Only then did I suddenly realize that she had borrowed the whip just now to make the copper coins fly away.

Liu Huayan looked calm. She looked at Yang Changzhou who was retreating indifferently, and said, "Yesterday, I wanted to see you and ask you why a gentleman wants to hurt the soul of ordinary people."

"I can see you today. Those copper coins in your hand have a heavy Yin energy, which is really rare. If you touch them, they may not only hurt the soul, but also directly kill people, right?"

"This vicious method is not something a fortune teller should use, let alone use it to harm people."

"Today, you can't leave, you have to give me an explanation!" Liu Huayan's voice was even more sharp at the end!

Yang Changzhou had already taken more than ten steps back at this moment, his face changed startled, and he looked at Liu Huayan uncertainly.

It's like he didn't expect his tricks to be seen through so quickly!

"You are not an ordinary Taoist priest. I have been to all the dojos around the provincial capital of Pingyang. No one can see my methods so quickly."

"But you girl doll want me to explain to you? It's so shameless!"

"Your seal is black and blue, and you must have a financial disaster in the near future! There are more white eyes than black, and you will definitely kill your husband in the future!"

"It's easy to catch fire at home, and it's easy to get into the water. Isn't that the case, you big fart girl, if you are not kept in the dojo to learn Taoism, how can you be driven out to go to the rivers and lakes?"

Liu Huayan's face suddenly changed, she was shocked and stood still in place.

At that moment, Liu Huayan's eyes were slightly red, she pursed her lips, and her hand holding the long whip was trembling constantly.

It was clearly Yang Changzhou's words that stimulated Liu Huayan!

Yang Changzhou's words also made me extremely astonished.

Is he looking for Liu Huayan?Also said some of her fate?

Obviously, Yang Changzhou was at least partly right...otherwise Liu Huayan wouldn't have reacted like this.

Even though I don't understand Yang Suan, I can still understand what he said about Liu Huayan's recent experience and what she will do in the future.

He even talked about why she left the dojo, instead of studying art all the time, but walked in the rivers and lakes.

There is nothing good to say about the details...

In particular, the reason why Liu Huayan walked the rivers and lakes was also because of her fate?

My thoughts are only fleeting.

At this moment, Yang Changzhou took out a talisman.

This talisman cloth was about one meter square, and there was a lot of blood stains on the gray cloth, and a blurry human face was drawn on it.

The face was drawn very simply, the eyes, ears, mouth and nose were scribbled, but at first glance, it made people panic.

Yang Changzhou walked towards Liu Huayan with big strides!

His words were even colder: "Your life is so rough, I will help you change it and teach you to suffer less!"

Originally, Yang Changzhou stepped back more than ten steps, but now Liu Huayan stood still, and he returned to Liu Huayan in the blink of an eye.

That talisman cloth was about to cover Liu Huayan's head!

My body shook, and I woke up from the trance.

My pupils constricted and I shouted sharply: "Miss Liu, don't listen to his nonsense, he wants to harm you!"

After the roar, Liu Huayan's body visibly trembled again, she raised her head suddenly, and whipped the long whip in her hand towards Yang Changzhou!

There was a sound of "cracking" through the air, and the whip tail just hit the talisman in Yang Changzhou's hand!

The talisman instantly twisted into a ball and stuck to the long whip.

The next moment, the long whip did not lose its power, and it hit Yang Changzhou's shoulder directly.

Yang Changzhou groaned, and his whole body staggered back.

Liu Huayan's eyes became more and more sharp, her face was tense, and she stepped forward.

After a few steps, she chased up to Yang Changzhou, jumped down, and kicked her legs directly on Yang Changzhou's collarbone.

This burst of strength directly caused Yang Changzhou to fall to the ground with a "bang".

He was on the ground like a rolling melon gourd, and he turned several somersaults backwards before barely stopping.

Liu Huayan was panting rapidly, she was holding a long whip with one hand, and she was covering her chest with the other hand, her face was still pale.

Yang Changzhou managed to get up from the ground, and when he looked at Liu Huayan again, he was already full of astonishment.

"Your methods are very fierce..." The pain distorted Yang Changzhou's entire face, his eyes were even more fierce, and his tone was full of threats: "But you don't know, what does your attack represent? You can't get justice here, but my master Yizhi, even if he is standing in front of you, you can't get close to him! If you want to shirk responsibility, it's impossible!"

"I can't beat you, this is justice, my master will come to ask for it!" After saying that, Yang Changzhou stopped looking at Liu Huayan, turned around and walked towards the white cloth straw mat.

Obviously, he was going to give up and leave.

I frowned, logically speaking, Yang Changzhou would harm someone if he made a move, so he shouldn't be allowed to go away.

If he is really caught, his master, Mr. Yizhi, will definitely come.

It's just that let him go away in a good manner now...I'm afraid he will still attract Mr. One Finger...

Just when my thoughts were hesitating.

Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin also looked at each other.

They obviously didn't know what to say, and looked at Liu Huayan hesitantly.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Changzhou was in front of the white cloth mat.

The next moment, the long whip in Liu Huayan's hand suddenly whipped again!

There was a crisp "pa", followed by Yang Changzhou's muffled groan.

Yang Changzhou, who was about to bend over, was whipped on the back of the head by Liu Huayan, and fell straight beside the white cloth mat.

Liu Huayan panted slightly, her eyes were slightly red, and she said in a low voice, "Let him go back, not only will it bring us big trouble, but his methods are so vicious, he will harm many people if he wants to, let alone let him go."

"Patriarch Zhou, if you detain him, you have to ask him if he has ever harmed anyone and how many people he has harmed. If he has hurt someone or killed him, he will hand it over to the officials. By the way, he will find out if his master, Mr. Yizhi, is there. Where."

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi's expressions changed slightly, and they looked at each other again.

Zhou Chuanshi frowned, lowering his head in thought,

Zhou Chuanlin spoke first unnaturally: "How about, don't be so terrific? After all, this person has some skills, and Mr. One Finger is not easy to offend..."

Before Liu Huayan could speak, Zhou Chuanshi shook his head and said, "I've been offended to death, Yang Yi is dead, and this Yang Changzhou was also defeated by Daoist Liu. His behavior seems reasonable, but in fact he is quite savage." In terms of his unreasonable appearance, it is impossible for him to let go of the Zhou family."

"Liu Daochang seems to be doing things without leaving room, but in fact he is already helping the Zhou family. If they leave after burying their ancestors, they will not be in any trouble. On the contrary, Yang Changzhou and Mr. Yizhi will come to our Zhou family. At that time, who can we ask?"

"I'm afraid they will force me to hang myself, and no one will come to help us..."

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