My eyelids twitched slightly.

But I didn't say much else.

The affairs of the Zhou family are the affairs of the Zhou family.

"Yang Zhushu" deceived the Zhou family this time, and really almost harmed their entire family, so I don't need to meddle in other people's business.

"Yang Zhushu"'s face immediately became a bit more frightened.

"How dare you!" he said tremblingly.

Zhou Chuanlin's face turned completely cold.

"Whether I dare or not depends on whether you are smart or not. Now it seems that you are not smart."

"Gag his mouth, and don't let Mr. Li's and Goddess He's ears be dirty with his foul language." Zhou Chuanlin glanced at the servants and ordered in a cold voice.

Immediately, a servant stepped forward, took out a piece of cloth, and stuffed it directly into the mouth of "Yang Zhushu".

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi also came over. He seemed to turn a blind eye to "Yang Zhushu", and said to me respectfully: "Mr. Li, I have done it according to your arrangement."

I glanced at the side of the coffin. Indeed, there was a servant of the Zhou family carrying the body of the great ancestor of the Zhou family.

And they simply covered the body with a white cloth, not fully exposing it to the sun.

"Let's go. Go ashore first." I said in a deep voice.

The Zhou family immediately followed my instructions and returned the way they came.

I asked He Zhi to call Liu Huayan.

In fact, I was also a little unnatural, I didn't know how to communicate with Liu Huayan.

After all, yesterday I was really ruthless and almost killed her...

It was also at this moment that I discovered that Xu Baipi was actually there at the place we were just now, but he was squatting under a tree, curled up, so I didn't notice him at first.

He Zhi hurriedly went to call Liu Huayan, and our group left behind Zhou's house.

When they reached the edge of Jiangxinzhou, everyone boarded the boat one after another.

When I got to the shore, I asked Zhou's family to go ashore first, and I wanted to go downstream to see if there was a suitable Feng Shui place.

Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi looked at each other, and Zhou Chuanshi was even more humble, saying that he was walking with me.

Before I could speak, He Zhi said in a low voice: "You brothers, one has a red face and the other has a white face. It's meaningless. Don't bother Li Yinyang. He always keeps his word. If he said he would help you, he wouldn't." will go."

He Zhi's words obviously made both Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin blush.

Liu Huayan on the side still kept her eyes on me from time to time, and I could see the faint worry in her expression.

I dodged a little bit, because I really feel sorry...

Afterwards, I still gave Zhou Chuanshi some face, because I could feel that he was still worried about Feng Shui.

In order not to have other accidents, I let him accompany me.

Also following me were Xu Baipi, He Zhi, and a punting servant arranged by Zhou Chuanshi.

Liu Huayan and Zhou Chuanlin and the rest of the Zhou family went to the bank of the Xuanhe River to wait.

In the process of going downstream, I carefully identified all the geomantic omens along the way.

To my disappointment, I didn't find a place with better feng shui...

Ordinary burial places do exist, but I think this water burial is used as an experience, and I must use enough skills to find a good Fengshui place, so that I can explain to my master at that time.

After spending half a day circumventing all areas of this section of the watershed, I had to shake my head and say to go back by punting.

On the way back, I told Zhou Chuanshi to find a way to get a map of the Xuanhe River Basin within a radius of a hundred miles. I wanted to find a proper place to bury people. The geomantic omen of this place is not proper.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chuanshi was not worried but happy.

He nodded repeatedly and said that he could see that I was a very responsible gentleman and also an open-minded person.

The Zhou family was not randomly arranged because of the fault of the Zhou family.

He will definitely satisfy me in terms of remuneration!

I didn't pay much attention to this matter.

My mind is all on completing the experience, besides, I don't need more gold and silver now, and my purpose is not for this.

On the contrary, He Zhi had a lot of joy in his eyes.

She took up the conversation in a crisp voice, saying that before when we were doing business for others, all we collected were large yellow croakers, and there were a lot of them.

Zhou Chuanshi nodded again and again, saying that he would rest assured that the Zhou family would never be stingy.

I was already in debt to He Zhi, so I didn't say anything else, just let her be satisfied.

We left the hanging river, returned to the bank, and returned to the provincial capital of Binh Duong by horse-drawn carriage.

In a blink of an eye, when I returned to Zhou's house, it was almost nightfall...

After a whole day of not getting any grains of rice, plus a night of "fighting", all of us were already exhausted.

The Zhou family arranged a luxurious banquet, Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin expressed the Zhou family's apologies one after another, and kept making amends to us.

Zhou Chuanshi was even more thoughtful. During the meal, he ordered someone to fetch a plate of big yellow croakers.

There are a total of eight!

Not only that, but he also prepared several extra gifts, all of which were jade combs, silver mirrors, and hairpins, which are things used by women, and they were to be given to Liu Huayan and He Zhi.

Liu Huayan said that he never used these things, but He Zhi was like a little girl and accepted everything without hesitation.

And the eight large yellow croakers, she still put them in the package and carried them on her back, not despising their weight at all.

Before the banquet was over, Zhou Chuanshi also said that he would find the map as soon as possible.

As for the "Yang Zhushu", I have never seen it again, and I can roughly guess that it should be sent to the provincial capital of Pingyang by the Zhou family.

The Zhou family has money and connections.

On the basis of axioms, it is not too much for the Zhou family to send him to an official with the practice of "Yang Zhushu".

At the end, He Zhi told Zhou Chuanshi to prepare some types of wood for her to use as a coffin tomorrow.

After the banquet was over, Zhou Chuanshi personally arranged rooms for us and sent us to the rooms to rest.

I was really tired, so I simply washed up, lay down on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

But I didn't sleep for a long time, when I heard the rustling sound, as if something was crawling in my room.

Struggling to open my eyes, the thing seemed to crawl on top of my eyes again. The fluffy touch made me feel extremely itchy, but my eyelids were pressed, and I couldn't open them no matter what...

Between the nostrils, I smelled an unpleasant stench, which made my head dizzy.

At that time, my heart sank and I felt bad.

I struggled desperately, but my eyelids were still heavy, and it was even more difficult to control my body...

I don't know how long I struggled, but suddenly, my eyelids turned cold.

It seemed that a pair of fingers opened my eyelids.

The light in the room was dim.

I'm lying down right now, looking up at the beam above me.

There is a shadow next to it, like a person standing beside the bed...

I felt a chill in my heart, my eyeballs moved, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw an old lady standing beside the bed.

She scratched her head and stretched her neck to look at me.

The old lady's face is very fair, which is much paler than that of Mr. Bai, and she also has a lot of age spots on her face, which makes her look even more creepy.

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