faint smile on his face, and calmly replied: "I can count that there are guests, and I can also count that there are guests. What is it, it is true that the old man is not good at arithmetic, so I have never known. The old man has lived alone for many years. There are few guests, and it is also a moment of joy, so I cook tea and invite a few people into the humble house."

After finishing speaking, Yang Zhushu made another gesture of invitation.

But what he said made my heart tremble.

live alone?

Liu Huayan also frowned, and she said coldly: "You have two disciples, one named Yang Yi, the other named Yang Changzhou, Yang Yi used Mr. Yang Zhushu's name, and Yang Changzhou hurt people's souls and lives, you should know what these two people did, right?"

Yang Zhushu was obviously stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly showed a sad look, his back, which was originally straight, suddenly bent a lot.

I was slightly startled!

Liu Huayan was obviously stunned for a moment, her eyebrows frowned even tighter, and even formed a few vertical lines.

Yang Zhushu shook his head, heaved a long sigh, and said, "They are my disciples, but they are not just my disciples."

"Three years ago, the two brothers turned against me."

"In recent days, I have indeed made a divination for the two of them. I know that they have committed a lot of evil. The original intention was to clean up the house, but the divination showed that the evil will be reaped, so I didn't care about it."

When he said this, Yang Zhushu's hand that made the gesture of asking was still trembling slightly, and the one finger trembled especially violently.

Pausing for a moment, Yang Zhushu said in a complicated way: "It seems that the three of you came here for those two rebellious sons. It is the father's fault to raise them or not, the fault of the father, the lax teaching, and the laziness of the teacher. I am a father and a teacher, and I have no education Good son and apprentice, there is indeed something wrong."

"Then invite the three of you into the humble house to have a sip of tea soup, and then tell the old man where the two rebellious sons are, and the old man will go to deal with the aftermath."

After saying that, the movement Yang Zhushu asked was much more stable, and at the same time turned a little sideways.

He Zhi and I looked at each other and didn't answer, while Liu Huayan's face became even more tense.

Yang Zhushu's expression was extremely sincere, and the sadness and sigh in his eyes were extraordinarily real.

I have experienced the news of the death of a loved one, and I know how it feels.

Yang Zhushu doesn't seem to be pretending.

At this moment, Yang Zhushu sighed again, and said: "It seems that those two rebels probably didn't just do good deeds. Daoist Liu is worried about me, so that's it, so I can teach the three of you to be at ease."

After saying that, Yang Zhushu actually walked down and walked straight to Liu Huayan.

He raised his hand, took a cloth pouch from his waist, and handed it to Liu Huayan.

Although Liu Huayan didn't retreat, her body was obviously more tense!

Whenever there is a slight change in Yang Zhushu, she will take action quickly!

She didn't reach out to take the cloth bag.

Yang Zhushu continued to say sincerely: "This is the old man's compass and the fortune-telling sign used for divination. The pen, ink and inkstone are all in it. The Taoist priest of the Liu family has a great spirit in his chest. I can trust you."

"With these things, the old man can't do anything to you."

I quickly took out the gray fairy gloves, put them on, and took Yang Zhushu's cloth pouch.

At that moment, Yang Zhushu obviously paused, but he didn't dodge, and let me take the cloth bag away.

I also noticed this small change,

The Taoist priest of the Liu family also stated that his trust in Liu Huayan should be a bit more.

Lowering my head, I opened the cloth pouch, which indeed contained a compass, a small black wooden stick, an inkstone, and a pen.

The compass, inkstone, and pen are indeed the must-haves for every Mr. Yin-Yang. As for the items of divination, they are different.

Geographical geology is a golden abacus, and other schools also have their own strengths.

I nodded to Liu Huayan, indicating that her things are fine.

At this moment, the coldness in Liu Huayan's eyes dissipated a little.

She still kept her manners, bowed slightly to respond to Yang Zhushu, and then said please.

Yang Zhushu led the way, and the three of us followed closely behind.

Entering this residence, one can see at a glance that there is a well in front of the courtyard wall on the right.

The wellhead is not big, and the edge of the wellhead is raised like an arc, which is quite different from the normal brick well.

I also admire the details.

There is a saying in the Zhaijing that opening a well should produce a prosperous recipe, and avoid shutting down a evil recipe!

And the location of the well happened to be on the auspicious side of the house, and the auspicious side opened the well to give birth to a smart son.

The yard is narrow and long, from small to large, and the arrangement of the houses behind is also particular.

Including the main room, facing the direction of the courtyard gate, three rooms were built side by side.

There are also three rooms on the left and right sides, and there are nine houses in the entire yard.

There is also a saying about the method of building the Yangzhai.

"But look at one room, it's called the Lonely Room. The second room is free, and the fourth and sixth rooms are unknown."

"Three to five are all smooth, eight are not equal, seven to nine are usable, and it is worthwhile to live forever." This method is very simple and you can see the good or bad of the houses in the courtyard.

If there is only one house with one direction, it is a lonely room, and it is a haunted house!

If you build two, you can break the situation.

As for the subsequent even numbers, it is a haunted house again.

Side-by-side houses can only be singular!

Yang Zhushu's method of building a house with three houses side by side is based on the Daji house, which has nine rooms in total, and it also takes the meaning of everlasting green.

Just looking at the courtyard and houses, I already feel that I have benefited a lot.

I couldn't help but think that if Yang Zhushu is a good person, then the people around him will be blessed, if he does evil, he may kill many people unconsciously.

For a gentleman like him, it seems that there is no need to use Yang Changzhou's harmful method to hurt others?

On the contrary, I trust Yang Zhushu a little more, and I really want to know what happened three years ago that he said?

If my deduction is correct, Yang Changzhou and Yang Yi should be his sons.

Similarly, I was still a little wary.

Yang Yi is dead, after all he is his son... Even if he is a good person, will he immediately turn against us? !

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