Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 33 The Male Corpse Face Up

"Second Uncle...she's following behind...the boat must drive faster."

I bit the bullet and said to my second uncle cautiously.

The second uncle didn't even turn his head, snorted coldly and said: "I know she will follow, Hua Sha's corpse is very troublesome, just beheading is not enough, it has to be burned to ashes. Go ashore first, ignore her."

On the way back, Cao Yonggui kept silent and just hugged Maogutao.

As for Wang Guaizi, he hid beside his second uncle's legs and didn't stand up.

I rested for a while, recovered a little bit of energy, and felt much better.

In fact, I didn't go into the water this trip, but only caught the sun. At most, I grabbed the embroidered shoes and moved the dead man's feet just now.

But now I am still exhausted, and I roughly thought about a possibility.

Receiving Yin will also consume energy, and you will be so exhausted later if you concentrate on receiving Yin once.

Finally, we came back to the pier.

This pier is the one where the cargo was unloaded before, and we have been here twice.

After landing, I looked back at the surface of the water, and Tang Xiuxiu's head and headless body were no longer following us.

At first glance, the surface of the Xuanhe River is extremely quiet, except for the faintly reflected moon, there is nothing.

I was slightly relieved.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Liu, is my daughter-in-law really a murderous corpse? Has she become a ghost? Can't she come back?" Cao Yonggui's exhausted and tormented voice came from the side.

I turned my head to look, and Cao Yonggui looked at me and my second uncle beggingly.

I look troubled.

The second uncle frowned and said, "There is no hope."

"But the last time she saw that I was going to jump into the river, she came up, she..." Cao Yonggui said with difficulty.

The second uncle narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Did she come up to do something good? Did she follow us back in a good way, or let the yin and yang meet the yin and yin? She came up to kill us all! You alone Where is enough?"

"If it weren't for Yinyang and I having two brushes, Xuanhe would have killed two corpse hunters today, and half of them would have picked up Yinpo!" Obviously, the second uncle's tone became more and more unkind.

I sighed, actually I couldn't bear to see Cao Yonggui's appearance.

It's just that he was able to bring back the negative pregnancy, which is already the best I can do.

If I knew more about the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, I shouldn't have given Tang Xiuxiu a yin. It's a taboo thing, and I'm really testing on the verge of death.

If there is no second uncle's knife, I might break here today.

However, it would be impossible for any qualified Yinmao to accept this business.

I saw that the second uncle spoke too sharply, Cao Yonggui's face turned red, and he became more and more untenable, so I quickly blocked the second uncle.

He also persuaded Cao Yonggui to mourn, saying that it is the best result to let him worship the child well.

Many things cannot be forced, and it is a blessing to have the child by his side. He can only do more good deeds, as a way to accumulate virtue for Tang Xiuxiu, maybe there will be a turnaround.

Cao Yonggui seems to have been persuaded when he got a step up, and he has been gratefully saying thank you to me.

The second uncle sighed, touched his waist, and muttered a few more words, probably because he was out of wine, bad luck.

I told my second uncle, why don't I wait here with Cao Yonggui and let him buy wine?

The second uncle waved his hand and said, "It's just a negative fetus, or the fetal pottery you put away. It's not a dead person anymore. There's no need to wait on the pier." You go home directly, Yin Yang and I still have things to do." In the latter sentence, the second uncle was obviously talking to Cao Yonggui.

Cao Yonggui carefully put the cat bone pottery into his pocket, and he took out a small cloth bag.

At this moment, his demeanor has returned to normal, he is no longer so slumped, and he has regained respect for us.

He handed the cloth bag to the second uncle. After the second uncle opened it, he frowned slightly and said, "Not enough." I glanced at the second uncle's hand from the corner of my eye. Thin bars!

The big yellow croaker is as thick as a baby's arm, and the little yellow croaker is as thick as a finger and as long as a palm!

It's just that my second uncle didn't say enough, which made me feel uncomfortable.

Didn't the second uncle say yes, it's impossible to raise the price?When we come out to do business, the remuneration should have been negotiated long ago.

Even if it wasn't me, what my second uncle and Cao Yonggui talked about was what my father had agreed on at the time.

This landed, why did the second uncle suddenly increase the price with Cao Yonggui?

Cao Yonggui also looked slightly flustered.

The second uncle glanced at me, and then said: "At that time, my elder brother and you were talking about the price of the corpse collector, and I didn't talk about the pick-up of the yin woman. I failed to catch your mother-in-law, but I let her be picked up." When you get rid of the yin, you hug the baby, and the yin and yang also take care of the yin woman."

"This little yellow croaker is the reward for receiving the yin woman. You have to prepare another copy for the corpse hunter. This is the rule. As for how much, you can do whatever you want."

"It's not that I'm asking you to raise the price on the spot, it's a rule. If I don't charge you, you will have trouble if you go on the waterway in the future." The second uncle's words made sense, and it dawned on me.

Cao Yonggui also understood what he heard. He was obviously a reasonable person, so he quickly fumbled around in his pocket again, scraped together some big money, held it together, and handed it to the second uncle.

At a glance, it's about four or five yuan, but I think it's a lot.

After all, Tang Xiuxiu failed to go ashore...

The second uncle was obviously also very satisfied, with a smile on his face, and he didn't take all of it, he only took one yuan, and returned the rest to Cao Yonggui.

