My heart suddenly tightened.

Back then in Xuanhu Town, Zhang Quan said that there was a saying in the town that Mr. Hou was alive and Lu Coffin knew he was dead.

He even said that Father Lu only needs to chop an axe to know when a person dies, and he will make a coffin for him before he dies.

When we put down Papa Lu's body, the ax he had in hand hit the wooden board directly.

What Hou Qianshu meant was that Father Lu was grateful to me, so he cut a hatchet for me to see my fate.

It's just that Father Lu is dead, and no one can explain how many lives there are.

At that time, things were messy, and I haven't thought about the content of the coffin technique...

I never expected that He Zhi could learn the unique skill of Lu Coffin! ?

While thinking, He Zhi also stood firm and left my ear.

She pouted again, and said in a low voice: "But I forgot where the ax was in front of you. I want to show you another ax, how about it?"

There are also Zhou Chuanshi, Zhou Chuanlin, and Liu Huayan in the main room.

The two of them didn't understand. Although Liu Huayan didn't hear He Zhi's whisper in the first half of the sentence, the second half of the sentence still made her show a thoughtful expression.

And my heart was even more shocked.

I hesitated for a while and didn't answer right away.

Because Qian Shu also looked at my face at that time, but he said, with my master Jiang Yihong, he shouldn't say anything...

Father Lu's method should be similar to fortune-telling. Should I let He Zhi do it?

At this moment, another servant hurriedly walked into the main room, and he whispered in front of Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin.

In a few words, I probably understood that the servant meant that Yang Changzhou had opened his mouth and pointed to the residence of the master.

During the speech, the servant of the Zhou family was also sweating on his forehead, and finally said something in a low voice: "Yang Changzhou said, we can't afford to offend his master, let us let him go, and the Zhou family will pay him a thousand taels of gold. The matter can be left as it is, if we persist in our obsession, it will be too late for regret.”

When I heard that, my brows suddenly formed a ball of depression.

Zhou Changlin's eyes widened even more, he stomped his feet fiercely, and said, "He's a bully, why doesn't he ask the captain in the bureau for money? He's a prisoner, and now he's threatening the Zhou family?!"

The servant's face was disturbed, but he still took out a piece of paper with an address written on it.

After Zhou Chuanlin took it and looked at it, he looked at me and Liu Huayan again.

Liu Huayan took the note directly, looked down, and said softly, "We'll rest overnight and go see Mr. Yizhi tomorrow. As for Yang Changzhou, if the Zhou family doesn't handle it properly, we'll just send him to see an official. "

In a word, Liu Huayan directly arranged Yang Changzhou's handling method.

Zhou Chuanshi nodded and said a good word.

Then, the Zhou family arranged a dinner party. After filling our stomachs, we went back to our rooms to rest.

When it was time to arrive, He Zhi followed into my house, and she asked for the hatchet in the big black wooden box.

After I handed it to He Zhi, He Zhi asked me again in a low voice, would you like to take a look for me?

In fact, it's not just He Zhi who is eager to try, I also have a desire to know some fate.

I thought to myself, the coffin maker's method of reading fate when he knew death should be completely different from Mr. Yin Yang's yang calculation?Maybe I can take a look, is that okay?

In the end, I couldn't resist He Zhi's longing eyes, and at the same time, I didn't restrain my curiosity. I told He Zhi, you can take a look.

He Zhi was smiling like a flower at that time, very excited.

It's just that she told me that I can't see it right now. The ax is broken. She has to repair it, find a secluded place, and prepare a suitable piece of wood.

Regarding these, I just didn't understand, I just nodded to show that I listened to her arrangement.

He Zhi happily left my room and went back to his own room to rest.

After I lay down on the bed, although my body was tired, my spirit was very clear.

After reviewing the process of surveying Fengshui and burying the coffin today, I feel that I have benefited a lot.

The first burial in the mountain and the second burial in the water, these two experiences have given me a much deeper understanding of the Zhaijing.

I no longer feel that this experience is difficult, but I am looking forward to it.

As for thinking of Mr. One Finger again, I felt a lot of throbbing and depression in my heart.

What kind of person should this be?

The exhaustion of my body made me dare not hold on any longer.

Forcing myself to close my eyes and rest, it took me quite a while to barely fall asleep.

When I woke up the next day, the sun had already filled the room.

After I got up and washed, I left the house.

In the compound, Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin were there, and many Zhou family members walked back and forth.

These are not all servants of the Zhou family. Judging by their age, they are either Zhou's juniors or clan relatives.

What they were talking about was also about business.

After I walked to the main room, Zhou Chuanshi immediately waved his hand to disperse these people.

He first asked me to sit down and eat, and then he told me that Yang Changzhou was sent to see an official, and that the news I wanted to pass on had been sent back to Jiuhe County verbatim, and he had received that Liu Tianniudao. long reply.

My heart skipped a beat, and I asked Zhou Chuanshi, what did Liu Tianniu say?

Zhou Chuanshi told me two words.

"No problem."

I was stunned for a moment, and felt normal. Regardless of Liu Tianniu's means, as long as I knew and prepared, how could the old lady escape under his nose?

And having such a briefing with Liu Tianniu, Liu Tianniu should hide some actions so that the old lady would not dare to enter Jiuhe County.

Thinking of this, I feel more relieved.

At this time, Zhou Chuanshi asked me again, did I really think about it, should I trouble Mr. Yizhi?

I nodded and said that I know the Zhou family is concerned about us, but there is no need to mention this matter, it has already been decided.

Zhou Chuanshi smiled wryly and said: "Zhou understands. In addition, the matter that Mr. Li asked me to inquire about has also been settled."

"In the provincial capital, there is indeed a large family that needs to build a house, but they want to build a house in a village or town. Firstly, they want to honor their ancestors, and secondly, they also want to ask for a son."

"Ask for a child?"

Zhou Chuanshi found a household that needs to repair the house, which really made me happy.

But the idea of ​​asking for a child also made me a lot of doubts.

Zhou Chuanshi said in a low voice: "The big family's surname is Ding, and they only have business in the provincial capital of Pingyang, but their financial resources are similar to those of the Zhou family."

"They have a close relationship with the team stationed in the provincial capital of Pingyang. Almost [-]% of the drug restaurants and gambling stalls in the provincial capital of Pingyang belong to the Ding family."

"In the final analysis, drugs and gambling stalls have terribly high profits. They tax local officials too much, and local officials turn a blind eye."

"The Ding family has earned enough money, but they have no heirs. The head of the family, Ding Chang, wanted to improve the feng shui of his ancestral house so that he could leave a trace of incense."

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