Zhou Chuanlin's face changed slightly, and his pupils constricted a little.

When I heard this, I put the stack of hemp paper I was holding on the table.

I also look very cautious.

Yang Yi, is that person's real name?

In fact, when he told me that Mr. One Finger Yang Zhushu was his master, I didn't take it lightly.

But all Mr. Yin and Yang must have skills.

At this moment, someone came to find Yang Zhushu. It should not be that the news about the Zhou family had spread, but that Mr. Yizhi himself had discovered it?

While I was thinking, Zhou Chuanshi clasped his fists at me, bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Li, let us handle this matter by ourselves. We have cheated my Zhou family. Now we are here to ask for someone and even hurt the Zhou family." People, they bully people too much."

There was not much anger in Zhou Chuanshi's tone, it was calm and polite.

But calmness is also one of the manifestations of anger.

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi were about to go out, so I stepped forward and followed directly.

Before the two of them asked, I said, "Here is a Mr. Yang Suan, who may know some Feng Shui. If he really attacks ordinary people, the Zhou family is not his opponent. I will watch from the side to avoid accidents."

During the speech, I maintained full prudence and caution.

Except for Jiang Yihong, the person I came into contact with who knows how to count is Hou Qianshu.

This Mr. Yang Calculator is definitely no worse than a simple Mr. Yin Technique.

Not long after, we walked to the gate of the compound.

At this time, the door of the Zhou family compound was opened wide open, and there were at least two, no. 30 people gathered around the door.

As we approached, someone quickly moved out of the way.

After walking out the threshold, I saw that several servants of the Zhou family were still lying on the ground.

Their faces were pale, their eyes were dull, as if they had lost their souls.

The person was clearly awake, but he didn't move. It was very strange in broad daylight.

A middle-aged man was frowning at the gate of Zhou's house.

He was wearing a gray gown with a rucksack over his left shoulder, and a pair of thick-soled cloth shoes on his feet.

As soon as we came out, this person immediately set his sights on the few of us.

I noticed that he was still holding a bamboo pole in his right hand, and it was on the ground, and a piece of cloth fell from the tip of the pole.

There are a few words on the cloth strip: "One finger counts three generations."

My pupils constricted a bit.

Those few five words contained quite a lot of meaning, one finger can be counted as three lifetimes? !

This person must also be Mr. Yizhi's disciple.

The flags he holds all have such slogans, and Mr. Zhi himself is even more impossibly simple.

Zhou Chuanlin flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, and walked further ahead.

He said in a very bad tone: "It seems that my Zhou family pasted a few words on the door plaque called 'good bullying'? Another one, trying to deceive my Zhou family?!"

The man also took a step forward at the same time, his originally frowning brows spread a lot, and he even bowed slightly.

"Your Excellency is serious. The Zhou family in Pingyang City is a big and respectable family. How could anyone dare to deceive them?"

"My humble Yang Changzhou, my teacher is Mr. Yang Zhushu. A few days ago, I had a younger brother Yang Yi who rashly left the Taoist temple and came to the Zhou family to handle business in the name of a teacher. He violated the rules of the sect and has been banned by the master." I found out, and I was ordered to come and bring him back. It’s just that people in the noble family said that there is no such person in the Zhou family, and they want to drive me away. As a last resort, I will punish you.”

I also frowned.

Yang Changzhou seemed to speak modestly, but with the last four words, a small punishment would cause a big problem.

It seems that he has placed himself in a higher position than the Zhou family.

And between his words, it means that the Zhou family is lying...

Zhou Chuanlin laughed back in anger, he was not stupid, and immediately said sarcastically, "Small punishment?"

"It seems that you still think that my Zhou family is lying to you? There is no such person as Yang Yi in the Zhou family. There was indeed a liar who claimed to be Yang Zhushu two days ago, and he almost ruined my Zhou family."

"After being dismantled, he also refused to reveal his name, and even threatened us that his master is Mr. One Finger, saying that we dare not touch him."

"Pingyang City is still a place with kingly laws. Although the Zhou family said that it is impossible to do anything to him, they can send him to see the officials. If you want to find him, you came to the wrong place." Raise your hand and swing your forearm forward.

The [-] or [-] servants of the Zhou family in the back almost simultaneously came out of the gate, and all of them were aggressive at the moment.

Yang Changzhou froze for a moment, then murmured: "Meet the official?"

He lowered his head, pinched his middle finger with his thumb, and tapped the belly and middle of the finger several times. Suddenly, Yang Changzhou's face darkened.

When he raised his head again, he stared straight at Zhou Chuanlin.

"Which official?" At this moment, Yang Changzhou's tone became a lot colder, and there was even a bit of surprise in his eyes.

I felt a little wary in my heart.

What was Yang Changzhou thinking about just now?

Mr. Yang Suan is divination and fortune telling, but I know very little about Yang Suan.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanlin was already furious, and he said sharply, "Yang Changzhou, pay attention to your tone of voice. Where do you think my Zhou family is? Yang Yilai deceived and entrapped the Zhou family once, and you come to boss me around again? My Zhou family is not a soft persimmon."

"What official do you see, you should ask yourself, see what you can ask with your attitude."

At this point, Zhou Chuanlin glanced at the servants of the Zhou family, and scolded: "Please leave, if he hurts people again, I don't believe that he can make everyone fall down in an instant, missing arms and legs, the Zhou family Ask for soup and medicine."

Immediately, the twenty or thirty servants of the Zhou family rushed towards Yang Changzhou without hesitation!

My mind was much calmer, but I didn't relax my vigilance at all.

How similar is this scene to the situation they dealt with Liu Huayan at that time?

As a powerful Taoist priest, Liu Huayan was still very difficult to deal with.

There is not much difference between Mr. Yang Suan and Mr. Yin Shu. The people who fell before should also be Yang Changzhou's special means. In terms of skill, it is impossible for him to have such a great ability.

Yang Changzhou's face sank like water, and suddenly, the bamboo pole in his hand was raised forward.

There was a piercing crackling sound from the cloth strips, which made Zhou's servants stop in their tracks.

But just when they were about to continue to rush forward, Yang Changzhou suddenly turned around and walked towards the other side of the street.

The servants of the Zhou family looked at each other in blank dismay, but they did not continue to catch up.

Zhou Chuanlin also snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and looked at Yang Changzhou's back coldly.

After a dozen or so steps, Yang Changzhou suddenly paused. He glanced sideways at the front of Zhou's house, his face frosty.

"I figured out that my junior brother is in trouble this time, and his life is in danger."

"The Zhou family has an overbearing attitude. If you want to come to his troubles, you will grant them."

"Although it's wrong for junior brother to deceive people with a false identity, the Zhou family doesn't need his life. If he dies, I, senior brother, must seek justice for him!" The cold voice resounded in the street, and Yang Changzhou walked The speed will be faster.

In less than half a cup of tea, he disappeared at the end of the street.

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