Cao Yonggui was stunned, he was a little anxious, and asked if the second uncle thought too little?

The second uncle shook his head and said that if Cao Yonggui gave him one yuan, he would think it was too little. Now that he has taken out everything he can get, he knows the rules and respects the corpse hunter very much. rules.

Cao Yonggui still wanted to stuff money, but the second uncle waved his hand and said no.

At this moment, Wang Guaizi next to him said cautiously: "Is the chicken on my boat still slaughtered?" I also realized that the chicken must be killed after the corpse is retrieved.

Obviously this ship is also prepared.

The second uncle immediately shook his head, glared at Wang Guaizi, and said, "What are you slaughtering? The river god didn't let anyone go ashore. Today, he has no chickens to worship."

Wang Guaizi sneered and wiped his forehead.

Then Cao Yonggui gave Wang Guaizi three yuan, which was regarded as the reward for using the boat, and also thanked Wang Guaizi for a few words.

Wang Guaizi was scared to death before, but now that he took the money, he was very happy, with a smile on his face, and even patted his chest with Cao Yonggui, saying that there was still such a thing, and he continued to look for him, and he continued to do it!

Cao Yonggui's body stiffened slightly, and his complexion immediately became unsightly.

The second uncle glared at Wang Guaizi again, and then said: "What is this talking about? What is this kind of thing, Wang Guaizi, are you scared and confused?"

Only then did Wang Guaizi come to his senses. He apologized to Cao Yonggui again and again, and then embarrassedly told his second uncle that he was talking to his second uncle, not cursing Boss Cao.

The second uncle didn't have a good tone, and said, "Then you are cursing me every day for being scooped up for corpse boats?"

Wang Guaizi: "..."

He was obviously restless, and he didn't know how to speak.

I played a smooth game.

Only then did Wang Guaizi leave in despair.

After Cao Yonggui was grateful again and again, he left the pier.

I was a little embarrassed, and asked if the second uncle was being too sharp with Wang Guaizi?Anyway, he can be regarded as a help.

The second uncle said angrily that he had been very tolerant of Wang Guaizi, but in fact today's matter would not be that serious.

But all the dead people in the water have the idea of ​​looking for a substitute for the dead ghost.But if Wang Guaizi hadn't helped to retrieve the embroidered shoes and dead feet, Tang Xiuxiu wouldn't be so fierce at all.

If he made this matter clear, Cao Yonggui would definitely become enemies with Wang Guaizi. Cao Yonggui liked his wife so much that he might stab Wang Guaizi to death.

I was stunned when I heard this, hesitated for a moment, and I told my second uncle about the taboo of picking up a vagina, and said that Tang Xiuxiu's fierceness had something to do with her not being able to pick up a vagina, so I forcibly took a vagina.

The second uncle was also surprised. He frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

After that, he reached out and patted my shoulder, and said in a complicated way: "There can't be a next time." I nodded quickly, saying that I understood.

The second uncle took a deep breath, and with a more solemn tone, he told me word by word that it was useless to know that there would never be a next time. We were able to board the boat today thanks to good luck.

I am stunned.

The second uncle explained it to me, saying that we eat the dead, and the taboo is the most serious. Basically, the person who picks up the corpse commits the taboo and dies directly, basically without exception.

Like picking up the Yin woman, but whatever he has heard, no one wants to break the taboo.

But the second uncle explained again, saying that it is not a taboo to stand up dead corpses, it is just troublesome, and the corpse hunters don't want to touch them.

After listening to these, I suddenly realized.

I also promised my second uncle that I must remember the taboo by heart and never commit it again.

The second uncle told me that the promise was useless, and asked me to swear to Xuanhe, to swear by the river god, otherwise, I would be sorry for the life my father gave me.

I could see the seriousness of my second uncle. When I mentioned my father, I felt very uncomfortable.

Now my life is not only my own, but also my father and Luo Yinpo, I really have to live carefully, otherwise I will be sorry for their death.

Facing the outside of the pier, pointing my fingers at the sky, I swore a poisonous oath, promising not to break the taboo of Yinpo, otherwise there will be five thunderbolts from the sky, and ten thousand deaths will not be reborn!

The second uncle nodded in satisfaction.

He handed me the little yellow croaker and asked me to keep it. I will find a gold shop tomorrow and exchange all the money on my body for the little yellow croaker.

I installed it carefully, and then asked my second uncle, where are we going now?In fact, we could go to his house with Cao Yonggui to rest for the night, come to the pier tomorrow, and repair the corpse boat by the way, otherwise we won't be able to go back home, and we won't have a place to stay tonight.

The second uncle waved his hand and said that the corpse-hunters would not survive overnight on the wrecked boat, and now that the work was done, he had to repair the corpse-boat immediately.

Otherwise, even if he sleeps and closes his eyes, the patriarch would have to cut his head off with a divination knife in his dream.

It dawned on me.

The second uncle walked towards the corpse boat at the other end, and I also rolled up my sleeves, ready to help him.

We just walked to the other side of the pier and looked down.

My head buzzed.

The second uncle also scolded a word!

Because beside the corpse boat, there is a person floating...

And it was a man, facing upwards, his eyes wide open, his face convulsed and hideous.

Those unrepentant eyeballs seemed to be staring at me and my second uncle!

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