This Yang Yi is really dead! ?

My complexion also suddenly became dignified.

Today, this matter can't be better...

At this moment, people from the Zhou family kept coming out quickly, crowding around the gate.

They were holding things in their hands, and everyone's expressions were vigilant and frightened.

After all, the few people Yang Changzhou injured before have not yet woken up. It is normal for these servants of the Zhou family to be afraid.

Zhou Chuanlin's pupils were also constricted into a small dot, his complexion was cloudy, and his eyes glanced at the white straw mat from time to time.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi suddenly took two steps forward. He walked to the front of all the servants of the Zhou family, walked down the steps quickly, and walked four or five meters in front of Yang Changzhou.

Yang Changzhou glanced coldly at Zhou Chuanshi, his eyes full of questions.

Zhou Chuanshi said in a deep voice: "Sir, you should be reasonable when you do things, right?"

"Kill people to pay for their lives, debts to pay back money, I will give you as much gold and silver as my junior brother lied to you, and I will take the lives of those who hurt him." Yang Changzhou's tone was particularly indifferent.

Zhou Chuanshi nodded, and said: "Killing people to pay for their lives, debts to pay back money, Yang Yi was killed by my Zhou family?" His questioning tone was not sharp, but peaceful.

Yang Changzhou frowned suddenly, he said: "You were the ones who sent him to the official, he was killed..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Chuanshi shook his head and said: "No, Yang Yi's death has nothing to do with my Zhou family. He was sent to see an official. The Zhou family intended to teach him some lessons, but he gave an official The master told the fortune and read the fortune, saying that he wanted to help people solve their troubles, but in fact, the official’s pregnant wife was sent to a foreigner’s hospital for emergency treatment, and Yang Yi was thrown into a water prison.”

"My brother heard about this matter with his own ears. He intended to let Yang Yi go, but because of this matter, he couldn't let go."

"When my younger brother left, Yang Yi was still in the dungeon, murdering and paying for his life. I think, this life, he should pay for the pregnant wife of the official, or the child who has never seen the light of day?" Zhou Chuanshi's tone was still calm, But every word is pearls.

Yang Changzhou's face suddenly became more gloomy. His hands were tightly holding the fortune-telling banner, and his knuckles were turning white.

I also nodded secretly, indeed, what Zhou Chuanshi said was not bad.

Yang Changzhou's reaction was also expected.

Regardless of his temperament and temperament, this truth must be said.

He couldn't refute, that's why he had this face.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Chuanshi said: "Besides, Yang Yi acted in my Zhou family, all in the identity of Mr. Yin and Yang. My Zhou family's ancestor was almost buried in a place that cannot be buried. Gaozu cheated on the corpse, and my brother and I almost died on the spot." , all thanks to Mr. Li, Daoist Liu, and Goddess He for help!"

"If it weren't for this, not only would we die in the land where my great-grandfather was buried, but all future Zhou families would have to be exterminated!"

"Now I, Zhou Chuanshi, have the luck to stand here, and the head of Zhou's family is still there. It's not that he, Yang Yi, showed mercy, and even his life was saved by Mr. Li!"

"Send him to see the official, it's already my Zhou family's kindness, he ended up like this, but it's his own fault, what has it to do with my Zhou family?!"

"If you want to add a crime, why don't you have excuses!? You, Mr. Yang, can't afford to offend the officials in the bureau. You want to ask my Zhou family for a so-called "account"!?"

At the beginning, Zhou Chuanshi's tone was flat, but later, his words were sonorous!

However, Yang Changzhou's complexion began to turn red, and soon became the color of a pig's liver.

He suddenly closed his eyes, and the brows began to frown, but after waiting for a while, they suddenly relaxed again.

When he opened his eyes again, he murmured: "The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. This is the cause of your Zhou family. Don't think that you can get me away with sharp words. You can't give me the explanation. I will first explain it to you." Want one! No one can escape!"

After saying that, Yang Changzhou immediately let go of the fortune-telling banner he was holding in his hand.

He raised his hand again, and what he took out turned out to be a handful of copper coins.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and a ray of early sun swayed down. The copper coin was not glowing with copper light, but a gray luster instead.

This color is weird, revealing a sense of death.

Yang Changzhou's eyes swept across me coldly, Liu Huayan, he murmured: "You have been watching from the side, Taoist robes and Tang suits, hehe, you are also one of the culprits!"

After saying that, he twisted his left hand between his right hand, and immediately took a few copper coins, and waved directly towards us!

With a soft snort, the three copper coins were about to hit me, Liu Huayan and Zhou Chuanshi respectively!

Recently, Zhou Chuanshi wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

I don't know the function of this copper coin now, but when I think of the servants of the Zhou family yesterday, this thing will definitely not make people feel good!

As my thoughts flashed, I knew that it was too late to save Zhou Chuanshi, so I suddenly looked at Liu Huayan!

Liu Huayan really moved!

I saw her elbow suddenly raised, followed by the sound of "chi chi chi!" piercing through the air, and three small crossbow arrows shot out from her cuff!

This crossbow is also made of copper!One arrow shot past the copper coin in front of Zhou Chuanshi's door, and the other two arrows flew into the copper coins of the two of us.

The next moment, Liu Huayan raised his leg and took a step forward!

One step later, several steps later, her body almost formed an afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of Zhou Chuanshi!

She is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and her height is much lower than Yang Changzhou's, but her movements are extremely agile, and she lifts her right hand to grab Yang Changzhou's wrist!

Yang Changzhou's complexion changed suddenly, he let out a low drink, and even grabbed Liu Huayan's hair with his left hand!

At this time, Yang Changzhou's eyes clearly flashed with surprise.

For a moment I could see clearly that there was still hesitation in his eyes!

But in the next moment, that hesitation disappeared, replaced by ruthlessness.

He threw his right hand forward at the same time!

It was that handful of copper coins that were thrown towards Liu Huayan's face!

The distance between them is too close, so close, Liu Huayan can't dodge it no matter what!

I was shocked, and now I understand more clearly that Yang Changzhou's ability to hurt people is definitely related to that copper coin.

However, any gentleman who is capable is not very skilled. Yang Changzhou's wounding hurts the soul, which is even more vicious.

Just when I was frightened and anxious, Liu Huayan shouted suddenly, and turned around on the spot!

The speed of Liu Huayan's reaction was simply jaw-dropping!

And under this turn, those copper coins clanged and buzzed, and were hit hard!

Yang Changzhou's complexion changed even more, he stepped back abruptly, and didn't dare to continue to catch Liu Huayan.

Zhou Chuanshi also looked horrified, he retreated to the front of Zhou's servants again and again, and someone immediately blocked him.

At this point, Liu Huayan stopped.

At this moment, she is holding a long whip in her right hand, which is raised high above her head, while her left hand is holding a section of the whip.

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