During the speech, I have already walked to the front of the coffin.

At a glance, I saw the Zhou family's great ancestor inside the copper coffin...

At this moment, his body is even shriveled, completely skinny, and his head is scorched black, and the gossip tiger head mirror that I threw out before is now firmly pressed on it, which is obviously because I am in a coma Finally, Liu Huayan did the processing.

After a night of suppression, the ferocity of the Zhou family Gaozu has been reduced too much.

But I'm sure he didn't lose his mind, because if he did, the gossip tiger lens would surely roll off his head.

The feeling of fear arises spontaneously.

If it weren't for this gossip tiger head mirror, I am afraid that yesterday's result would not have been the same.

Both Liu Huayan and I have to be left in the coffin...

After hesitating for a moment, I leaned forward, stretched out my right hand, and took the gossip tiger mirror off the head of the corpse.

Only then did I notice that there were still many mottled bloodstains on my right hand.

Most of the blood came from "Yang Zhushu", but my joints were still injured, the skin was damaged a lot, and the pain was always faint.

My breathing was a little rough, I endured the pain, and carefully put the gossip tiger head mirror on.

During this period, I didn't dare to look at it more, and now I don't feel hot when I touch it.

I understand the reason. It is because I passed through Dingluopan township and got enough sunshine, so the unbalanced yin and yang qi were balanced.

It's just that the trauma it brought to me is enough to leave me with a shadow...

Zhou Chuanshi next to him stared blankly at the corpse in the coffin, and stood up tremblingly.

He suddenly turned his head and moved his gaze to me.

At this moment, his face was full of bitterness and remorse.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Zhou was so wrong, he was so blind that he believed that man's nonsense...It almost made my Zhou family doomed, thanks to Mr. Li's righteous action...Otherwise, our two brothers would also I lost my life here." After finishing speaking, Zhou Chuanshi bowed deeply to me.

I was silent and didn't answer Zhou Chuanshi immediately.

At this moment, Zhou Chuanshi kicked Zhou Chuanlin's leg next to him.

He said sternly: "If it wasn't for the liar you invited back, how could what happened last night happen! Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Mr. Li?! So that Mr. Li can help the Zhou family?!"

The present Zhou Chuanlin has long since lost the superior aura of yesterday, and his expression looks extremely embarrassed.

He stood up tremblingly, and said in a very low tone: "Mr. Li... I am blind, and I have listened to that treacherous man's nonsense... Please forgive me."

I took a deep breath.

In fact, I could tell at a glance that Zhou Chuanshi obviously had the attitude of letting Zhou Chuanlin take the blame.

In fact, Zhou Chuanshi's last words played a big role when we left Zhou's house.

It's just that he never had a sharp tone in his dealings, he just used a calm attitude and said words without discussion.

His current behavior is also normal. He apologized to me first, and then asked Zhou Chuanlin to lower his attitude.

I don't have any good impressions of the Zhou family, but I just said that the experience of the water burial has finally come to an end.

"I will look for a feng shui place that can properly bury your ancestors of the Zhou family. The copper coffin will definitely not work. I want a good wooden coffin."

"We can no longer spend the night on this Jiangxinzhou, we have to leave as soon as possible and go ashore." I ordered in a deep voice.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly whispered next to him: "Among the coffin techniques, there is a coffin suitable for the ancestors of the Zhou family. It is not complicated to make. As long as there is wood, it can be completed in a day or two."

I froze for a moment, but quickly realized, nodded and said yes.

It will take some time for me to find a Fengshui place. If He Zhi can make a good coffin, it will give me greater confidence.

Both Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin showed joy, and Zhou Chuanshi nodded repeatedly, saying that he could leave now.

I paused for a moment before saying, let them carry the corpse out of the coffin and prepare to go to the shore.

After saying that, I turned around and walked towards "Yang Zhushu".

After more than ten steps, I came to "Yang Zhushu".

He is also awake at the moment, but this face looks extremely distressed and miserable.

The bridge of the nose and around the eyes were swollen and bruised, and the whole face was covered with blood.

His right cheek was also swollen, and there were a lot of cuts at the corner of his mouth.

Especially on the chin, there is a split wound, at least two fingers wide, it is already disfigured.

As soon as I stopped, "Yang Zhushu" shrank back tremblingly.

He was tied and sat on the ground, but he moved his lower body to dodge, his eyes were swollen until there were only two slits left, and there was extreme fear.

"You...you are sneaky...crazy...you are not human..." His tone trembled even more.

I clearly remember how many punches I gave him before.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed down and said, "Your teacher is Mr. One Finger Yang Zhushu, and he is Mr. Yin Yang, right? Then what's your name?"

"Yang Zhushu" tightly closed his mouth. He didn't speak for a while, but just stared at me.

After a while, he managed to squeeze out a few words.

"You'd better let me go, otherwise, the master will count on you. He is the most protective. You are nothing in front of him. He can crush you to death with one finger."

With a crisp sound of "Pa!", He Zhi beside me slapped "Yang Zhushu" on the left cheek.

Her slap was so strong that she knocked "Yang Zhushu" to the ground.

Those servants of the Zhou family stepped back a few steps when I approached, and they all looked at me tremblingly.

Naturally, they will not come to stop them.

"Have you forgotten what your own situation is? Yin Yang is asking you something. If you can't figure it out clearly, I don't mind throwing you into the river to make you clear your mind."

"It's just bluffing and cheating in the name of your master. You almost killed a family member. If he wants to protect you, then he is not a good person."

He Zhi's tone was not polite at all. She squeezed the back of her right hand, moved her wrist, and said coldly: "Help him up, don't say anything, I'm going to beat him!"

He Zhi said this sentence to the servant of the Zhou family who was beside him.

The servants obviously still dare not come over.

On the contrary, Zhou Chuanlin, who was on the other side, walked over quickly and came to the side of "Yang Zhushu".

He directly pulled "Yang Zhushu" up, and glared at "Yang Zhushu" with fiery eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he looked back at us again.

"Mr. Li, Goddess He, in the provincial capital, the Zhou family still has some right to speak. This person bluffed and deceived my Zhou family. It is impossible to make him feel better! It doesn't matter if he doesn't say anything now, when he speaks!" , he grabbed the collar of "Yang Zhushu" with one hand, and his gaze was even more fierce!

"Mr. Pretending to lie to me?! I'm afraid you don't know, the relationship behind my Zhou family, the gold is not afraid to kill you, go to the city, you just wait to be shot!"

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