The cold wind blew in from the windows on the back wall, and the stench in the house suddenly dissipated a lot.

I haven't smoked too much, and my drowsy head barely regained a little clarity...

I tried my best to control my body, bit the tip of my tongue hard, and the salty smell of blood filled my mouth.

The severe pain made my body tremble, and I completely regained control.

I turned my head abruptly and looked at the window on the wall behind me.

At this moment, the window fans blown by the wind creaked and shook on the wall, and there were messy footprints on the wall.

"Xu Baipi..."

I ran quickly to the front of the wall, and as far as I could see, there was another wall behind, and there was a flower garden between the wall and the window.

But at this time, there was no figure in the flower garden.

The old lady had already wrapped Xu Baipi and disappeared without a trace...

I want to chase, but I don't know where to go.

I clenched my fist tightly and slammed it against the wall.

Amidst the muffled sound, the pain in the fingers was even worse.

With a bang, my door was knocked open again.

"What happened? Li Yinyang?" He Zhi's hurried voice came from behind.

The next moment, her tone became more urgent: "The smell of Huang Pizi... What's going on? Where is Xu Baipi, isn't he shouting..."

I turned around, my breathing was heavy and my chest kept rising and falling.

He Zhi's clothes were messy, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Immediately after, Liu Huayan's figure also rushed into the door, her face was solemn and vigilant.

Then came a group of servants of the Zhou family, but they stopped when they rushed to the door.

It was obvious that Xu Baipi's voice just now had a lot of effect, otherwise, the old lady wouldn't just run away.

Liu Huayan looked at me with the same look of questioning.

I tried my best to calm down, and said hoarsely: "Xu Baipi is right, that white-haired fox did bring an old lady. She sneaked into my room and wanted my life."

Looking up, my eyes fell on the hemp rope noose.

At this moment, the little yellow leather boy who got into the noose just a moment ago is still twitching and struggling slightly.

That old lady just used this little yellow skin to exchange lives with me.

I quickly told what happened just now, including that Xu Baipi rescued me again by mistake, but was taken away by the old lady.

Liu Huayan frowned tightly, while He Zhi's hands were unnaturally pinching the hem of her clothes, and her face turned even slightly paler.

The servants of the Zhou family listened to my words with a smattering of understanding, and their expressions were full of uneasiness and panic.

"It's more dangerous than good..." Liu Huayan shook her head, her tone was uncomfortable.

Of course, I also know that the old lady is not a good person.

What's more, when she was arresting her, she uttered harsh words, saying that Xu Baipi ruined her good deeds twice, and he was dead...


He Zhi bit her lower lip, a bit of annoyance appeared in her eyes.

"I was afraid that he would take the talisman you gave us and play tricks on us secretly, so I took it away... I didn't expect..." He Zhi raised her head again, her face paler.

I don't know how to speak.

He Zhi did take Xu Baipi's talisman, but he was taken away because he rescued me by accident...

Liu Huayan sighed softly, and then said: "He Zhi, think about it another way, if you hadn't taken away his talisman, he wouldn't have suddenly come looking for Li Yinyang in the middle of the night. The situation at this moment may be even more serious. .”

"In this world, there is a cycle of karma, and retribution is not good. If something happens, it will be retribution on another level." Liu Huayan shook her head, her expression seemed to have calmed down a lot.

I frowned even more, staring at the hanged little Huang Pizi again, and said hoarsely again: "Miss Liu, you can't think about this matter like this, Xu Baipi's explanation is for Mr. Liu Miao , is also given to Huang Qi, if I see him being killed, it's all my Li Yinyang's problem."

Bowing my head, I took out the compass and watched the pointer turn.

At the same time, I began to think about the gossip method and analyze the direction in which Xu Baipi might be taken away.

But what made my complexion change was Xu Baipi's name, and I couldn't use the gossip method to infer the hexagram for a while.

Sweat broke out on my forehead again, rolling off in big spots. I was holding the square plate on the edge of the compass tightly, and the knuckles of my fingers were turning white.

Liu Huayan looked at me again, thinking.

At this moment, He Zhi also nodded vigorously, saying: "We must find him!"

My forearm trembled slightly, and I shook my head feebly: "I can't find it..."

He Zhi looked at me suspiciously, and said in a daze, "Why can't I find it? Didn't you look for all the others..."

I was silent for a moment before telling He Zhi that I couldn't use Xu Baipi's name to make a hexagram.

He Zhi was also taken aback, and then fell silent.

When I was suffering in my heart, suddenly, my body trembled.

He raised his head suddenly and stared at the little yellow leather bag hanging on the beam of the house.

At this moment, it was already dying, and it seemed that it was taking in air but not coming out.

I quickly slashed at the hemp rope with a divination knife!

The rope snapped, and the little yellow leather child fell off immediately.

With quick eyes and quick hands, I caught it directly, walked quickly to the bed, and put it down.

The gossip method didn't work just now, which made me confused for a while.

But now I figured it out.

That old lady will definitely come to settle accounts with me. When she comes, of course I can still see her, but Xu Baipi is probably hopeless.

Can't sit and wait for her to come...

And this little yellow skin is something she raised, as long as it is not dead, if you let it go, it should go to the old lady?

My thoughts were quick, and I was staring at the little yellow leather child closely.

It was still dying at first, but at this moment, it was motionless...


My complexion became more and more ugly.

"Li Yinyang, you are..." He Zhi was slightly puzzled.

Liu Huayan continued, "He wants to use this beast to lead the way."

I clenched my fists even tighter, but I felt powerless in my heart.

"I'm dead, there's nothing I can do..." Before I could finish my sentence, suddenly, there was a light pop on the bed.

A cloud of yellow mist suddenly spread from that little yellow man!

He Zhi and I are the closest, and the yellow mist is about to fill our faces.

He Zhi's reaction was extremely quick, and her sleeves suddenly slapped towards Huang Wu.

At the same time that the mist was blown away by the wind, the little yellow leather child disappeared without a trace!

I was shocked, and immediately understood that the little yellow man was dead.

It was playing dead after being put down, trying to escape for its life!

His eyes quickly swept to the window.

A fluffy shadow has already jumped onto the window!

There was a sound of "嗤" piercing the air, followed by Liu Huayan's cold scolding: "Beast, don't go!"

The next moment, a mahogany sword flew towards him.

Little Huang Pizi screamed, his tail was just pierced by the mahogany sword, and it was firmly nailed to the window.

It struggled frantically, screaming "Ka Ka Ka" and scratching at its limbs.

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