He Zhi walked over angrily, grabbed it, and shook it hard twice.

Little Huang Pizi was thrown unconscious immediately...

"Go find a cage." He Zhi glanced at the servants of the Zhou family outside and said.

One of the servants of the Zhou family stepped back quickly.

At this moment, two more people squeezed in at the door.

Isn't it Zhou Chuanshi, the head of the family, and Zhou Chuanlin, the second head?

"What happened, Mr. Li?" Zhou Chuanshi asked hurriedly.

Little Huang Pizi didn't escape, which made me a little relieved.

I know better that this matter cannot be delayed.

It happened that Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin were in front of me, so I briefly said a few words about my grievances with Mr. Bai, and that Xu Baipi, who was traveling with us, was taken away.

What I said shocked Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin.

Zhou Chuanshi was even more frightened, and murmured: "Then Mr. Bai is so vicious. If we had invited him here... I don't know what the Zhou family would have been like..." Immediately afterwards, Zhou Chuanshi told me that my life was at stake. God, it's important to save people first.

After all, it takes time to make a coffin. As long as we can keep his Zhou family safe, he has no objections and will not interfere with anything I do.

I felt a lot more relieved, and I told him about the burial, and there would definitely be no problems.

Soon, the servant who had just retreated brought the cage that He Zhi wanted.

He Zhi stuffed the little yellow skin into the cage, and pinned the cage around his waist.

Zhou Chuanlin dispersed the other servants. They couldn't help, but there were too many people and it was too turbulent.

Then our group went to the main room to discuss matters.

In fact, I have been sleeping for a long time. It is almost four or five o'clock at this moment, and it is almost dawn.

The final result of the discussion was settled, and the Zhou family prepared the map and wood I wanted as usual.

We used one day to find the old lady and rescue her.

Setting this time was not the intention of the Zhou family, but also the result of discussions with Liu Huayan.

Because even if it is a fluke, facts are facts, and Xu Baipi cannot be rescued in a short time.

Then what we can find is probably just a corpse.

On the contrary, the affairs of the Zhou family will become a hidden danger...

Moreover, He Zhi wanted to stay at Zhou's house as a coffin, so he wouldn't delay the business.

Liu Huayan and I used the little yellow skin to find the old lady.

In the end, Liu Huayan also said one thing, that is, the old lady relied on Huang Pizi's ability to harm people, so she needed to be sneaky to make people lose their minds inadvertently, and was finally led to hang herself.

So she has no way to fight us head-on, as long as you find her and restrain those yellow-skinned people as quickly as possible, the old lady will not be afraid.

What Liu Huayan said made sense, and I deeply agree with it.

It's just that He Zhi didn't talk much, and he was obviously in a low mood.

Obviously, she resented that Xu Baipi was true, but Xu Baipi was arrested after saving me, and she happened to take away the talisman from Xu Baipi's body, which made her feel very sorry.

It was also because of this that she didn't refute even a word when she was asked to stay as the coffin.

After the discussion reached a consensus, Liu Huayan said: "She should be nearby, an old lady, no matter how fast she moves, it will always be inconvenient." She reached out to beg for He Zhi's yellow leather cage.

After He Zhi handed it over to Liu Huayan, he took out a lightning strike wood talisman and an evil spirit talisman.

"I saved Xu Baipi and returned it to him for me. In this matter, one size fits all."

I nodded and didn't refuse.

Zhou Chuanshi arranged for servants to quickly prepare breakfast meals for us

Liu Huayan carefully observed the little yellow man in the cage for a long time.

After a while, the little yellow man woke up, with a pair of round eyes open, looking pitifully and beggingly, looking out of the cage helplessly.

Its pitiful appearance really has a bit of charm.

But Liu Huayan remained indifferent.

Just eat something, my mental head is a little better.

I handed over the gossip tiger head mirror to He Zhi, to prevent us from not being able to come back before dark, and if something happened to the ancestor of the Zhou family, He Zhi would be safe with the gossip tiger head mirror.

After instructing He Zhi again, Liu Huayan and I left Zhou's house together.

At this moment, the sky is not completely bright, and there are no pedestrians on the street.

Liu Huayan opened the cage door and put it on the ground.

The little yellow leather child in there got out cautiously.

At first it moved very slowly, as if it didn't believe us to let it go...

And the next moment, it swished and rushed up the street.

The speed of galloping and fleeing is simply extremely fast!

Of course, no matter how fast it is, it can't get rid of the faster Liu Huayan!

In a blink of an eye, we chased and left Zhou's street.

The little yellow man didn't keep running on the road, but fled quickly along some places with the roots of the walls.

After we chased and ran for two streets, there were some pedestrians and vendors setting up stalls on the road.

When we ran over, these people looked at us in astonishment.

When he almost ran around to the third street, the speed of the little yellow leather was a little faster!

It seemed to have discovered our purpose, and made a sharp "click" sound while fleeing.

This voice actually sounded like a warning? !

When this thought came up, at that moment, I was frightened and angry.

Although this is a guess, I feel that my guess is almost accurate. This beast can actually understand human nature?

Liu Huayan's reaction was even faster.

She flicked her sleeve suddenly, and a mahogany sword was thrown out of the sleeve.

The sword pierced through Xiao Huang Pizi's body fiercely, nailing him to the ground.

Immediately, Liu Huayan borrowed strength from the wall beside him, and he jumped up.

With three or two moves, she jumped directly to the highest point of the wall, followed the wall, and climbed to the roof of the yard closest to us!

Liu Huayan's reaction speed is nothing short of unpleasant!

The street itself is not big, and the little yellow leather warned the old lady that we are coming.

If she escapes again, it will definitely take time!

Maybe Liu Huayan can find out...

Liu Huayan didn't stay on the roof, but continued to run along the roof!And she quickly pointed in one direction!

At this moment, Liu Huayan's speed was several times faster than before!

Before we had to follow Huang Pizi, she naturally couldn't do her best.

At this moment, it is obvious that Liu Huayan has discovered something!

In a blink of an eye, Liu Huayan's figure disappeared from my sight, and she fell into a yard far away from the street...

I can only continue to chase forward, following the direction she pointed just now.

When I was almost in position, I stopped out of breath.

There is indeed a courtyard here, and the courtyard door is still open at this time, and the door leaf is swinging with the wind...

At a glance, I saw Liu Huayan in the yard.

Panting twice, I quickly stepped into the yard.

But, my heart skipped a beat.

Because Liu Huayan didn't fight anyone, and didn't stop anyone.

She just stood in the middle of the small courtyard, frowning tightly, her face uncertain.

And she had a piece of paper in hand...

[The author has something to say]

2022, happy new year!May Mr. Yin Yang continue to accompany everyone's joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys this year!Grow together!

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