The hair on the top of her head has almost fallen out, with only a few sparse strands left.

And the clothes he was wearing were even more weird, a yellowish-white leather jacket with many black eyeballs and semicircular ears on it.

This leather jacket looks like a coat made of countless yellow furs!

Those eyeballs seemed to be staring at me, not to mention how depressed it made me feel...

All I could move was my eyeballs, and I was staring at her.

Sweat protruded from my forehead, and out of the corner of my eye I could still see a yellow skin lying on my chest.

At the end of the bed, there is a white fur fox lying down...

The long and narrow eyeballs of the white-haired fox were glowing green, staring straight at me, eyes full of hatred.

Suddenly the old lady smiled strangely, and said dryly: "It was you who killed my junior brother?"

"You are not very young, and you are capable. Yesterday, you were lucky and didn't hang you. Today, you won't be able to survive the night."

I almost popped my eyeballs, and my forehead was dripping with sweat.

Xu Baipi was right, what an old woman brought Huang Pizi!

But I never expected that she would sneak into my room quietly...

Anyway, with so many people in the Zhou family, no one found her?

I'm the only one left in the room right now...

Her words clearly meant to kill me...

Not being able to control the sensations in my body made me so powerless.

The old lady suddenly coughed.

Her voice was very small, the sound of "clicking", it didn't sound like someone coughing, it was more like the sound of a yellow leather child.

The next moment, a smaller yellow leather child actually drilled out from inside her cuff.

The yellow-skinned man's fur turned yellow, and his eyes were even more treacherous.

He actually had a roll of hemp rope in his mouth!

After it sprang out, it climbed up the beam of the house directly along the wooden pillar beside the bed.

The two ends of the hemp rope were hung down, and there happened to be a loop at each end of the rope.

"Yesterday you didn't die, it's one thing for that little bastard to save you, I feel sorry for you bastards, I didn't change my life with you, but I gave you another chance, today, heh!..." He took out a pipe, put it to his mouth and took a puff.

From inside his dry mouth, a dark smoke ring spit out.

Huang Xian, who was pressing on my chest, suddenly climbed down and landed on the old lady's shoulder.

The old lady was quietly smoking her pipe and looked at me indifferently.

I couldn't control my body by any chance, stood up straight, and moved a stool in the room numbly, and my hands and feet were so stiff that they came under the noose.

I climbed the stool and stood in front of the noose.

Then, surprisingly similar to yesterday, I stretched my neck forward, trying to get into the noose.

But in the next moment, the rope opposite me was hooked.

The little yellow leather that put the rope ran along the rope of the beam, and unexpectedly got to the edge of the noose, and the neck directly stretched in!

My legs and feet were suddenly out of control, and I was about to kick the stool away!

The fear in my heart is even stronger. If I am hanged by the neck, I am afraid that I will really be killed...

But just at this moment, the old woman's eyes froze suddenly, and her cloudy eyes were watching the door vigilantly.

There was a terrified roar from outside.

"Don't come here! Get out of here! Mr. Li save me!"

Isn't this terrified voice exactly from Xu Baipi? !

The next moment, my door was knocked open...

It was Xu Baipi who rushed in in despair!

He was obviously terrified. After bumping into him, he couldn't control his body even more, and just bumped towards me!

With a bang, Xu Baipi bumped into me!

I was knocked over by him directly and fell heavily to the ground!

All this happened so fast that when I landed, I felt that my arms and waist were almost broken.

But the severe pain made me wake up for a while.

Xu Baipi's face was extremely terrified, he just opened his mouth to speak, but his mouth suddenly froze, without making any sound.

Because at this moment, Xu Baipi also saw the old lady in the house, and the fox fairy...

With a creak, the door was firmly shut.

The door was closed, and suddenly there were several little yellow skins that jumped out of the old lady.

The old lady had a vicious expression on her face, and she clicked her mouth: "Little beast, you can catch up every time. I didn't want to kill irrelevant people. I only killed three of them, so I will send you on the way."

Xu Baipi also had an expression of being stupefied, big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, he was about to cry, and said tremblingly: "The talisman you gave me was taken by that aunt. I saw dirty things again, you bring back that corpse, it wants me to carry it away...I want to ask you for help..."

Obviously, what Xu Baipi was talking about was He Zhi.

His expression of wanting to cry but without tears clearly gave people a feeling that he wanted to come to me for help, but he didn't expect to fall from the tiger's mouth into the wolf's den again.

I'm also in mortal danger here...

During this period, I had already got up from the ground and pulled out the divination knife in my hand.

Pursing my lips, I didn't answer Xu Baipi, and stared straight at the old lady.

The yellow skin on the old lady's shoulders came down with a snort, and rushed towards me directly!

I suddenly raised the divination knife in my hand and stabbed at the yellow leather child!

The moment the yellow skin jumped down, a cloud of thick yellow smoke spread out.

This made me dare not speak out at all. What I deduced before was that I would lose control of my body if I inhaled the fart released by the yellow skin.

When I was half-dream and half-awake, I also inhaled to get that look!

While swinging the knife, I took a few steps forward.

I have to rush out of the room, the movement will definitely startle the Zhou family!

Xu Baipi's movement just now was not small, perhaps it has attracted people's attention!

But the fox fairy at the end of the bed suddenly stood up strangely, staring at me with green eyes, in a daze, I seemed to see Mr. Bai, whose lower body was full of blood and holes, standing at the door of the room ...

My scalp was numb, and my head became dizzy for a while.

For a while, he couldn't control it, and took a breath of bad breath.

All this is but a blink of an eye!

Xu Baipi in front of me, he didn't know how to be taboo, he pulled his neck, and shouted tremblingly: "Auntie! I'm going to kill someone! Your man is going to call the dead old woman to death!"

Xu Baipi's voice almost broke his voice!

"Little bastard! Wrong me twice, you're dead!" The old lady glared at Xu Baipi sternly.

Suddenly, her throat trembled, and there was a sharp clicking sound.

The yellow leather child turned around and jumped towards the window on the wall behind me.

That fox fairy also escaped directly.

The old lady was even faster, and rushed to Xu Baipi, the pipe hit Xu Baipi hard on the forehead, and the leather jacket on her body was rolled up, directly clamping Xu Baipi under her arm.

She was like a yellow leather child, she crawled on the ground, and quickly got out of the window on the back wall of me!

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