While the servants of the Zhou family looked at each other, they also began to discuss in a low voice, and no one had a good face.

They also helped up those who were unconscious on the ground, and went to those who strangled them.

Zhou Chuanlin's complexion was cloudy and cloudy, Zhou Chuanshi's complexion was ugly, and my brows became more gloomy.

Through Yang Changzhou's behavior and Yang Yi's temperament before, I can almost come to an objective judgment.

Mr. Yang Zhushu, Mr. Yizhi, has a bad temper.

Master Mo Ruofu, if he was a strict and reasonable Mr. Yin and Yang, he probably wouldn't be able to teach such an apprentice.

The Zhou family is very likely to be in big trouble because of this...

He vaguely recalled what Zhou Chuanlin and Yang Yi said. He didn't cooperate to say who he was, so he just waited to go to the city to be shot...

Only then did I realize that I am afraid this statement is not true.

At this moment, a Zhou family servant approached Zhou Chuanlin with an extremely disturbed expression on his face.

"Patriarch... Those brothers couldn't wake up, and they didn't respond to pinching... Could it be that demon just now, used some kind of sorcery?"

Zhou Chuanlin frowned, and then he looked at me with a respectful expression: "Mr. Li, that person must be using sorcery. Please help Mr. Li."

I let out a turbid breath and said, "Bring it in and let Goddess He take a look. If it doesn't work, let Daoist Liu take a look."

The sorcerer is also called the ghost woman, but the ghost woman is called by the same peers. Normally, when doing business with the outside world, ordinary people still recognize it as a witch.

Zhou Chuanlin nodded again and again, and he immediately signaled the servants to do it.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi clasped his fists at me, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li laughed at me, it's all caused by our Zhou family."

At this moment, Zhou Chuanlin's face turned red.

I shook my head, and said, "Yang Yi lied to others, even under the name of Mr. Yin Yang. It's normal for the Zhou family to be fooled. This Yang Changzhou is also an unreasonable person, but they may indeed anger the Zhou family."

"Mr. Yin Yang is not easy to provoke. If there is a teacher, there must be a disciple. I think, maybe don't offend them to death. The Zhou family should suffer a secret loss, and Yang Yi also paid a price. He should learn a lesson."

My eyes fell on Zhou Chuanlin, and I sighed softly again: "There's no need to really let him get shot, so I offended a Mr. Yin Yang."

"This..." Zhou Chuanlin's expression changed.

Only then did he say: "I handed him over to the police in the provincial capital. I didn't explain it so terribly. I just asked them to ask where the man came from, whether he had any other purpose, and whether he was plotting against Zhou with him. Home……"

"Shots, it won't happen." Zhou Chuanlin showed a wry smile on his face.

What he said reassured me a lot.

It's just that what Yang Changzhou said at the end still made me a little wary.

"Things have changed a lot, so I'd like to ask the second leader to send someone to take a look. Don't make any accidents. Yang Yi is not good at learning. I think that Yang Changzhou just now may have some skills." I added.

Zhou Chuanlin nodded solemnly, and said, "I'll make a trip myself."

After speaking, he took two servants and left in a hurry.

The rest of the people had already brought the Zhou family servants who had lost their minds into the courtyard.

Zhou Chuanshi turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

During this period, Zhou Chuanshi obviously hesitated to speak.

I guessed what he was going to say.

But I didn't say it first, and I hope that nothing will happen to the Zhou family...

After all, I want to bury the great ancestor of the Zhou family in water, and Yang Yi's matter has something to do with me. If something happens to them, I just ignore it, and I may also be contaminated with karma.

After a while, we returned to the courtyard.

At this moment, the five Zhou family servants who were unconscious before were being laid flat on the floor of the main room.

He Zhi had already put down her work, a Zhou family servant was whispering something in her ear, she nodded and entered the main room.

I also walked to the door of the main room and waited.

During this period, the courtyard was quiet, but many servants of the Zhou family had expressions of worry on their faces.

Even Zhou Chuanshi's complexion did not relax.

"They were shocked. They don't know what they were injured by. It's not normal in broad daylight." He Zhi looked up after checking and explained to me.

Zhou Chuanshi hurriedly asked: "How to treat it?"

He Zhi pondered for a moment, and then said: "Find a mountain forest with many graves, dig up some nocturnal vines, stew them overnight, let them drink them, and they will not be able to see the light after being frightened, so that they will not hurt their lives. Otherwise If you don't, you'll be a fool."

He Zhi explained very seriously.

She frowned again and said: "The man who came just now hurt them? He was too ruthless. I also beat your people with a mourning stick, but I controlled the strength. It's good to be in a coma after a little shock. He was shocked." The living souls of these people are damaged, and if they are not handled properly, they will not only become fools, but after a while, if the souls continue to dissipate, they may become walking corpses."

Zhou Chuanshi's face suddenly became extremely ugly, his temples were throbbing, and he muttered: "Fool... a walking dead?"

My complexion also sank.

Then Yang Changzhou's attack was a bit too shady... How could he be this cruel to ordinary people?

He must have used his skills on Yang Suan!

But didn't Mr. Yizhi teach him that if Mr. harmed others, he would be punished by the gods?

More importantly, not only did he do so, he didn't even give a reminder.

Then this is not as simple as punishment.

What is the difference between this and killing someone?

"The Zhou family should be more careful, this person is not easy to provoke." I whispered.

He Zhi suddenly turned his head and looked to the other side.

Zhou Chuanshi nodded to me, and immediately looked in the direction He Zhi turned his head.

He shouted respectfully: "Daoist Liu."

It was Liu Huayan who walked into the main room at this time.

She nodded in response to Zhou Chuanshi, and then squatted down in front of a servant of the Zhou family.

She pressed her hand on the top of the man's head, and after a while, her face darkened a little.

"Next time if this doer comes again, I want to see him." Liu Huayan said calmly.

Zhou Chuanshi's face suddenly brightened, and said: "Thank you, Daoist Liu, for lending a helping hand."

Liu Huayan just shook his head and didn't say anything else.

But I know that Liu Huayan is not trying to help the Zhou family.

It was because of this incident that it touched a certain level of bottom line.

Taoist priests will not allow anyone to hurt others in front of their eyes.

In addition, Liu Huayan's complexion looks much better, and it is obvious that the adjustment of internal energy this day has played a significant role.

Zhou Chuanshi immediately arranged for these delirious servants to be taken care of in various rooms.

He Zhi also continued to make coffins.

I tried my best to calm my emotions, and continued to look at the sketch I just drew.

Although there was a change and some time was delayed, the burial of the ancestor of the Zhou family cannot be delayed.

If it's too late, it will change even more!

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