It took about half an hour.

I read all the sketches with the names of Feng Shui bureaus written down again.

I can't help but say that this hanging river is so wide that there are so many Fengshui bureaus in the water, especially in this section of the river basin where there are many Jiangxinzhou, which is a good Fengshui for the merger of sand and water.

In the end, I chose a place, which is the most densely populated basin in Jiangxinzhou in the Xuanhe River.

That location happened to be in the lower part of the middle of the Xuanhe River, close to the south of the provincial capital of Pingyang, and there were three huge Jiangxin Islands.

From the map, it is the largest Jiangxin Island in this section of the river basin. From the analysis of the terrain, it is not a simple pile of sand and stones, but a mountain protruding from the bottom of the river!

In addition, I preliminarily judged its location as Sunda, Bing, and Ding!

In the territory of the compass, Xunbingding is the Yin side, and the water flowing out of this direction is also called the Sanyang water mouth.

Because it depends on the dragon veins, the dragon veins belong to yang, and they will not belong to yin until their water flows converge.

There is a saying in the Zhaijing that the water that urges officials is only the three suns, and the water faces the sand to show off the officials and the nobles.

If the water of the three yangs is buried, there will be officials and nobles in the family!

And the water of the three yangs is extremely rare, it depends entirely on the uncanny workmanship of the heaven and the earth, the sand water has the distinction of yin and yang, and the harmony of yin and yang, there is almost no possibility of being destroyed.

At present, it seems that this place is the most suitable for the Zhou family.

I compared the maps again and again to make sure that at least from the map, there was nothing wrong with my analysis.

When the coffin is ready, we can set off for the burial.

At this point in my thoughts, I also briefly talked with Zhou Chuanshi about the feng shui bureau of the water of the three yangs.

And let him prepare his manpower.

After Zhou Chuanshi listened to my words, he was extremely excited, and even held my hand all the time to thank him again and again!

His tone was even more excited. He told me that the Zhou family's family business is not a short-term sudden wealth, but passed down from generation to generation.

But counting from the very first generation, the Zhou family has never had a single official or half-job.

Even Gaozu left his ancestral precepts back then, the Zhou family not only had to have the ability to do business, but also had to train their clan members to be officials, so that they could maintain the wealth in their hands.

If the water of the three yangs is really buried, there will be bureaucrats in the family in the future, which will solve the immediate worries of the Zhou family and solve the ancestral precepts that several generations of the Zhou family want to complete!

I was surprised, I didn't expect the Zhou family to have such an ancestral precept.

I also told Zhou Chuanshi that Feng Shui will change and give some fate in the dark.

But there is also one point, only those who are virtuous can guard these things. If the Zhou family has no virtue at that time, even the water of the three yangs will be useless.

Zhou Chuanshi nodded again and again, and assured me that the Zhou family would not do anything evil, and they would open warehouses to help the people!

I was stunned for a moment, the term Kaicang Jimin has not been heard a few times for me.

As for Liu Huayan who was sitting on the other side of the main room, he raised his head, his eyes became brighter.

"Master Zhou is benevolent." She said softly.

At this time, Zhou Chuanshi's expression became smug, and he kept pacing back and forth.

Only now did I realize that on the other side of the main room, Zhou Chuanlin had already returned.

There is also a lot of joy on his face, but apart from the joy, there is also a bit of hidden worry on his face.

Zhou Chuanlin's emotional control ability is much worse than Zhou Chuanshi's.

But his appearance makes me feel that something is wrong...

Immediately, I thought about Yang Yi.

Is there something wrong there? !

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi is arranging a banquet with his servants, saying that I have almost finished my work and it is time to eat and rest.

I walked towards Zhou Chuanlin.

When he got close to him, the joy on Zhou Chuanlin's face turned more into worry and hesitation.

Zhou Chuanshi also followed, and he told me that Zhou Chuanlin came back soon, he didn't want other things to delay my analysis of Feng Shui, so he didn't let Zhou Chuanlin bother me.

I nodded, and then asked directly: "The Second Master's complexion is not very good-looking, is something wrong with Yang Yi?"

Zhou Chuanlin sighed, his face became more bitter, and said, "There is indeed something wrong."

I looked a little more cautious, and asked Yang Yi what happened?

Zhou Chuanlin sighed again, and then said: "When I went over, Yang Yi was fine, and he stayed in the cell well, even with wine and meat."

I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that things might not be that simple.

Obviously Zhou's family sent Yang Yi there to teach him a lesson, but in the end he got mixed up with wine and meat in the cell?

I asked Zhou Chuanlin to explain in detail what happened.

Only then did Zhou Chuanlin shake his head, and explained the whole story in detail.

Roughly after Yang Yi was locked up and tortured, he was not so stubborn, and he almost explained his origin.

He wanted to ask someone to let him out.

The people in the bureau have a close relationship with the Zhou family, so how could they let him go?

It must be to let him stay in it for a while, so as to have a good memory.

But at that moment, they happened to have a captain who came to inspect the cell and saw Yang Yi.

Yang Yi actually directly said that the captain's face was vicious, and he was afraid of bloody disasters, and his family members were still plagued by illness.

In the end, it happened to Yang Yi that it was right.

The team leader asked Yang Yi to serve him tea, food, wine and meat, and talked with Yang Yi for a long time.

Roughly speaking, according to what Yang Yi said, if you go back and make some arrangements, you will be able to solve the troubles, and you can also increase your rank.

Zhou Chuanlin said that it was around that time that he entered the bureau.

So he said that he wanted to release him, but the bureau disagreed, and he had to wait for the captain to come back.

Another point is that even Yang Yi himself was unwilling to leave, and even sneered at Zhou Chuanlin, saying that he believed in the wrong person.

Zhou Chuanlin was waiting there. He had to wait for a result before he could come back and explain to me.

Not long after, the captain who gave Yang Yi wine and meat came back.

Without further ado, he directly sent Yang Yi to the dungeon.

Seeing that something had happened, Zhou Chuanlin hurriedly asked a few words about the situation, and then talked about the release.

The captain told Zhou Chuanlin that the Zhou family's relationship was a relationship, but now he also caused troubles in the family because of Yang Yi's words, and he might even kill someone!

His pregnant wife was rescued in a foreigner's hospital, so Yang Yi couldn't let him go.

This matter has nothing to do with the Zhou family.

He told Zhou Chuanlin not to bother or ask any more questions.

At this point in the words, Zhou Chuanlin shook his head and sighed: "The Zhou family has a lot of money, and they have a good relationship with that side, but the Zhou family can't stop this kind of thing."

"It's strange, Yang Yi himself is not good at learning, and he still insists on going. In this world, the right to speak is in the barrel of a gun. I have heard of the captain's wife, and she is the first daughter of a powerful person in Pingyang provincial city. "

"If Yang Yi makes trouble for her because of this, Yang Yi will be shot to death if he doesn't die in the water dungeon."

"This..." A pimple formed between my brows.

I had no idea that things would be so complicated.

In this way, even if Yang Changzhou came to him, he would not be able to get any good fruit...

On the contrary, it will be self-defeating...

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