I was taken aback for a moment, this was the second time I heard the word "foreigner".

Last time, it was Huo Kunmin who had his arm chopped off by Kong Qing, and was sent by the Huo family to a hospital run by foreigners in Jiuhe County.

As a result, it didn't take long to come back.

Huo Kunmin's treatment in the foreigner's hospital was much quicker than He Zhi's wounded going to the hospital.

I am indeed curious, but now, how can I stay in Zhou's house for a long time?

My thoughts settled down in an instant, so Zhou Chuanlin and I first told the address of the paper figurine Xu's family, and then told them to pay attention to some taboos when letting them go.

At the end of the day, I asked Zhou Chuanlin a question.

Did he talk about the Zhu family in Gai County, the head of the family has a round face and a daughter named Zhu Yunyun?

Zhou Chuanlin was stunned for a moment. He lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "Mr. Li, how do you know? Have you been to Gai County? But don't worry, the Zhu family and the Zhou family have very close cooperation, and they will not neglect."

I took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "When you notify Zhu's family, you can add that this matter is for Xiao Li Yinpo. They will be faster and more cautious."

After a short pause, I just said a few words. I have helped the Zhu family.

Of course, I didn't talk about the details.

After all, there is a saying that family ugliness should not be publicized, so there are also some hidden things about the Zhu family.

Seeing my expression, Zhou Chuanlin became even more respectful.

After cupping his fists and saluting, he hurried towards the corridor beside the courtyard.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi still had anticipation in his eyes.

I exhaled heavily, and then I told Zhou Chuanshi that I still have important matters to attend to. After burying the ancestors of the Zhou family, I need to go to work immediately, and I can't stay here for a long time.

Immediately, regret appeared in Zhou Chuanshi's eyes.

He sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li, Daoist Liu, and Goddess He are people who are going to do great things. Naturally, they can't stay in my small world, but it's passed down from generation to generation." He made a gesture of invitation, He signaled us to go to the main room to rest first.

At the same time, he also told me that there is already a letter about the map.

In the university library of Pingyang City, there is a map dedicated to drawing the details of the Xuanhe River Basin outside Pingyang City. He sent the housekeeper to borrow it. The level of detail of the map should meet my requirements.

What he said made my heart settle down a lot.

If they can't find it, I have to go on a boat to find it, which will take a lot of time.

Liu Huayan didn't stay in the main room all the time, she only stayed for a moment, then hurriedly left, saying that she was going back to the room to recuperate her internal energy.

I don't quite understand it, but I also know that it should be related to her being sucked into Yang Qi.

I stayed in the main room, and Zhou Chuanshi sat beside me, pouring me tea from time to time, and chatting with me about some things.

It's almost about Feng Shui, and what happened to his Zhou family after that.

In fact, there is another detail in it, which is the Dianyang residence.

The Zhou family's family business is good, and it must be easy to build a new Yangzhai.

But the reason why I didn't mention this matter is also very simple.

According to Fengshui, it is not advisable to move the house when the grave is moved, unless the old grave has to be moved and the house is destroyed.

The probability of this is very small, and it did not fall on the Zhou family.

If the house is moved after the tomb is moved, it will lose the shadow of the ancestors and the protection.

Because of this, I can only complete the second burial water in the Zhou family for this experience.

Coincidentally, Zhou Chuanshi mentioned impartially, if he can help his Zhou family renovate a house, he will give me a satisfactory reward.

I smoothed my thoughts, and briefly told Zhou Chuanshi about the taboos about repairing the house after moving the grave.

And I told Zhou Chuanshi plainly that the ancestors of the Zhou family never harmed the Zhou family. It was only because of Feng Shui that the Zhou family suffered. This problem also came from the Zhou family itself.

Even with those incidents in Jiangxinzhou, the ancestors of the Zhou family did not hurt the lives of their Zhou family.

After I relocate it and rebury it, it will definitely be satisfied with the new burial place.

As long as the Zhou family worships devoutly and recognizes their mistakes, the ancestors will not embarrass them.Feng Shui itself will continue to bless the Zhou family.

After I said this, Zhou Chuanshi suddenly realized.

He bowed deeply to me respectfully, and said: "I have learned from Mr. Li, and I am greedy."

I didn't nod or shake my head, I just responded to him with a peaceful smile, signaling him not to think about anything else.

But I thought about it for a while, and asked Zhou Chuanshi if there were any families in Pingyang City who were eager to build a house.

In addition, I also made a detailed request, that is, the family's house had to be moved.

It's not that you have the right to have money, and you simply want to find a husband to build a better house.

Zhou Chuanshi said that he will help me pay attention to this matter.

After we chatted for half an hour, he didn't bother me anymore, but drank tea and sat quietly.

I didn't take out the Zhaijing and the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng to study, but leaned on the chair and rested for a while, closed my eyes and rested my mind to recover my energy.

time flies.

Just before noon, the person sent by the Zhou family to fetch the map returned.

The map was really detailed enough that Zhou Jia used a two-meter long table to put the map down.

It is not only the Xuanhe River in this section of the basin, but also the surrounding part of Pingyang City.

I found the three Jiangxin Continents on the map at a glance!

From time to time, he could hear the sound of He Zhi chiseling wood and planing planks.

Knowing that He Zhi was busy at the side, my mind felt very stable, and I studied the map more calmly.

Pingyang City is very large, and this section of the Xuanhe River Basin is not small, and there are more places in the upper reaches of Jiangxinzhou.

I analyzed their layout extra carefully and found more than one feng shui place.

The map was borrowed, and I couldn't damage it, so I took the hemp paper.

After grinding the ink, simply write down the feng shui with a ground pen.

However, not every good feng shui place is suitable for arranging the corpse of a high-ranking ancestor of the Zhou family.

I also need the feng shui ground to have a suppressive effect. After all, the wet corpse in a rotten coffin is also a murderous corpse. Even if it is harmless, it cannot be underestimated or careless.

It took a whole afternoon, even when I was eating, I just took a few mouthfuls and continued to study the map.

Finally, before dark, I wrote down the last feng shui location, and prepared to use these papers to select the most suitable one.

At this moment, a servant of the Zhou family hurried in from the corridor next to the gate.

His face was flustered, and he said uneasily: "Someone came to find Yang Yi..."

Standing beside me at this moment are brothers Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin, who are waiting for me nervously.

The servant's haste immediately made Zhou Chuanlin look angry, and asked sharply: "Didn't you see that Mr. Li is handling important affairs of the Zhou family?! I disturbed him, and I took you as a question! Besides, where do I know anything?" Yang Yi? Don't you know how to ask the housekeeper?"

The servant was quite frightened, but he still bite the bullet and said: "The man said that Yang Yi took the name of Mr. Yizhi, his master."

"The Yang Yi he is looking for is the 'Yang Zhushu' who lied to our Zhou family before. That man carried a signboard of a fortune teller, and it seems that he is not easy to deal with... Several brothers have sent him away, and now everyone fell at the gate..."

After saying these words, the servant was already sweating profusely.

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