Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 338 Who is bullying too much?

After thinking for a while, I shook my head and said:

"Since this is the case, this matter has basically nothing to do with the Zhou family. Yang Yi's accident is his own fault, and Yang Changzhou is looking for someone else. If you can not intervene, don't intervene."

Looking across the courtyard, the coffin that He Zhi was making was almost at the end of the day.

"He Zhi will speed up the completion of the coffin tonight, and start to bury the grave tomorrow, so as not to have long nights and dreams." I finished the last sentence in a deep voice.

Zhou Chuanshi also nodded heavily: "What Mr. Li said is very true. With emotion and reason, the Zhou family will not be tainted with right and wrong again."

At this moment, some servants had already entered the house to clean up the tables, set down the dishes, chopsticks and drinks.

Zhou Chuanshi invited me to a seat first, and then went to invite He Zhi.

When He Zhi sat down next to me, I noticed that her pretty face was dirty, and there were a lot of sawdust on her black and neat hair.

Subconsciously, I reached out to help her remove the sawdust.

I wanted to mention to her that the coffin should be finished as soon as possible, but at this moment, I was so distressed that I couldn't bear to speak.

He Zhi was already very tired, and asking her to make a coffin overnight would be too much pressure on her.

At this time, He Zhi took a sip from his teacup and wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief.

Then she said softly: "After eating, you should rest first, I heard what you said, I will finish the work overnight tonight, and I won't go with you tomorrow."

I was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said a good word.

Not long after, the servants of the Zhou family came up with delicate dishes.

After a meal, He Zhi stayed and continued to make the coffin, and the rest went to rest.

Zhou Chuanshi also arranged for me a few servants to guard the door to ensure that there would be no more accidents.

I naturally did not refuse.

God knows, will the old lady bring Xu Baipi halfway back?

The day's tossing had already made me exhausted, and under the erosion of drowsiness, I almost lay down on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

There was no dream all night, and no other accidents happened.

When I wake up, there will be some light in the sky.

After getting out of bed, I checked the big black wooden box before carrying it back and going out.

Pushing the door open, there was a brand new coffin in the center of the courtyard, guarded by several Zhou family servants, Zhou Chuanshi was pacing back and forth waiting, Zhou Chuanlin stood aside.

Liu Huayan woke up before me, and sat in the main room with refreshments next to her.

I didn't see He Zhi at a glance, and was about to ask, Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin immediately looked at me with joy in their eyes.

"Goddess He just finished making this coffin. She had eaten and went to rest." Zhou Chuanshi explained to me, and at the same time made a gesture of invitation, indicating that I should also eat something first.

The servants of the Zhou family immediately brought refreshments with great insight.

I felt relieved when I heard the words, and when I entered the main room, I asked Zhou Chuanshi to bring out the body of the Zhou family's great ancestor, so that I could put it directly into the coffin.

I'll grab something to eat and off we go.

Zhou Chuanshi will go to do this right away.

As soon as I sat down, Liu Huayan stood up and approached me, and handed me something.

Isn't this the gossip tiger head mirror?

"Miss He asked me to return it to you before going back to the room to rest." Liu Huayan said.

I nodded and took it.

When Liu Huayan and I went after the old lady and Xu Baipi yesterday, I gave the bronze mirror to He Zhi.

To start at this time, I may indeed be useful.

In the process of eating, Zhou Chuanshi had ordered his servants to carry out the body of Zhou Family Gaozu.

Zhou Chuanlin invited Liu Huayan over, afraid of other accidents.

In fact, while I was eating, my eyes still fell on the yard.

The day before yesterday, the ancestor of the Zhou family was seriously injured by the gossip tiger head mirror, and his body was shriveled and blackened.

Now that two days have passed, the corpse has become somewhat fuller again. Although it is still black, it is not so shriveled, and even feels moist.

The rotting coffin wet corpse is a rare and fierce corpse, but if it is not completely exterminated, it can absorb free yang energy over time, making its own yin energy heavier.

On the contrary, after burying it in a hole full of vitality, he will not rot forever.

There is even a little more, there is a saying in Feng Shui, the burial is also angry!

The incorruptible corpse, if it is not against the heavens and the law, will have the opportunity to take advantage of the anger and become a fairy after being buried in the Jiran cattle resting place.

Jiang Yihong taught me that when you are angry, the feathers will turn into white feathers, and the corpse of Chengshan will look like an immortal.

In ancient times, princes and generals wished for longevity before they were alive, so they turned to seek immortality after death!

Although the ancestor of the Zhou family was fierce, he was only disturbed by peace and did not kill anyone. Maybe he will have that chance.

At that time, the Zhou family will also receive its blessing from generation to generation.

I also have an uncontrollable expectation and longing in my heart. The water of the three yangs is definitely called a treasure land of geomantic omen.

This will definitely complete the experience of water burial!

At the same time, I also really want to see its style!

While thinking, the Zhou family had already put Gao Zu's body into the coffin made by He Zhi.

I also eat things quickly.

Standing up, I motioned for them to carry the coffin.

Zhou Chuanlin looked more solemn and cautious.

He quickly arranged for eight people to carry the coffin and told me that the boat was waiting at the pier.

I nodded, expressing satisfaction.

Immediately, our group walked in front, and the servants of the Zhou family followed behind us carrying the coffin.

After a while, we arrived at the gate.

Pushing the door open, a gust of cold wind blows over the face.

But what I never expected was that it was outside the gate of Zhou's house.

There is even someone else!

This person is surprisingly Yang Changzhou who came once during the day and then left!

It wasn't just Yang Changzhou, there was also a straw mat lying flat beside him, with a white cloth covering the head of the straw mat.

The white cloth bulges, and there is clearly a person lying under it...

Covering your head with a white cloth is not something that a living person would do.

The cold wind in the morning was blowing faintly, but Yang Changzhou's face was like ice in the twelfth lunar month.

He held the fortune-telling banner in one hand, and kept pinching his middle finger with the other hand, as if he was calculating something,

Zhou Chuanlin's face turned cold immediately, he raised his hand suddenly, and said very bluntly: "Come here, call everyone in my Zhou family!"

"You guys are really deceiving people too much! Today, my Zhou family's ancestor moved to the grave! You still have to block the way!"

Immediately, a servant of the Zhou family went out quickly, and someone went back inside to call for someone.

After all, it wasn't just the eight coffin-bearers who followed us.

And I can also see that Zhou Chuanlin is really furious at the moment.

It's just that my eyes are more on the straw mat and white cloth...

"Too much deceit?" Yang Changzhou's mouth suddenly twitched, he was obviously smiling, but this expression of smiling but not smiling was uglier than crying.

He squinted his eyes slightly, almost into a line.

"It's just a fake identity. My junior brother came to you to cheat some money, and you actually killed him directly!"

"What a bully, today I want to ask, who is the bully!"

"Killing my junior brother's life, if you don't give me an explanation, the Zhou family will not just relocate one person's grave today."

After finishing speaking, Yang Changzhou stomped the fortune-telling banner on hand vigorously, making a crisp sound of "pop"!

My complexion suddenly changed.

[The author has something to say]

On the second day of the new year, I spent this year with the keyboard, and who will I spend with my friends.Then yesterday's update was scheduled in advance, so I saw so many gifts.Thanks to Nini for the certification of her masterpiece, to Ms. Huaer for her three literary laurels and two rockets to the list, to Ning Jingzhiyuan for her certification of her masterpiece, and to Qimao book friend _011698525052 for her rocket to the list!Lao Luo is grateful!

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